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SteamID64 76561198025810326
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32772299
Country United States
Signed Up February 17, 2014
Last Posted September 2, 2024 at 3:24 PM
Posts 2299 (0.6 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 149 150 151 152
#1 Rays Server in TF2 General Discussion

Hey all, I'm sure some of you enjoy turning off your brains and pubbing once in a while, but don't want to deal with all that is a Valve server, so since the only real server with semi competent people and nocrits/spread and all that is Star's, I was hoping to pump some life back into Rays' sadly ignored server at [].

Rays as you all likely know is the creator of our beloved Rayshud.

It's basically set up the same way as Star's but lacks people. Hope to see some life breathed back into, hate to see Rays paying for an unused server for a game he rarely plays.

Server info

posted about 9 years ago
#140 AMA / SHIT TALK / IM BORED in Off Topic
GetawhaleBrimstoneGetawhalewhat do you think Judge Judy's vagina looks like
A better question would be what do you think this thread would look like if you would quit posting.

This is rando's AMA

Notice how things started to 'derail' only when you came in here and started shitposting.

posted about 9 years ago
#118 AMA / SHIT TALK / IM BORED in Off Topic
Getawhalewhat do you think Judge Judy's vagina looks like

A better question would be what do you think this thread would look like if you would quit posting.

posted about 9 years ago
#102 AMA / SHIT TALK / IM BORED in Off Topic

Why does Downpour keep posting in threads related to game performance issues and get angry when he's wrong.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 GPU idle temp in Hardware

That's normal.

posted about 9 years ago
#500 post your desktop in Off Topic

Just like to mention that it'd be good practice to hide IP addresses in all of your screenshots.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 zhud in Customization

Awesome work, love the feel of it, only problem I have is the round end panel, could it perhaps be put on the bottom of the screen, for less view obstructions sake?

Edit: Or anywhere not the middle of the screen.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 TF2 lagging and freezing-stuttery issue in Q/A Help

I had these problems suddenly arise recently, I fixed the problem for a while by updating my drivers, but then the game started jittering hardcore again. The ultimate fix for this was uninstalling my firewall/antivirus and just used the Windows Defender/Firewall that came with my Windows 8 installation. TF2 fps instantly shot up and stayed constant after that. Not as 'safe' per se but just practice safe browsing habits.

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 149 150 151 152