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Signed Up August 8, 2012
Last Posted February 24, 2022 at 10:54 AM
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#12 Jav LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

very good player, will be known

posted about 12 years ago
#15 BearTV kicking off this weekend! in TF2 General Discussion

Need logo of angry bear face eating a televison in bottom right of the stream

posted about 12 years ago
#33 Demo Reviews by cyzer in Mentoring

I have a demo from a few seasons ago. I was dealing tons of damage in these 2v1's then after I died my scout partener would swoop in and grab both kills. How can I fix this/what's the best way to let him know?

posted about 12 years ago
#36 give me your honest opinion in Off Topic

You have talent. Very impressed. Keep it up!

posted about 12 years ago
#25 Sexiest Invite Player? in Off Topic

uhhhhhh WTF ^^^^

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Request from the top competitive guys: in TF2 General Discussion

As others have said, I'll come play depending on the time.

posted about 12 years ago
#45 Season 13 map? in Map Discussion

man, put standin back in and I'd want to come play again

posted about 12 years ago
#77 Being Different in TF2 General Discussion

I snipe with auto-rezoom enabled

posted about 12 years ago
#7 huge stream viewers in TF2 General Discussion

i think its the populated server effect

No one joins a server when there are 2/24 in the server, but when theres 22/24 everyone wants in. As the viewer numbers go up people become curious and it snowballs. That's the awesome thing about a site like twitch.

Also TF2 streams are more networked now, Johns spreads the work like a pimp, the coverage has vastly improved with Cbear and Sal being the casters, and there seems to be more interest in the game. All good news.

posted about 12 years ago
#24 eXtv ESEA Invite cast: Mix^ vs LG in TF2 General Discussion

there is no adjective to describe banny other than "banny"

posted about 12 years ago
#16 eXtv ESEA Invite cast: Mix^ vs LG in TF2 General Discussion

best casters in tf2, I will be watching this one

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Fully Charged Episode 2 -- Wed 9/26 @ 8est/5pst in TF2 General Discussion

just watched it, really awesome episode, sorry I couldn't be apart of it.

I'm really liking the 9v9 / 6v6 viewpoints on different issues, Huey was a really good guest and Enigma was solid as was expected. I for one was highly entertained while I played in highlander lobbies.

If you missed it, I recommend watching.

posted about 12 years ago
#178 rip tf2 invite in TF2 General Discussion

I think there is a lot of emotion and theories in this thread when really people need to realize things are the way they are because of the state tf2 is in.

Let me try to break it down the way my tiny, sorry, untimely-ad encotunering mind sees it:

People want to see invite ready rosters put through the gaunlet of open to invite. That's great, but if that would happen an entire new group of players in open and im would be complaining about how asanine 6 invite players in those divisions is. The only thing you might accomplish is deterring these teams from ever forming in the first place. At face value that seems to solve the "build a team/break a team" model players follow each season.

Okay we're doing good, but what about filling invite? Well now we're happily moving the top IM teams up into invite to round off the division and whats that? Oh—such and such player on a move-up team doesn't want to go to lan/play in invite and he quits. Now the team needs a new player. Now the team finds a new player and isn't nearly as good as they were in IM. Invite treads on them like dirt. Team wants to break up. Former invite player who didn't make a new roster for the season swoops into the save the day. Team feels alive. Invite player doing well but doesnt mesh/like such and such player. Player cut. Another former invite player joins roster (i mean we cant force people to play, and what do we do once a team in invite needs a 6th? Can we really tell a team "no you can't use this talented player and give yourself a fighting shot.")

So this former team on the rise is now a shell of itself and of a passed invite team and is treading water but moving along okay. Four of the players (the IM core) are having fun but know they aren't getting anywhere. The season ends and the invite fill-ins quit. Now this team needs 2 players again, and realizing how they couldnt make it with two invite players decides maybe they arent good enough, gets frustrated with the whole process, and not having fun anymore— disbands.

Next season, repeat all of ^ only this time the two former invite players are part of the the four former IM players from this team. Meanwhile those invite fill-ins now teamless, wait for the innevitable roster problems that will happen during the new season.

All of this goes on at the bottom of invite while at the top theres trouble in paradise as the best soldier and best medic can't stand eachother. They manage to swap with another top team but also bring an invite friend (either from the former team or one waiting around) along with them. One team is significantly better now but the other much worse. Invite looks lopsided.

What can be done? TF2 is at the end of the day just a hobby, it's for fun, and if you tell the top soldier and top medic they must play together for the integrity of invite and cant try to have fun, they are likely to stop playing...and lack of players is just as bad for the scene.

So what am I getting at with all these hypothticals? Nothing can really be done, the way I see it.
I think the only way to build teams—true, strong willed teams that play as a team win or loss—is to somehow have a break or lose sight of the LAN. The catch22 being without the LAN TF2 looks as dead as ever and players likely leave.

So in the end theres just one logical conclusion: we all team-stack and move to highlander. Gorgeous gamers, commin 'atcha

posted about 12 years ago
#14 mad mixup? in TF2 General Discussion

so when is the match?

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Fully Charged TF2 show TODAY! in TF2 General Discussion

was very good

posted about 12 years ago
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