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SteamID64 76561197989784943
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up February 28, 2013
Last Posted September 3, 2014 at 3:25 PM
Posts 54 (0 per day)
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#30 hud/plugin installer ideas? in TF2 General Discussion

This looks incredible, take as much time as you need four.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 #2 in News
KhakiArcadeI liked it, I thought cbear did a good job. Why was Brego the only European player to have his team mentioned by cbear though?probably because it was blatantly obvious who the other players played for

I know it's obvious, I was just wondering why it was inconsistent

posted about 10 years ago
#16 TeamFortress.TV Top 10 #2 in News

I liked it, I thought cbear did a good job. Why was Brego the only European player to have his team mentioned by cbear though?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 ETF2L S16 Division 1: ahvaT hA neshariM vs. LEGO (Week 1) in Events
keepertonIs there no VOD of the cast?

Streamer's internet died 15 minute before the match started, no cast.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 ETF2L S16 Division 1: ahvaT hA neshariM vs. LEGO (Week 1) in Events

Looking forward to this, should be a good match!

posted about 10 years ago
#2 ETF2L S16 Division 1: d-d-Did I Stutter? vs. HoverCrabs (Week 1) in Events

What happened to casting LEGO vs the Israelis tomorrow?!

posted about 10 years ago
#5 ETF2L S16 unlocks in TF2 General Discussion
moweWhat does Dalokohs Bar even do?

Gives the heavy 100 health when he eats it, if he's at 300hp it buffs him to 350hp for 30 seconds. Doesn't recharge like the sandvich so you can eat it constantly, but can't be thrown for other people.

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Fully Charged: Questions for Killing/Kalkin? in TF2 General Discussion
nerkulalfunksoESEA EU Open, were you expecting so few teams to sign up for the first season? did you do something wrong to generate attraction from the eu community towards esea? should've maybe made an invite division with the etf2l prem teams?
Or make it cheaper to play for the first season. These are good questions, because at the moment it sort of looks like ESEA EU is a token gesture without serious intention to compete.

I would love to play in ESEA EU but I'm not entering our div 5 team against the likes of infused. It would be great experience if it was free, but paying to get rolled just seems stupid.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Official UGC Platinum Season 11 Predictions, Power Rankings, and Player Rankings in News

Pyro - Geosus

Fathom - mTs


posted about 10 years ago
#34 What does the fox say? in Off Topic
Oblivionagewhen you posted this it had like 20-30k views now it has 350k oh god here we go..

I have no regrets

posted about 10 years ago
#25 What does the fox say? in Off Topic
CuddlyKittenphobiaworst lyrics i've ever heard in my entire life
Prepare to hear worse:

"She gives me a smile, then she plays with my balls". What the hell.
Now it's turned into a Honda Civic advert. Geeeeeeez.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 What does the fox say? in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Unable To Change Interp in Q/A Help

Where is your autoexec saved to? If it's not in tf\custom\whatever\cfg then it won't load properly.
Also try setting your cl_updaterate and cl_cmdrate to 66, and your cl_interp_ratio to 1 as that is another way of setting interp to 0.0152.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 TF2 Update 5/17/13 in TF2 General Discussion
c4sh57 new items

0 problems fixed


Source Engine Changes

Fixed server CPU spikes caused by compression of string tables and packets.
Added sv_netspike, sv_netspike_sendtime_ms, and sv_netspike_output convars for investigating server performance
net_compresspackets_minsize default value increased to 1024. This convar now also determines the threshold to determine when a "fragment" (logical game network message, before being broken up into network packets) is compressed.
Added vprof_vtrace and vprof_report_oninterval convars, and tweaked vprof_dump_spikes and vprof_dump_oninterval to reduce output

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Android Phones in Hardware

I haven't had any issues with my Nexus 4, but I believe custom roms alleviate them anyway.

posted about 11 years ago
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