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Last Posted March 7, 2014 at 4:34 AM
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#104 Suspended for being a bystander to cyberbullying in Off Topic

My high school had this rule that students couldn't dye their hair unnatural colors. An African American friend had decided to dye her hair red -- nothing flashy, a subtle strawberry red. One of the office worker ladies threw a fit and told her she couldn't attend with her hair that color and called her parents to come pick her up. Her mom arrives and has words with the principal. My friend told me the principal had a hard time trying to explain why red is a natural hair color on other kids in school, but was unnatural for her. She went back to class later that day and the issue wasn't brought up again. My school was dumb.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 How do you deal with in Off Topic

harassment? What's your preferred method? (Serious question here.)
Share a story/advice if you like.

I've never been the sort of person who's able to turn away when being tormented or bullied. I prefer to escalate the situation immediately into an all-out shitstorm (verbally, not physically) that leaves the aggressor questioning what the fuck just happened. Not the best, but I'm trying to work on it.

Edit: Not being harassed, but thank you for the concern.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 What did YOU do today? in Off Topic

I fixed up my 2 year old laptop to give to a friend whose laptop recently died.

posted about 11 years ago
#358 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

I just really fucking love this plant. And because it's difficult to pronounce, apparently.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 sitting or standing in Off Topic

At home: sit

In a public restroom: squat/stand while thinking "oh god don't touch the toilet seat why couldn't i wait until i got home"

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Favorite Thing in Off Topic

Of all the things, what's your favorite?

Intentionally vague and open-ended question. Objects, people, places, memories, whatever works. Think deeply on it. Or don't.

My favorite thing is a roadtrip I took with my roommate in the middle of finals week. We said "fuck it" and drove 6 hours to a beach and spent the weekend partying and going to local venues. It was expensive, irresponsible, and one of the best times I've ever had.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Least Favorite TF2 Player in Off Topic

Who gets under your skin the most?

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
RenhetDonating is never too ambitious.

Saying now that we would donate later is ambitious because we don't know what we'll be doing between now and then. Anything could happen. Erring on the side of caution is best for now so we don't get in over our heads.

All these considerations and ideas are giving us good material to work with, though. Taking it one step at a time.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
TheJesterThat's why it's a donation.

I realize it's a donation. However, we haven't even gotten off the ground enough to be considering donations to others. It's an idea to consider if we prove to have beginning success, but this early in development it feels a little ambitious.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
MagikarpMaybe, he could make a single one for the next Tip of the Hats and we auction it, watch as everyone will go so far for it.

Not that he wouldn't be willing, but isn't the point of Tip of the Hats to raise funds for others in need? It'd be a delightful opportunity to get exposure and support the community, but wouldn't all or a part of the proceeds need to go toward whichever charity is being supported at the time?

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
breloomAlso, if I were to spend 200+ on a scarf, I would want him to use much more than $30 in materials. How many of these scarves has he made and is there any time he can shave off the 72 hours through experience/familiarity with the pattern

There's only the Merc's Pride prototype (in my possession) and the Merc's Muffler he's toying around with now. Other than that, he's made a lot of scarves, plushes, and other knitted figures for people.

The method utilized for this scarf in particular is the intarsia method. It's where you have several pieces of yarn that you're working with for different colors as opposed to one. I think this picture says it best.

Fucking yarn everywhere. He's still delving into some other methods that may make it easier and less time consuming. But there's really no way to just "knit faster" unless you're a seasoned veteran or have a knitting machine (expensive).

Lumbar says it best:

ᵃᵐᵃʳʸᶫᶫᶦˢ➲: would you say
ᵃᵐᵃʳʸᶫᶫᶦˢ➲: that the knitting is hard for you
ᵃᵐᵃʳʸᶫᶫᶦˢ➲: or does it just take a long time
Lumbar: A long long long long long long time
ᵃᵐᵃʳʸᶫᶫᶦˢ➲: hehe
ᵃᵐᵃʳʸᶫᶫᶦˢ➲: OKAY

I have no idea.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
RenhetMost people aren't going to want to pay more than $50, which adds up to only $20 profit for ~72 hours of work. Fuck that. I wouldn't bother trying to sell if I was the guy, and I encourage him not to unless he really needs money.

That's essentially what this thread is about -- testing the environment to see if we want to proceed. He's not looking to make a business from this, at least not at the current rate of production. Even with one or two buyers at an appropriate price, we'd be happy. Hopefully, later down the line we can make them more affordable. We're taking baby steps for now.

ThomasYou could try posting this to r/malefashionadvice and you'll probably have a few requests for custom scarves from people who are willing to pay what a handmade scarf is worth.

He's not looking to make a killing in the custom-ordered scarf market -- just to potentially provide a niche service for the TF2 community. But I'll definitely pass along the information. Thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic
JackyLegsAnd a small question aswell, will he be able to make perhaps some blue ones?

He could make them in both the red and blue color schemes.

ColemanHe would be working for about 30c an hour.

That's the difficulty in trying to find an adequate price range. We're tossing around some ideas that would cut down on the time to make them and make them more affordable. Purchasing a knitting machine is on the table, but to seriously consider that, he'd have to want to make a business out of this or something.

trogHe could probably jack the price up if he said he would only make a limited number.

That's something we've been considering, too. Making 10-20 and holding an auction. We'd MUCH rather make them widely available, but it's difficult make that happen. Right now there's only the prototype sitting in my closet and the prototype Merc's Muffler he's working on. I'll see if I can upload more detailed pictures later.

QuesAny of these home-knit scarves should be worth hundreds of dollars considering how long they take to make. 70+ hours at minimum wage is somewhere around 500 dollars I believe. If he was willing to make them for cheaper though, I'd probably buy one.

I'm not sure how many people would find it reasonable to pay hundreds of dollars for a scarf like that unless they really, really liked TF2. I mean, come on. It's not even signed.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Merc's Pride Scarf in Off Topic

Some of you may remember the Merc’s Pride scarf [seen here:

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] that was posted on /r/tf2 a few months back. It was pretty popular and generated a lot of interest in being able to purchase one or one like it. At the time, the awesome guy who made it (let's call him Lumbar) wasn't interested in making any for sale.

Each scarf is about 72 hours of work over 2-3 weeks, using materials that cost about $30. You can see the process of making one here. I've talked with him recently and he's considering selling his trade if there's enough community interest. This thread is ONLY to see how interested people are in buying this item. (And possibly infinity scarf Merc's Mufflers in the future.)

He would appreciate your feedback on 2 things:

- Would you like to buy a scarf like this?
- What do you think would be a fair price? (Keep in mind the work time and cost of materials.)

To reiterate: he will NOT be taking orders at this time, no matter how generous the offer. This is simply to measure current interest.

Edit: Gallery link works now.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Favorite Disney Movie in Off Topic
the301stspartanDo pixar movies count?

Disney-Pixar films count.

posted about 11 years ago
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