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Last Posted March 7, 2014 at 4:34 AM
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#7 Dark Souls 2 in Other Games

Apparently the guy from before has another alt. Don't watch if you don't want the game spoiled for you.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Free Eyeglasses in Off Topic

This is for people who have like no money/insurance, poor eyesight, and need glasses. Because being that person who can't see what they're doing fucking sucks.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Free Eyeglasses in Off Topic

If anyone here has less than perfect eyesight and needs glasses, or if you just like free stuff, you can get your first ordered pair of eyeglasses for free at with the coupon code "firstpairfree" at checkout.

You have to pay for shipping/insurance, and any "upgrades" like polarized lenses or special lens coatings cost extra. They also have a 366 day return policy and will pay for return shipping if your pair isn't to your liking. It's labeled as a "limited time offer," but this has been going on since 2012, so take your time?

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Dark Souls 2 in Other Games

Already saw someone streaming it today on xbox when it's not supposed to come out until the 11th? Super weird.

Edit: It was this guy. RIP.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Google Fiber's 34 Potential Cities in TF2 General Discussion
holograsmin australia a plan that good doesn't even exist. 10 dollars for 50 gb? why are you even complaining, that's amazing.

I realize Australia isn't exactly an internet Mecca, but my complaint stems from the fact that Comcast doesn't have to have data caps in the first place. It's a money grab tactic and that's why I'm complaining. A tactic, as seen by their fatass wallets, doesn't need to be done.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 So my friend made this for me in Videos
MRskittles_this is a joke

Yeah, but it's not funny. :<

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Google Fiber's 34 Potential Cities in TF2 General Discussion
fsXDmarket monopoly in a nutshell

I realize. One of the reasons I posted this is because I'm pretty fed up with the stagnation that ISPs are so content with.

Show Content
In my area Comcast recently (to add insult to injury) imposed data caps of 300 gbs per month with no option for more data no matter what tier of internet service you have. If you go over you allotment, you are charged $10 for an extra 50 gbs of data. Data which, if you don't use it all, does not roll over to the next month.

Their data metering systems have proven unreliable -- people have reported instances of being on vacation or traveling for work, but their meters climb upwards of 30 gbs in their absence. Meaning, in some form or fashion, even if your devices aren't on or using the modem, you're using data just for having it on.

Essentially, this move is to make up for their losses with people "cord cutting" from cable TV services and relying purely on streaming with Hulu, Netflix, etc., and attempts to get them to come back to cable or force them to switch to "Business Class" internet in order to be unlimited in their data. And that comes with its own installation nightmares and contracts to deal with. With $45 billion able to be offered for expansion, I don't have any sympathy for Comcast or their precious lost revenue.

And before anyone makes me burst a blood vessel with nonsense like "They have to impose data caps because if they didn't it would cost more for them," Comcast doesn't pay for the bandwidth; they pay for the pipe. Whether 10%, 50%, or 100% utilized, the cost of operating it is the same for them. It's a fabrication that multiple companies have hidden behind for years which is why it's completely disgusting that they're trying to make it concrete now. I'd be fine with unlimited high speeds for a reasonable price, but now I'm paying for high speeds while being limited, while being charged even more should I go over that limit with no option to increase my limit? When they don't even need data caps in the first place? When they already have so much money laying around they can afford to expand?

This data cap hasn't been made a permanent or national adjustment (yet we're still charged). I'm doing all I can to make sure this bullshit stops in my area and doesn't spread. I'd hate to see those lovely TWC people capped because of a merger.

If you find yourself in an area where your data is being capped when it wasn't before, please file complaints with your state Office of Consumer Affairs, the FTC, the FCC, the DOJ, the BBB, and address your congressman/senators.

TL;DR: Comcast keeps doing shit they don't have to do to make more money because no one can stop them.

Rant hidden to keep the thread on track.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Google Fiber's 34 Potential Cities in TF2 General Discussion

"Austin, Texas, is another impending Google Fiber city. Just the announcement of Google’s plans caused Time-Warner Cable to increase its Internet speed sixfold at no increase in cost."

This is what really irritates me -- the fact that they COULD increase speeds, but will not do so unless competition makes them.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Google Fiber's 34 Potential Cities in TF2 General Discussion

If it hasn't been brought to your attention yet, there's been an update in the next cities with the potential to receive Google Fiber (Feb. 19th). The announcement came shortly after Comcast offered to merge with Time Warner Cable (Feb 13th).

If your city or a city near you is listed, be sure to let your city and community leaders (particularly your mayor) know that you're interested and supportive of the change.

posted about 11 years ago
#274 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

Holy shit I stand corrected.

posted about 11 years ago
#272 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

The journey ends. :(

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Cheapest stream/gaming build in NY area. in Hardware

Personally, I have a preference for Intel, but AMD works just as well. Intel's i5 and i7 processors are great for gaming needs. is a good place to find answers if you don't quite find what you're looking for here - lots of other posts with people asking for help on budget builds. And is good for creating and storing PC builds while comparing the prices on parts from a lot of sellers. It also helps keep you on track by telling you if any parts you add are incompatible with another component.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic

Accidentally started a new game. RIP.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Twitch Plays Pokemon in Off Topic
defywhenever he gets stuck in a room for more than 5 minutes i want to scream, but for some reason i cant look away

Asked my boyfriend why this was so hard to close and he put it very simply: "It's like watching a car wreck that goes on forever."

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LF Scout Mentor in Mentoring

All taken care of.

posted about 11 years ago
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