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SteamID64 76561198043455994
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:41595133
Country United States
Signed Up November 14, 2012
Last Posted January 23, 2013 at 12:22 PM
Posts 9 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 0 
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech M310 Wireless
Keyboard Built-in (MacBook Pro)
Mousepad Bare Wood
Headphones Skull-Candy Earbuds
Monitor Built-in
moosiehttp://imgur.com/a/x6sRL#11 have fun (imgur album)

I looked through that whole album, magnificent.

posted about 12 years ago

I have a folder full of desktops from reddit that I use. I'll post an Imagur album in a few moments.

Edit: And here it is. http://imgur.com/a/iQlCL
I have these randomly changing every 15 min, enjoy.

Edit 2: Just found this on r/sfm http://i.imgur.com/xYBpCj1.jpg

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion

Heres a Cad Headset I found that has a USB plug rather than Audio jack.

This Sennheiser one but it has no reviews.

Also I found (#3)Hooky's HD 201's from Bestbuy for $5 more than Amazon but its silll ~$10 cheaper than the HD 203's I posed last night.

On the Mics, nothing cheap screams out quality, but heres 2 ok ones for cheap.

And the mic section of Bestbuy' site since it took some time to find.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion

I just noticed that no-one, myself included, actually talked about headphones on best buy like Greyhound needs.

After sifting through the reviews, one pair of headphones came out on top and, surprise surprise, Sennheiser HD203's had the best reviews from what appeared to be competent people (and no "OMG BEST EVER" or "TOTAL CRAP, DONT BUY, NO BASS" posts). The main gripe was they are not as comfortable for long periods of time, although they have the same amount of padding as (#3)Hooky's HD 201's.

Next would be these JVC headphones. Not much to say about these other than they seem to become uncomfortable after a few hours like most headphones.

Pulling up last are these two sony headphones that have gotten mixed reviews form both competent and novice commentators. the second being the cheapest and worst of the two.

My judgments are based on the reviews and price of the headphones, and a general liking for Sennheiser if you couldn't tell.
Its 2:55am for me and I'm off to bed. Ill check up on Headsets and mics on bestbuy when I wake up.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion
PheeshWell I can't speak to the quality...but this one is free after rebate:

Might want to pass if you're lazy with rebates though :) I always find them to be a PIA

There isn't much in the way of Tech specs to look at for these on the Corsair site, but you can't beat free with a Mail in rebate. Although, as with all other Mail in rebates, you have to shell out the full price to then get your money back later on.

Also I noticed that the mic on this is unidirectional rather than omnidirectional meaning that it will pick up less background noise but you wont have as much freedom in positioning. If for some reason you are not comfortable using the mic in a way that can pick up your voice, you waisted your time and you better get that rebate sent in. If someone has used and liked these please let me know, the lack of information from the manufacturer makes me think they are crap.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Looking for cheap new headset in TF2 General Discussion

Sennheiser in general is a quality name in audio systems and you cant beat $25 for that quality. The Mod mic Hooky posted also looks great for the price.

Personally I would go for one of Sennheiser's pro headphones since I would use them on more than just gaming. These look magnificent http://www.sennheiserusa.com/professional-headphones-studio-monitoring-502717

Edit: the Zalman Zm-Mic1 looks to be more for a stationary setup, something for a desktop computer. The cable seems much thinner then the Antlion mic but its much cheaper. I would go with the Antlion, but then again I'm considering spending $200 on a pair of headphones, so consider your budget.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 How to: Get Rarer Items in TF2. in TF2 General Discussion

I can't stop looking at this.

posted about 12 years ago
#35 an argument in Off Topic
defiancepeople that use this argument are the kind of people that argue things that have zero facts behind them

people are stupid and sometimes you just can't do anything about that. its a really easy cop out for parents that don't wanna admit they are just shit and ignore obvious signs in their children that there is something wrong. video games don't make normal brains violent. just ends up that sometimes violent people end up playing video games.

your mom may give you shit for spending a lot of time on the computer. but one day you are going to make something of yourself and it will probably have something to do with that computer.

Uninformed parents who tend to rely solely on the local news for their information tend to say things like this that have no basis on fact when examined. I found that having a calm discussion with my parents about topics they are uninformed about tends to make them see my point of view and not be so critical of my time online.

posted about 12 years ago
#27 New YouTube layout (again). in Off Topic

Meh! It will take some getting used to, but at the moment I think its horrible although that could change with time.

posted about 12 years ago