SAAM!god if leaky is hacking he needs to sue whoever coded his cheats
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198155406170 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:195140442] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:97570221 |
Country | Bahamas |
Signed Up | September 20, 2014 |
Last Posted | May 29, 2017 at 10:06 AM |
Posts | 1287 (0.3 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 4 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144 |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Zowie ZA12 |
Keyboard | Corsair 65K |
Mousepad | Qck |
Headphones | Sony Mdr-v6 |
Monitor | BenQ XL2411Z |
ComangliaLuckyLukeCheers. I love working on the Top10 plays and will continue whatever happens. Pointed out an idea in the other thread to change regulations for months with no league action going on, to accept scrims / non-league clips for Top10. But only those months that have not enough official action to fill 10. Thoughts?
Looking at the clips now, since the December Top10 was released (~3 hours ago) we got submissions from 9 different people many with multiple clips in one. Proves my point of more videos = more clips. If people forget about MoGs or Top10 they won't submit anything. Keep submitting!
November Top10 coming Feb 6th, sorry for the delay.
You really should accept scrims already for all top10s, and tbh you guys already have been for top10 it's kinda strange you guys didn't realize that... (a few no league TF2Centers/pugs have made it in before too lol)
Exactly this, Myself and friends of mine all send lots of pretty cool plays but never see them back since they're not in officials, really a shame imo since so many good frags are made while scrimming
The whole event is really weird to look at, and for people who don't speak Dutch, just watch the beginning, and then go to 4:00 for the arrest
The NOS (Nederlandse Omroep Stichting) Which means Dutch Broadcasting foundation, Had a weird incident today.
And a man with a (fake) gun took the doorman of the News department as hostage and tried to force him to get him live on national Dutch television and claimed he had information which "questioned today's society", what happened instead is that the camera man turned the cameras and microphones on and waited untill the police arrived and arrest him.
He also carried a note which claimed he had 8 bombs spread throughout the country which contained heavy radioactive material
He said he was part of a large hacking society however nobody in the hacking society ever heard of the guy
A lot of people think it's a hoax/prank
Is this really what pranks have become nowadays?
I mean I kinda felt this was similar to Swatting but then with much larger audience
How do people enjoy cheating??
And it's UGC Silver, there is literally nothing to gain but a really bad reputation as another idiot hacker
I'll just stop posting.
Skeej & Perm - Prime Time
- Steamworld Dig
- Tomb Raider (especially the old ones <3)
- Torchlight I & II
- Southpark: The Stick of Truth
- Rayman Origins & Legends
- Mirror's Edge
- Alan Wake & Alan Wake's American Nightmare
- Borderlands 1 & 2
- Bastion
- Devil may Cry (Part 1-4, the new DMC: Devil may cry was horrible imo)
There's also a bunch of Playstation games I would recommend running on an emulator
- Shadows of the Colossus
- Ico
- Ratchet & Clank
- MGS: Snake Eater
- I guess also the Original Devil may cry since I'm not sure if it ever had a PC release
- Okami
Don't forget how pipe spam is also really effective at quite long range, since there is no damage fall off, I think it's really fair it has such high self damage, if it had lower self damage demo would be even more OP since scouts would also have a harder time dealing with him.
unfbastidunfexcept that you still kill yourself from 1 pipe's self damage if you're even slightly hurt
thanks for further elaborating on my point, that self damage from pipes is retarded high
Yeah I agree, lets make demo good at long, mid AND short range
If this ever becomes something good, please make flat textures an option.
I think that's stv
I'm pretty good at math, and I had the first two years of my high school in english, so I googled this new system and man.. some these questions are vague as shit
You edit the alpha value it flashes to in the hudanimations.txt