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SteamID64 76561198023681469
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:31707870
Country United States
Signed Up November 15, 2012
Last Posted July 21, 2020 at 7:05 PM
Posts 83 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 12in/360
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Raw Input 1
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Keyboard Cooler Master QuickFire MX black
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#108 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion

Fuck me, I can't hit shit with the pistol and now they're making one where hitting the head does more damage. Unless it has much better spread it will be almost completely luck based and extremely rage enducing for players that get hit by an entire mag of crits.


posted about 9 years ago
#50 ESEA-IM Playoffs: Meat Market vs Ding Dong Daddy in Events

"Put the gas in the chamber" - bloodsire
Not sure if anyone else caught that

Great game though even with the anti semitic undertones.

Edit: - if anyone was wondering

posted about 9 years ago
#41 parachute in TF2 General Discussion
RadmanHyperionHow about you like pull the second slot (since it's a backpack.) and click mouse1 to open the parachute. You're forced to hold slot2 open (the chute) so it's not like raining bombsThen what is the point?

I assume you could use it to glide to a more optimal spot before switching to your launcher, disabling the parachute, and then shoot rockets downwards. It could help with bomb timings in this way because sometimes a roamer bombs too early or too late, using the parachute could delay/stall the bomb.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 parachute in TF2 General Discussion
Justinisokaythe biggest problem i can see for this would be if being airshot/getting suspended by hitscan propelled you FURTHER into the air. bombing, getting hit with a rocket, then going higher makes it broken. but if its how i first imagined it just floating gradually in the air after you bomb, it just sounds mediocre at best

Getting airshot only propels you higher if you are currently ascending when you get airshot. Otherwise the height gained is negligible, hitscan is the same way, it's all about momentum. It will probably only activate during descent so getting shot higher is practically a non issue. It basically requires the person to sync with a spam rocket/ get airshot as soon as they jump which really wont happen very often. With that, if you get chest or head rocketed/piped you fly downwards quite fast so you'd have to get hit in the feet for any of that to happen.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 parachute in TF2 General Discussion
Justinisokaysounds fun for pubs but if you bomb in 6s with it you'd be airshot fodder for sure

That's exactly the problem though. A roamer would become too good of a distraction, which it kind of is already. If everyone is shooting upwards the rest of the team can walk in for free. You'd just jump up so high that you'd be hard enough to hit but everyone would still aim for you. Something like the mid to second roamer bomb on process, or even the fast mid rollout.

Edit: Health would be a problem for some of the jumps but getting high would not be hard regardless.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 parachute in TF2 General Discussion

I would think that it would be something that slows descent to a point where you don't take fall damage. It probably wont affect anything until you start falling. However it would require people to spend a lot of time trying to airshot/shoot the floating soldier. This would be less of an issue if the parachuting soldier was unable to reload instead of raining down constant rockets. If the soldier can reload while floating a mile in the air it will almost definitely be banned.

The problem I see is that the roamer has to do his job with two rockets since he will rarely have enough time for more against a good team, the parachute would almost guarantee 3 rockets. However it would be really funny seeing people get stalled in the air by hitscan and watching all the projectiles fly upwards.

Edit: Maybe it will have some kind of recharge on it like jarate or whatever? This would prevent it from letting people rocket jump around like idiots forever in pubs which valve cares more about. If this is the case it would probably be activated with right click since soldier doesn't use that, or taunt maybe idk.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Dirty Impostor in TF2 General Discussion

The obvious solution is to have everyone add Memphis so when you get added by the fake one you know it's the fake one.

posted about 10 years ago
#115 Help with new team name please! in TF2 General Discussion

God why did you make a thread blink. Nobody ever likes your team names and you use them for the team anyway whats the point of even asking anyone?

on a side note I'd like the team name to be
Tictack's Tacktics

posted about 10 years ago
#147 quickfix in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistSee how the quickfix is driving teams apart.

Yes, fuck you Marxist.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 When did you realize you were better than average? in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSwhen i stopped fighting it and finally accepted that i am simply the best.

When you first equipped the direct hit.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Story time with Marxist may need a pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)
RIP my car.

not sure who your insurance provider is, but you should be able to get credit for rims/tint/anything else you did aftermarket to your car if you can pull info on them and give to your insurance company...

as someone who was in a situation like this (totaled vehicle) a few months ago, i was happy to find this out!

The lady was at fault so it's all on her insurance.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion
I don't think HRG really has an answer to sheep's sniper though

Same as their answer to everything else. A Tagg bomb.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 If this is the future I am scared in TF2 General Discussion

If this happened I guarantee that none of the American CS players at LAN will be returning next season.

posted about 11 years ago
#47 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization

If you are getting a Z instead of the crosshair you may have missed this step.

Open up tf/resource and check if there's a file called Garm3nFont.ttf is there, if there is delete it.

Download yz50/clockwork's version of the garm3nhud font from here:

You may have also made a mistake in the first two copy and paste steps that had to do with fonts. Messed up fonts and unknown crosshair files are probably the issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization
GeknaiirCan you also post the values you used for x and y pos?

"controlName" "CExLabel"
"fieldName" "CrossHairKonrWings"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"zpos" "2"

"xpos" "c-10"
"ypos" "c-24"
"wide" "49"
"tall" "49"

"font" "CrossHairKonrWings"
"labelText" "Z"
"textAlignment" "west"
"fgcolor" "255 255 255 255"


This is centered for me at 1920x1080. I do not know what centers the crosshair with the east text alignment, but if you would like to overlay a couple of these crosshairs to make it more bold then the default konrwing works because it is a bit too far to the left at this resolution.

Edit: Changed the color back to white.

posted about 11 years ago
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