downpourBonafideohdownpourjust picked it up today been playing since MH on PS2I know what the game is :P I've played previous parts, I was referring to this particular one, 4u
if you want someone to play with HMUBonafideI was thinking about buying it, how is it?
its a really polarizing series, you'll either love it or hate it. its like an MMO in that you grind monster a lot but the grind is significantly more interesting in that its an action game rather than an RPG
idk, if you liked 3u idk why you wouldnt get it
Well I have an american 2ds, and It's quite hassle to import so if it wasn't worth it (for example if there was nothing new over 3u) but there is multiplayer and new monsters, or im just gonna have to save some more money and buy the new 3ds with 4u in my own region. Thanks anyway