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Signed Up July 21, 2016
Last Posted July 24, 2016 at 12:56 AM
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#71 CUtlLinkedList overflow in Q/A Help
9 Message by Support Tech Edward on Sat, Jul 23 2016 16:45
Your system report indicates that McAfee Security Scan Plus is running on your computer. This software is known to interfere with the Steam client and games. Please try completely removing all of this software. Also, please unplug all none essential devices from the computer(controller, thumb drives, etc.), then restart your computer and test the issue again.

Please follow the link below for information:

Title: Programs Which May Interfere with Steam
Link: http://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=9828-SFLZ-9289

If the issue persists, please reply with an updated MSINFO that reflects the changes made.

Fucks sake Valve, get some decent tech support. I mentioned multiple times to them that it works to play in offline mode and it also works to play on other accounts and that it 100% cannot be a problem on my end and they give me this shit. Fuck you valve. Fuck you

I got the same generic runaround to uninstall my CCleaner and Sound Blaster software. They also asked me to boot my computer up with nothing running in the background. Both of these "fixes" clearly did nothing and they don't seem to get that this is a TF2 bug on their side, not hardware related.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 CUtlLinkedList overflow in Q/A Help

I just got a response from Steam Support (took 3 days). They asked for a diagnostic report of my computer, so I sent that off to them. We'll see what response I get on how to fix the issue. I'll update here as I know more.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 CUtlLinkedList overflow in Q/A Help
Plunkett101So, if everyone (im assuming here) in this thread is above level 7 in MM and has the CUtllinkedlist-overflow error that means the error is tied to our accounts hence why we can use alts and play offline. I tried playing offline then going online only to crash with the same error and playing on my alt works fine so it has to do with ranks. We just need to wait it out.

What bothers me is I sent Steam Support and the TF2 Development team structured, detailed emails of the issues, the dump files, etc and I haven't even received a response and that was 3 days ago. You'd think with the number of people having this issue I'd at least get a response that they are working on it, but nothing. Very disappointing customer service.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 CUtlLinkedList overflow in Q/A Help

My computer specs


8000 Hours TF2
Did Matchmaking Beta
Was as high as Rank 9 in Matchmaking
Very few binds/scripts
No custom HUD
Custom Hitsounds

I've completely wiped TF2 and Steam from my computer and tried a fresh reinstall of both which did not work.

I tried logging onto my other computer and booting on that, it also crashes.

My main computer can run both of my alt accounts and will boot the game.

I have tried to delete the item schema files, have steam cloud off, and reverified the TF2 cache which also did not work .

posted about 8 years ago
#25 CUtlLinkedList overflow in Q/A Help

I'm getting the same exact problem now tonight and I've never had it before either. Same issues, I reinstalled a fresh copy of Steam AND TF2, verified cache and files.

Works on the same computer with my alt as well which is why it's so perplexing.

I'm beginning to think it has to do with us being high ranked in matchmaking? I know that sounds crazy, but that is the only common denominator between all of us having the issue.

posted about 8 years ago