glitturereal talk raptor cost svift the second map
b4nny fed so hard at the last moment, he literally cost them the map by being behind so long
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Signed Up | April 8, 2016 |
Last Posted | August 18, 2021 at 3:30 AM |
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glitturereal talk raptor cost svift the second map
b4nny fed so hard at the last moment, he literally cost them the map by being behind so long
klassywould actually be really cool seeing some form of scout jump map where u have to move around like this
I do think there's a lot you could do with this concept, jumping through low doorways without hitting your head and falling is fun, it'd be cool if there was a way to regenerate double jumps as well like those little pellets you collect in I Wanna Be the Boshy
wtzu got an updated version?
version I use is here, don't know of a newer version
I thought a lot of maps' rollouts could use some optimisation, many players spend far too much time walking and their little legs are tired when they get to mid, I seek to solve this problem with some small tweaks to how we rollout on some of the most commonly played maps.
See you guys on mid!
MoominI miss when star_ did things other than stream overwatch and get mad at it
don't forget calling jerma's gf a "scandalous hoe" and trying to play it off like it was just a silly goof
futureI get it you don't like me because you follow stupid trends
futurebeing shocked at how easily ex coworkers can "release" content on a title that has bigger balls then duke duckin nukem??
From what I understand the NDA is up and it's not like anyone actually believed valve were going to do something with the IP at this point, it seems like this is his way of giving some kind of closure to the fans and also I think making a jab at valve themselves. I could be wrong, it might just be my own bitterness colouring my perception of it but that whole last paragraph sounds a bit like he's talking about Valve.
Valve starved all their talented creative people and they've left the company to rot, making money is all valve does now, as soon as they figured out well enough how to create and curate digital economies using TF2 as the test bed they all but abandoned it, until the state it's in now, it's reflective of valve as a whole, really; a shambling fucking zombie of a company that used to be the biggest innovator in its industry, narratively, mechanically, even graphically even if you can still believe it. Now they maintain two servicable competitive multiplayer video games with digital casinos embedded in them, with another fucking cash cow collectible card game on the way. I feel sick.
Version with corrected names can be read here if the site still doesn't respond
holy moly
futureit's going to be on halloween
it'd better fucken not be
futureI sware sometimes people don't realize the work that goes into this stuff.
this is what everyone thought about MYM when we still thought that would be a big deal, I'm quite happy to be cynical and bitter until they show us results this time, especially when we wait this long for ANYTHING resembling an actual game update and not a fucking hat dump.
you may laugh now but you know nothing of the horrors that await us in the pyro update