i disagree with blaming the seller of drugs for the OD of someone..
it's the user who uses, and that user always had the choice to not buy or to not use.
it's not like he/she was actually forced to use anything.
people just want to blame someone because it's the easier way of coping.
and don't get me wrong, i'm not defending this guy. i just think it's ridiculous to point fingers at some dealer because someone dies after consciously making the choice of consuming something that could potentially kill him/her.
it's like blaming mcdonalds, or some major tabacco company for your failing heart. the choice to not consume is always there.
and +1 to Sheepylol. this "war on drugs" is quite petty. the us has plenty of things to like, but that's not one of them.
and i see people in this thread defending the us, and they are absolutely right when they say that it certainly isn't the worst country to live in, but i would say it's not quite among the best.
again, don't take me wrong; drugs (and 'the world around drugs') is definitely not something that should be ignored.
'fighting' it, however, is certainly not going to work.
and please don't feel offended because i have absolutely nothing against you personally, as an american. i just don't see a point in not admitting that it's not among the best countries in the world.