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Country Saint Lucia
Signed Up April 8, 2016
Last Posted August 18, 2021 at 3:30 AM
Posts 419 (0.1 per day)
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#66 8 new taunts in YouTube playlist in TF2 General Discussion

let's hope for DAY 1 tomorrow, thursday release B)
I want to relive those days

posted about 7 years ago
#26 8 new taunts in YouTube playlist in TF2 General Discussion

VSH style yeti gamemode?????
probably not, probably a boss enemy-type thing for a new map

posted about 7 years ago
#14 8 new taunts in YouTube playlist in TF2 General Discussion

lemme get that OP pocket pistol, just for one week please valve

posted about 7 years ago
#184 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion

people who sincerely think it's "polite" to say gg no matter what after every single game ever, even when it's a 2 minute landslide pub or fuckin' snakes and ladders. like, where do pubbers even pick this up??
I actually find it less annoying when the guy is intentionally being a prick, at least I understand the thought process

MagikarpPlayers who use their kill bind to deny the enemy a fatal airshot.

I wanna say this is a CARDINAL SIN but I can't talk much, my soldiers always get upset at me for stealing huge airshots with puny chip damage. Forgive me, I can't help being a brainless scout main :(

posted about 7 years ago
#694 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Best weapon names/descriptions in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Best weapon names/descriptions in TF2 General Discussion

hell yes this is my kind of thread, I've got LOADS of these stashed away, here's a few

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events
ondkajaThe reason things don't change isn't because they are impossible to change. The reason things don't change is because people don't want things to change. And it has devastating consequences.

There's no good reason americans should want to give up their guns, MANY more people die on the road every year than die to gunshots, but nobody is arguing for tighter restrictions on car ownership or lower speed limits.

flyingbuddycan we not respect those who have died rather than debating over needless arguments.

can we not stop pretending any of us have any actual feelings about this event we're not personally connected to in any way.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events
GoaskAlicebrush up on your ability to draw comparisons that can even hint at being similar

I'm comparing two common causes of death and two hypothetical methods to curtail the number of deaths associated with each and pointing out how people treat them differently, despite one having a much more important purpose in people's lives.
Private gun ownership stops shit like what I posted earlier from happening, the Spanish government would never even consider doing this if the people had any means to resist them. Some insane multi-millionaire having a psychotic break and shooting up a music festival is a freak occurance, you can't use it to justify any kind of gun control.
The guy literally made millions from property investments and gambling, he had no known history of violence or mental illness, what kind of gun control legislation could have stopped him from doing this? He had vast amounts of money to throw at this "project" and he killed himself when the police got to him, he had the means and the motivation to pull this off no matter what, someone please explain to me how gun control legislation could possibly have stopped this incident?

posted about 7 years ago
#47 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events
Firewtf am i even reading

apparently you're not reading because I didn't fuckin' say that, retard
drawing comparisons is not saying that things are the same
brush up on your reading comprehension

posted about 7 years ago
#45 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events

gun control is bogus
if we were to reduce the speed limit on all roads to 10 MPH we'd cut road deaths down to 0
why don't we do that? because it's inconvenient. people don't want to be late for work, they want to get from A to B in a timely fashion. there's literally no other reason. not being late for work is good enough for us to sacrifice those people's lives, nobody is calling for speed restrictions like this (and I'd just like to point out that they wouldn't work either just like gun control doesn't work.)
so why don't you want to restrict gun ownership?

I like to think this is a little more important than not being late for work

posted about 7 years ago
#43 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events
mustardoverlordsome ridiculously comfortable internet dweeb

posted about 7 years ago
#25 Las Vegas shooting... in World Events

yeah I'm sure making new laws will stop bad things from happening, this nutcase who meticulousy planned and prepared to murder as many people as he possibly could would have been stopped if ordinary americans gave up their right to keep and bear arms, the government loves me!!
by the way how is that secession vote in catalonia going?

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Project 1v1 Closed Beta in Other Games

you should probably take down this video honestly if you're genuinely worried about getting banned for breaking NDA
(really though why would you be worried about not being able to play an arena shooter with no item pickups, moba cooldown abilities and as much ugly, shiny visual clutter as overwatch)

Show Content
posted about 7 years ago
#119 awful clothing choices in Off Topic
Collaidethere was a guy at my school who constantly wore a hat out of duct tape.

Swedish bbillyk?

posted about 7 years ago
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