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Signed Up September 16, 2012
Last Posted February 28, 2013 at 9:01 PM
Posts 127 (0 per day)
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#62 fog is a weapon banning nazi in TF2 General Discussion

I dislike people who give me places to play too. Those bastards.

p.s. Hi from the realm of work and more work >.<

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Linux Ubuntu Compatible Wireless USB -N Adapter in Hardware

Most of the newer wireless adapters are compatible with ubuntu.


posted about 11 years ago
#9 Recommended upgrades in Hardware

SSD, PSU, Video card. You will be set. forgot to kick the dead horse so everyone knows. pcpartpicker.com

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Vote on Public Servers in Off Topic

There is never enough of a consensus to maintain the pubs or what should be done with them. Truktruk has chimed in, the original map plan was there. But nothing more has been put into a solid map rotation, what excess plugins, and things to draw in a good public crowd.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Vote on Public Servers in Off Topic

There has been a string of issues with hardware mainly (ssd's and PSU's)

The box is finally stable. Now is the question of what to do with the public servers. There are currently 3 DM (thanks to fog), 2 Pubs (rotation / badwater), and now an open 18 man for lobbys which the rcon will be posted somewhere shortly (probly on the steam group for members of the group only to view).

The rotation pub will most likely stay, the lobby will have esea push on at all times with soap dm, and what's left is the 24/7 badwater (which is the least used)

What to do with the 24/7 badwater server?
A. Split into one or two more open use lobby servers.
B. Eliminate.
C. Leave it

There are a plethora of servers as it is and everyone has their own. These are simply there for any use whether needed or not as backups ect..

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Auto Updates win again in Off Topic

Servers will be on manual updating until valve gets their poo together or SRCDS admin gets fixed.

I vote personally i push it all on meb.

j/k or........

I'll find an alternate or script something up to alleviate update hell when i get home from work tonight. >.<

In most cases MVM's will cease to exist and turn into highlander / 18 slot servers for tftv ect... use

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Rotation pub fixed in Off Topic

Need more input on revamping the public. Is there a vote option or something to get a map rotation voted on and set in place. The slots i upped to 32 when the bad hardware was being replaced mainly as stress tests. I had to go off an old config / presets that i had backed up. Backed the slots to 26 as well.

So getting it up to date is just a matter of having the right info so i can do it. Current map rotation:

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Rotation pub fixed in Off Topic

mgemod.smx would apparently crash the server on player join immediately :<

Didn't even know it was going on. Server power supply was replaced and is now 100% stable.

I ended up ordering another dual quad core server out of personal hobby, but it will most likely turn into a lab environment for work >.>

posted about 12 years ago
#8 heatsinks in Hardware

I use the evo on my AMD 6 core 1090T. It's steady at 4.0 the Evo cooler from #2. I heard 212 is about the same, i only know what i've tested. I use mx-4 thermal paste, but i don't really think paste makes THAT much difference.

Good Luck

posted about 12 years ago
#3 DVI-D Causing performance issues? in Hardware

Unless it is a bad cable or port.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 TF.tv updated server list thoughts/changes? in Off Topic

Will be stress testing until afternoon tomorrow sometime, will be some downtime ect....

posted about 12 years ago
#1 TF.tv updated server list thoughts/changes? in Off Topic

New ssd installed and updated various settings. Updated slots for pubs to 32.

This is a current list of what is running maybe change around, decrease, or modify something. Maybe turn the MvM's into 6v6 servers for who ever to use?

Public Rotation




Chicago DM

Dallas DM


posted about 12 years ago
#16 Happy New Year in TF2 General Discussion

Happy new year!

posted about 12 years ago
#2 Optimizing TF2 for Mac in Q/A Help

midnight special 22', shells are pretty cheap.

Honestly you are probly boned. Most Mac drivers are proprietary if they are released. Do you know the graphics on it? Intel vs AMD? If you update whatever is there and get their stuff placed, you should be able to do fine.

Here is an article to determine what is running:

Find out the FX card and go to the vendor website, then update it. You should be golden.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Xmas countdown extra MVM servers in Off Topic

Hlstatsx back up looking at Sourcebans next.

if you are looking for the web browser it will be :90/hlstatsx

I disabled geo locater for various reasons.

Also left 4 dead 2 server sv_search_key "tf.tv"

posted about 12 years ago
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