skeejowlthere's no such thing and will never be such a thing as a medicine with literally no side effects so I dont see the point in having that discussion
Bullshit. There's already loads of medicine out that that works fine for people without side effects (for myself for instance, long term usage of PPI's doesn't affect me in any negative way). And thats just old fashioned "dumb" medicine. Think about when smart medication (biochemical medicine engineered to the individuals genome, or completely different tech like nanowizardry) will be mainstream.
Also, I'm bad at English. I should've said "If there WOULD be no negative side effects", to avoid misinterpretations. I don't know anything about alleradd, and it sounds like snake oil tbh, but I was just responding to Bona's general statement.
If your ideology is to use pills instead of working on the real problem, just lol.
Besides, just because there are no known side effects NOW doesn't mean it won't affect you in a negative way, you just wouldn't know it.
For example ADHD, which is a fictive disorder that was purely created for making insane amounts of money in the pharmaceutical industry (aka selling "medicine"). Now the "founding father" of this disorder even claimed so himself that ADHD is a made-up disorder before he died, and many studies support his claim, and besides supporting his claim even tell you to absolutely not take this drug since it can cause many serious health problems, yet millions of childeren have been given this drug (even now this news has been out for nearly two years?).
I mean, just google it if you really want to know more about it honestly, just don't blindly trust the pharmaceutical industry since they're money hungry af and don't care about these health implications at all. Especially don't use drugs when it's something as minor as stress which you can overcome by simply relaxing, having a good sleep schedule, staying socially active, working out and doing things you like.