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SteamID64 76561197960497430
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:115851
Country Netherlands
Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted January 20, 2025 at 5:49 AM
Posts 725 (0.2 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 49
#5 tf2 colonies in TF2 General Discussion can ask arie from serveme for steam accounts associated with your ip. I accidentally did that and I found some guy in open was at my uni and I DMed him...

This IRL matchmaking is not a service I offer.

posted about a year ago
#2 Need downloads for older map versio to watch demos in Q/A Help






posted about a year ago
#173 - free server reservations in Projects

Thanks to ozfortress, is back :) Starting out with 12 gameservers.

More info on how and why in these two blogposts.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Displaying stats on-stream? in Videos
WiethoofdAlternatively, if you have rcon access to the server you can try setting up this Ruby on Rails live log listener...

Please don't use that. It's unmaintained and not user friendly. I just wrote it for myself because it was something interesting for VanillaTV at the time, so that's some indication of how old it is ;)

posted about 2 years ago
#17 Help Gragery come to I69! - SVIFT fundraiser in LAN Discussion

"If Coyo invites you to a private sexy maid session at i69, don't go"

posted about 2 years ago
#171 - free server reservations in Projects

People from Russia and Belarus can make reservations on the site again. Just tick the "I am not a vatnik" box and you're good to go.

posted about 2 years ago
#55 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion
TwiggyHow do you know how much it costs? Total web noob here.

I was at MasterNoob's this summer and we discussed it, not as in me buying it, just my thoughts on him pulling the plug.

He's been looking for someone to take over and buy the whole thing for a while because he hasn't had the same interest in the site as he once had.

posted about 2 years ago
#48 TF2 Center is closing in two days in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuhey if masternoob is reading this, i'm offering to buy the domain so we can build some way of retaining as many players as possible

You're not going to like the price.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 in Projects

How did you match the URL with the log?

Asking for a friend.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Audio Devices not being detected while plugged in in Hardware

Are you plugged into the back panel or front panel? Have you tried both?

If you're not using the front panel, consider unplugging the HD Audio front-panel plug from your motherboard.

posted about 2 years ago
#164 - free server reservations in Projects
waxthrowback to my bank blocking my card after 3 unsuccessful payments bc the netherlands dOesnT acCEPT pAYmENTS fRom gREECE

Not sure where you're getting that nonsense from, but it's actually because I haven't updated the Stripe credit card integration to fully comply with new EU laws. Some banks require those updated rules (e.g. 3dsecure), causing failed payment attempts. Your bank blocking your card because of that, is between you and your bank.
You can use paypal instead for now.

posted about 2 years ago
#162 - free server reservations in Projects

Some of my server providers are beginning to raise their prices. Inflation, energy costs, price gauging, etc....

Luckily servers have been getting faster, faster, than TF2 has gotten slower, so with some shuffling of gameservers and new contracts on more price-efficient machines, it doesn't look like we have to raise prices in response.
In EU, we are getting rid of the most price inefficient machine from one provider (HelmutBrigade, per december 2022). This won't matter as there is more capacity than needed in that region and from that server provider.

We've made one QoL improvement (suggestion from JackyLegs). The map selector now has a little section at the top with maplists for the main leagues (ETF2L, RGL, UGC), showing the maps they currently use per gametype. This way you won't have to guess which exact map version you're supposed to play.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 Team comms for casts, why did we stop doing it? in TF2 General Discussion

Dunno why this came to mind, I vaguely remember someone saying this had something to do with it back in the day, but could be wrong.
AubriacAlso how can we forget THIS

That's hilarious, more reason to bring it back really.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Team comms for casts, why did we stop doing it? in TF2 General Discussion

From memory, but it's been a while:

  • Getting teams to join, sometimes on short notice
  • Finding a Mumble server location that both teams won't hate due to ping and routing reasons
  • Trusting teams not to use certain words that get you in trouble with Twitch
  • Having someone host and babysit the mumble delay bots (also fix mumble flood protection settings so the bots can mass join)
  • Dealing with desyncs during pauses. The delay bots are out of sync as soon as a pause starts until 90 seconds after the unpause.
  • Getting casters to use the comms during interesting moments, breaking up their flow / desire to talk
posted about 2 years ago
#15 Next Chapter of RGL in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you sigafoo <3

Good luck Taylor

posted about 2 years ago
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