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Signed Up September 20, 2014
Last Posted May 29, 2017 at 10:06 AM
Posts 1287 (0.3 per day)
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Monitor BenQ XL2411Z
1 ⋅⋅ 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 ⋅⋅ 85
#45 TFTV Creating a New Crosshair Font in Customization
fyrCould anyone post a DL link of a hud with these crosshairs installed? Would be much appreciated, thanks.
It's m0rehud
You can change the size of the font in the clientscheme.res after "tall"

posted about 9 years ago
#196 Froyotech i55 Fundraiser Update in TF2 General Discussion

I sure hope so

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Closer - Lemaitre in Music, Movies, TV

Yeah was so hyped for this! love the song

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Sketchek in TF2 General Discussion

"Sketchek is leaving youtube from what is most probably a terminal illness" :(

Maybe a lot of you won't know the guy but this is really sad

posted about 9 years ago
#47 Alleradd in Off Topic
BUICKI'm living, breathing proof that you can have EXTREME attention disorder problems. Whether you want to call it 'ADHD' or not doesn't fucking matter. They 'problem' does exist.

Over my life (younger 20s) I had taken via prescription and experimented with most every 'ADHD' drug. I've used and abused these drugs to various levels and I have a very good perspective on what life is like with and without them.

I've come to the conclusion that I absolutely refuse to take a medicine to quash my 'problem', only people with real, true attention problems will be able to realize this but 'ADHD' is not a menace, it's not BAD. It can be HARNESSED, and CHERISHED.

Sure, I have all usual 'negative' aspects of it, I've been tested and run through trials like a guinea pig (literally) at the university near me and all the results have pointed to an astounding level of attention deficit.

I want you to listen to me, if you 'suffer' from ADHD you should feel blessed, you should consider not taking medicine to fix it. Use it to your creative advantage. Attention problems are like a coin, with the 'bad' come MANY good aspects of it. I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am not with my graphic design career if I didn't let my mind wander and dance every single day. Sure, when I take a medicine I can FOCUS and ACCOMPLISH a said goal but that is not what makes me happy in life.

Finishing an assignment on time or getting a great grade on a test, or destroying a work project.. that's not what makes me long-term happy. What makes me happy is climbing trees, looking at stars, catching frogs, drawing flowers, designing robots, having literally 10 thousand hobbies that I rotate between EVERY DAY. If you have 'ADHD' I implore you to try to get into art, or doing some creative. Sure you will have a million half-finished projects but that's the beauty of it.

Having ADHD is what I would consider the polymaths dream, ever hear of Goethe? That motherfucker I can assure you had a dancing mind and would never consider quelling his desire to be into everything with any sort of medicine.

In conclusion, don't get me wrong. I won't deny that 'ADHD' medicine will make you be able to accomplish certain specific goals because it's a fucking amphetamine/amphetamine-like drug. (Don't give me that bullshit that about Ritalin either.) There's no doubt that I haven't had an amazing time using these drugs recreationally, but I will never ever touch them for long-term purposes because I feel like I'm telling my inner-brain to be quiet and just go with the flow like every other 'functional human'

Fuck that.

I abhor any petulant child that rolls their eyes when I talk about my attention deficit issues. They are a blessing and should be treated as such.

This is basically what I mean, medication is really not the answer, only in extreme cases.

Also I don't doubt people do really have attention problems (I was diagnosed with ADD myself), medication also really made me feel exactly how you described it and also gave me problems with falling asleep.
However I do not believe in my diagnoses and so shouldn't every person/parent just because they/their kid can't focus on work/school. A lot of people aren't challenged in the same way and instead of giving them the freedom to live their life differently they try to numb those people down with diagnoses and medication.

posted about 9 years ago
#107 Worst TF2 Frag Videos? in Videos

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Alleradd in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#26 Alleradd in Off Topic
skeejowlthere's no such thing and will never be such a thing as a medicine with literally no side effects so I dont see the point in having that discussion
Bullshit. There's already loads of medicine out that that works fine for people without side effects (for myself for instance, long term usage of PPI's doesn't affect me in any negative way). And thats just old fashioned "dumb" medicine. Think about when smart medication (biochemical medicine engineered to the individuals genome, or completely different tech like nanowizardry) will be mainstream.

Also, I'm bad at English. I should've said "If there WOULD be no negative side effects", to avoid misinterpretations. I don't know anything about alleradd, and it sounds like snake oil tbh, but I was just responding to Bona's general statement.

If your ideology is to use pills instead of working on the real problem, just lol.
Besides, just because there are no known side effects NOW doesn't mean it won't affect you in a negative way, you just wouldn't know it.

For example ADHD, which is a fictive disorder that was purely created for making insane amounts of money in the pharmaceutical industry (aka selling "medicine"). Now the "founding father" of this disorder even claimed so himself that ADHD is a made-up disorder before he died, and many studies support his claim, and besides supporting his claim even tell you to absolutely not take this drug since it can cause many serious health problems, yet millions of childeren have been given this drug (even now this news has been out for nearly two years?).

I mean, just google it if you really want to know more about it honestly, just don't blindly trust the pharmaceutical industry since they're money hungry af and don't care about these health implications at all. Especially don't use drugs when it's something as minor as stress which you can overcome by simply relaxing, having a good sleep schedule, staying socially active, working out and doing things you like.

posted about 9 years ago
#3116 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

That was pretty insane Pine

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Alleradd in Off Topic

Speaking from experience, do not take drugs unless you are in serious health/mental problems and there is no other way. Life can be hard sometimes but pills are absolutely not the answer.

posted about 9 years ago
#155 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic
CHERRYTo be honest I also don't think richer than us should be forced to share. They should feel the need to do it, but if they don't then well fuck. I don't need anything from them.

You don't think the rich should share more of their wealth? How about the fact that the 85 richest people in the world have more money combined than poorest half of the entire earth population.
And this is not anywhere near in the decline.

posted about 9 years ago
#139 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic
AvastThe reason people receive tax benefits for having kids is because the cost of raising a child to age 18 in lets say for example, the United States, is estimated to be approximately 1 million dollars or around 900,000 euros.

It's actually about exactly 1/4th the number you mentioned to raise a child on average. Quite a big difference.

posted about 9 years ago
#124 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic

You do expect us to praise the shit out of your artwork you post every week tho.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Supreme Court extends same-sex marriage nationwide in Off Topic

Really great that it finally happened for you guys too!

And yeah I guess it's sad it was so close

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Game Theory Red vs Blue in Off Topic

I'm pretty sure all he ended up saying was that you should make your choice depending on what you want to do with your team

- Are you Russian - Red
- Are you not Russian - Blu

posted about 9 years ago
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