Looks kinda cool tho
New shadowburn rocket launcher
However the factory new one looks ugly as fuck.. lmao
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198155406170 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:195140442] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:97570221 |
Country | Bahamas |
Signed Up | September 20, 2014 |
Last Posted | May 29, 2017 at 10:06 AM |
Posts | 1287 (0.3 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 4 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144 |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Zowie ZA12 |
Keyboard | Corsair 65K |
Mousepad | Qck |
Headphones | Sony Mdr-v6 |
Monitor | BenQ XL2411Z |
Looks kinda cool tho
New shadowburn rocket launcher
However the factory new one looks ugly as fuck.. lmao
deetrhow do I add the contract stuff to my hud, I don't want to have to switch to default to do contracts
Idk, but rays works perfectly for me, maybe ask him
DigiBonafideDId anyone else also get a new contract?I did, I got a suijin map contract.
Maybe these new ones are for crates?
retrogradeTuryI don't see why the black box nerf was needed, having one less rocket was already a huge disadvantage, but now there's really no reason to run it even with the conch imobecause it was overpowered in 1v1 situations and if u can aim rockets bombs into large amounts of people would heal u almost more than the damage u were being dealt
The whole point of the weapon was to trade damage for survivability
VoidWhispererBonafidePyromancerEven in the beta Masternoob acted like this, banning people that focused him, or that said something as a joke to him in mumble and kick them from the game lolhoolihow can you be old enough to be married and still act like a childBecause when you amass that much power it goes to your head.
I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with you given yesterday, but this is kind of true.
I have nothing against you personally mate ;) I just was kind of tired of the way TF2C admins acted, and felt like acting like an ass
DId anyone else also get a new contract?
flameok you want the real solution that just popped into my head
alias toggleon "bind f +insp;
alias toggleoff "bind f nomodel"
alias +insp "r_drawviewmodel 1; +inspect"
alias -insp "-inspect; toggleoff"
alias nomodel "r_drawviewmodel 0; toggleon;
bind f +insp
i THINK this should make your f key switch between inspecting and removing the viewmodel so you can just hit it again to get rid of it.
actually im pretty sure itll work
thank me later.
only downside is you might need to double tap it to inspect sometimes depending on where you are in the cycle but whatever.
I just tested the script and it only works once, after that it will be stuck on either on or off forever
Pyromancerhoolihow can you be old enough to be married and still act like a childBecause when you amass that much power it goes to your head.
Even in the beta Masternoob acted like this, banning people that focused him, or that said something as a joke to him in mumble and kick them from the game lol
RainmanSo what's the actual use of inspecting? Do you mean inspecting your own weapon or inspecting what someone else has?
It will look cute in frag videos
TF2C | Ancer is more real than ever
Maybe this is however the boost TF2Pickup needs for expending into NA maybe?
Sideshowonly one comment so far m8, you wanna rustle? you're not anonymous here son
Obvious #censor of my beautiful rant on you!
flameok you want the real solution that just popped into my head
alias toggleon "bind f +insp;
alias toggleoff "bind f nomodel"
alias +insp "r_drawviewmodel 1; +inspect"
alias -insp "-inspect; toggleoff"
alias nomodel "r_drawviewmodel 0; toggleon;
bind f +insp
i THINK this should make your f key switch between inspecting and removing the viewmodel so you can just hit it again to get rid of it.
actually im pretty sure itll work
thank me later.
only downside is you might need to double tap it to inspect sometimes depending on where you are in the cycle but whatever.
thanks man
flameif youre inspecting your weapons in a situation where an enemy can rush you you're doing it wrong.
and again every time you melee your weapon disappears
not to mention you have 4 instances of r_drawviewmodel 0 when in reality you need 2 max
I don't think having melee viewmodels on compared to always have viewmodels off while shooting is worth it at all.
flamewhy would you ever bind your mouse1 mouse2 to send 2 commands at once when you can do it on slot changes?
bind 1 "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind 2 "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0"
bind 3 "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias +inspecterino "r_drawviewmodel 1; +inspect"
alias -inspecterino "-inspect"
bind f "+inspecterino"
your entire script is some crazy shit, like everytime you melee with your script your viewmodels gonna disappear
I want my viewmodels to dissappear as soon as I shoot, it is that simple, if I were to be inspecting my weapons and an enemy rushes me I don't want to have to think about first pressing my slot key mid fight