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Signed Up May 24, 2013
Last Posted September 4, 2021 at 10:06 PM
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#4 Tf2 Demo Smoothing in Q/A Help

- Play the demo using the playdemo command in console.
- Just discovered that the demo smoother doesnt like subfolders. Try putting your demo in the tf folder, not tf\demos or tf\frags or tf\shit\ton\of\subfolders, might help ya

posted about 11 years ago
#1 What is the FOV of a sniper scoped in? in TF2 General Discussion

I have always wondered, yet there is no answer to be found anywhere. When you scope in as a sniper, what is your FOV? And is it different based on your regular FOV or always the same? If anyone knows this, it would be appreciated, I need this (for frag movie purposes and such).

posted about 11 years ago
#50 Applying for Pure Pics - what do you think? in TF2 General Discussion
flippersBigaProtatoBigaThat was the very least you have to say why you think its bad#1 im not in any of the clips
#2 pure pictures is overrated
#3 I do not see any legends like SteveC in the clips
#4 The music doesnt make me wanna dance

dude pure pics is not over rated, i can totally say that its totally rad and that youre wrong. Plus ikpure gives us all a salary +benefits so i dont have to get a job or go to university, also if i get herpes from the bitches that ikpure sends to our homes for free then i can use my free life insurance to get the best U.S doctors to treat me.

I can confirm this. The quality of the bitches has improved recently though I must say.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 public server in TF2 General Discussion

Whenever I fix my computer I would love to pop in for some time. My biggest request is custom maps. Maybe its just me, but I love playing custom maps, even if they arent so perfectly balanced, just balanced enough to make things fun and they are something new. If your server would be a one where custom maps are played on a regular basis, I would make it my go-to place for pubbing instantly.

Not sure if the Gunslinger and Wrangler ban is necessary though. I mean, sure they are annoying and maybe could use a nerf, but its not that bad most of the time. But I dont mind if theyre banned, just saying. I never play engie anyway.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Gun Sided Justice [Saxxy Awards 2013] in TF2 General Discussion
StaticVoidAlmieStaticVoidEDIT: I can't rate it up, I get this error:
:c All of those listed things are things I've already done...
Voting starts in about 2 and a half hours from now, you will be able to vote then.
Well they should at least say that voting hasn't opened yet instead of saying there is something wrong with your account.

They sure should, but thats Valve for ya.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Gun Sided Justice [Saxxy Awards 2013] in TF2 General Discussion
StaticVoidEDIT: I can't rate it up, I get this error:
:c All of those listed things are things I've already done...

Voting starts in about 2 and a half hours from now, you will be able to vote then.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Gun Sided Justice [Saxxy Awards 2013] in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, just sharing my Saxxy entry for this year.
If you liked it, be sure to give it a vote :) (when voting starts)

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Saxxy 2013 in TF2 General Discussion

I am trying to get 2 entries submitted this year, not sure if I manage to finish them, it will be a last minute work.

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Need help editing? Ask away here. in Q/A Help
UltrazI am using almies recording tool and when ever i record with only killfeed the hud still shows the chat box and voice commands for some reason. I check to make sure hudchat was off and it was but it keeps showing the chat.

Put hud_saytext_time 0 in the console before recording. I forgot to put that in the configs in the first place, sry :c

posted about 11 years ago
#102 IT'S COMING in TF2 General Discussion

Well, I am disappoint. Everybody leave the hype train, nothing interesting to see.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 can't replace skybox with lawena in Q/A Help

Sadly, no. I used to be able to get older demos to work with editing pure_server_full.txt, but newer ones seem to be forcing sv_pure 1 and using a whitelist that is defined who knows where, but I cant edit it. I think this has become an issue we need Valve to fix. Just like smoothing. And because we know Valve, we can probably say goodbye to custom skyboxes in fragmovies for a while.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 signature by tay: a funky visions app clip in TF2 General Discussion
svfrey>The content owner has not made this available on mobile.

I'm totally ignorant so this question isn't intended to be snarky or accusatory, but is this like, the default Youtube setting for all videos that are uploaded? Why would someone _not_ make their video watchable via Youtube mobile?

If you use some songs it gets auto-blocked by Youtube and you cant do anything about it

posted about 11 years ago
#6 signature by tay: a funky visions app clip in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty cool edit, good luck with getting in :) I still think san francisco is your best edit though

P.S.: It annoys me that you name everything in lowercase xD

posted about 11 years ago
#34 End of the Line trailer (holy shit) in TF2 General Discussion
n00peIt might be worth mentioning that this is not just one man operation and I think all the other people involved in this project should also receive some kind of feedback as well.

Yeah, for example Walker aka. Murraythis who is doing half of the animation along with James himself, check out his own work on his channel imo best animator that uses SFM

posted about 11 years ago
#32 End of the Line trailer (holy shit) in TF2 General Discussion
kirbywareyaI would assume that it's so hard to make this kind of "cartoon" animation out of mocap data that it's a better idea to make it from scratch.
That would be more understandable if the animations in this video were "inhuman", if I may. Considering nothing was out of the ordinary in terms of animation and was closer to being realistic, I would figure he hand made this solely for the practice. He could have easily mocapped this.

Mo-cap requires a lot of work, and in action sequences, a lot more effort than hand-made animation actually. (and a lot more money too)

posted about 11 years ago
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