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Signed Up April 8, 2016
Last Posted August 18, 2021 at 3:30 AM
Posts 419 (0.1 per day)
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#25 Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terroris in World Events
biskuitracism is quite easy to understand and it is nothing more than the outgrowth of economic forces and social relations flow out of the economic forms of production.
Racism is a specific product of capitalism and a universal feature of capitalism. Capitalists need a racial inferiority to cheapen the cost of labor and luckily for them, this comes automatically with the economic system.
Inequality is always going to exist for the simple reason that people aren't equal in the first place.

I can hardly believe I just read these two statements in the same post.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Toad Stacking in Off Topic
i have been training 1 day and already better than the "pros"


posted about 8 years ago
#20 Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terroris in World Events
CollaideI would advice both to start using the 2dimensional system[political compass with 2 axes, left-right, libertarian-authoritarian] instead of the traditional left and right. Blaming things on the left wing or the right wing often disregards nuance. When you say "THE RIGHT MADE OUR LIVES WORSE" or "LEFTISTS KILLED MANY" just makes you look dumb and uninformed.

This is basically what I said if you read the entire post instead of just that one sentence, it isn't an issue of left or right, that's the very first thing I said in the thread.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terroris in World Events
biskuitLets not talk about CIA crimes, NSA privacy scandals, torturing 'enemies' during wars, trading arms with ISIS for profit, drone attacks killing innocents 90% of the time, increasing poverty rates in Argentinian governments lead by the US and many many more. Maybe not 'nationalist country' far-right, but its clearly a very very right winged country.

I don't think you know what right-wing actually means, you realise many powerful governments employ these kind of totalitarian tactics including leftist ones like Russia and the UK? Throughout history the left has been responsible for many great atrocities and destruction of human life, but it's not even a partizan issue and you're completely missing the point if you want to blame this kind of immoral bullshit on "the far-right." Do you think any government can realistically or even SHOULD do anything about racism? What do you propose? Mind control devices to stop people thinking the wrong way? Any government solution you could come up with to solve the issue of racism would be just as bad if not worse than any "NSA privacy scandal." Totalitarian nonsense.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terroris in World Events
biskuitHow is this news?
The US lies because its an Imperialist piece of shit far-right country and it has been doing so since World War II.

News-flash: every government lies and it has nothing to do with left or right. Also the US far-right? What a joke.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Valve, TF2 prize money and us in TF2 General Discussion
AlmieAnd looking at this whole thread several times mentioning how sigafoo is retarded and attacking him for saying he likes highlander and saying that the 6s community is toxic (which it IS), you are only proving how toxic this community is.

If you disagree with someone's assessment that your community is toxic then you are only proving that it is true!!
I don't honestly care one way or another whether anyone thinks the 6s community is toxic, as it really doesn't matter. The only relevant factor is Valve's willingness to support the game.
Call of fucking Duty is an esport, I can't honestly think of a game with a worse reputation for having a "toxic community" than that. If Call of Duty can have that kind of reputation and still be an esport then anything can.

posted about 8 years ago
#185 What are your weird in game habits/behaviour? in TF2 General Discussion
parki have hud_saytext_time set to 0 and every time i die i spam the chat box open and closed or spam movement keys every time i die, so sometimes i end up posting letters like y or w in chat

I started pressing Y then immediately esc years ago as soon as I die and I have no idea how to stop now. I think I used to actually read the chat when I did it but now it's just a reflex and I don't even read what's in there. It's an awful habit because sometimes I'll do it when I only think I've died for a moment but I'm actually still alive.

asdwaaaaaaaaaaaa *dies like a moron*

posted about 8 years ago
#42 College Essays in Off Topic
the301stspartanJust generally speaking, you should be able to verify what you write about yourself in an essay. This is not something the OP could verify, which makes it bad, among other reasons.

Which is part of why I said it wasn't appropriate to put on his essay.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 College Essays in Off Topic
the301stspartan-Do you have proof of the intelligence of yourself and your mates? In fact, can you indisputably back up your claim that intelligence is hereditary in the first place (you can't)

Intelligence is generally estimated to be between 60 and 80% heritable. That being said, it still isn't appropriate to put on an essay such as this.

posted about 8 years ago
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