Account Details
SteamID64 76561197988149801
SteamID3 [U:1:27884073]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:13942036
Country Canada
Signed Up November 12, 2013
Last Posted August 23, 2014 at 10:13 PM
Posts 150 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.57
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 hertz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie Fk
Keyboard Das Keyboard Professional
Mousepad Puretrak Stealth
Headphones Steelseries Wireless H
1 ⋅⋅ 7 8 9 10
#185 What did you get for Christmas? in TF2 General Discussion

Das keyboard professional with cherry red switches.

Girlfriend coordinated with parents. So happy it feels amazing... :3

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Cobra stream in Requests
MGE, Pubs, Pugs, Scrims, Demo Reviews
Ontario, Canada
Sandbag UGC Steel 6s, CEVO Open for TF2 for upcoming season :)


posted about 11 years ago
#5 LF Mid Open+ Soldiers (CEVO) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump. Just looking for pocket now.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Server Management Config in Customization

Something I've been playing with for a bit that makes it easier for me/my team to quickly change level and exec the config for the specific map/league.

alias rconAuth "rcon_address; rcon_password thisismyrconpassword;"			//Server IP + RCON Password

// Map changes
alias mge "rcon exec server; rcon changelevel mge_training_v8_beta4b"
alias badlands "config_standard; rcon changelevel cp_badlands"
alias granary "config_standard; rcon changelevel cp_granary"
alias viaduct "config_koth; rcon changelevel koth_pro_viaduct_rc4"
alias metalworks "config_standard; rcon changelevel cp_metalworks_rc4"
alias snakewater "config_standard rcon changelevel cp_snakewater_final1"
alias gravelpit "config_stopwatch; rcon changelevel cp_gravelpit"
alias process "config_standard rcon changelevel cp_process_final"
alias gullywash "config_standard; rcon changelevel cp_gullywash_final1"
alias gully "gullywash"
alias ashville "config_koth; rcon changelevel koth_ashville_rc1"
alias coalplant "config_koth; rcon changelevel koth_coalplant_b2"

alias config_standard ""
alias config_koth ""
alias config_stopwatch ""
alias config_golden ""
alias config_tugofwar ""
alias config_ctf ""
alias config_off ""

// Exec configs
// UGC 6v6 Configs
alias ugc_standard "rcon exec ugc_6v_standard"
alias ugc_koth "rcon exec ugc_6v_koth"
alias ugc_ctf "rcon exec ugc_6v_ctf"
alias ugc_stopwatch "rcon exec ugc_6v_stopwatch"
alias ugc_golden "rcon exec ugc_6v_golden"
alias UGC "alias config_standard ugc_standard;alias config_koth ugc_koth; alias config_stopwatch ugc_stopwatch; alias config_golden ugc_golden; alias config_tugofwar; alias config_ctf ugc_ctf;alias config_off ugc_off; echo UGC 6V6 Config loaded."

// UGC Highlander Configs
alias HL_ctf "rcon exec ugc_HL_ctf"
alias HL_koth "rcon exec ugc_HL_koth"
alias HL_Standard "rcon exec ugc_HL_standard"
alias HL_Std "HL_Standard"
alias HL_stopwatch "rcon exec ugc_HL_stopwatch"
alias HL_tugofwar "rcon exec ugc_HL_tugofwar"
alias HL_off "rcon exec ugc_off"
alias Highlander "alias config_standard HL_Standard; alias config_koth HL_koth; alias config_stopwatch HL_stopwatch; alias config_golden; alias config_tugofwar HL_tugofwar; alias config_ctf HL_ctf; alias config_off ugc_off; echo UGC Highlander Config loaded."

// CEVO 6v6 Configs
alias cevo_ctf "rcon exec cevo_6v6_ctf"
alias cevo_golden "rcon exec cevo_6v6_golden"
alias cevo_koth "rcon exec cevo_6v6_koth"
alias cevo_standard "rcon exec cevo_6v6_standard"
alias cevo_std "cevo_standard"
alias cevo_stopwatch "rcon exec cevo_6v6_stopwatch"
alias cevo_off "rcon exec cevo_off"
alias CEVO "alias config_standard cevo_standard; alias config_koth cevo_koth; alias config_stopwatch cevo_stopwatch; alias config_golden cevo_golden; alias config_tugofwar; alias config_ctf cevo_ctf;alias config_off cevo_off; echo CEVO 6V6 Config loaded."

// ESEA 6v6 Configs
alias esea_ctf "rcon exec esea_ctf"
alias esea_koth "rcon exec esea_koth"
alias esea_push "rcon exec esea_push"
alias esea_standard "esea_push"
alias esea_std "esea_push"
alias esea_stopwatch "rcon exec esea_stopwatch"
alias esea_off "rcon exec esea_off"
alias ESEA "alias config_standard esea_push; alias config_koth esea_koth; alias config_stopwatch esea_stopwatch; alias config_golden; alias config_tugofwar; alias config_ctf esea_ctf; alias config_off esea_off; echo ESEA 6V6 Config loaded."

Append to autoexec, once in game you can set the config to use a specific league config.
Typing esea in console will indicate you want to use esea configs
Typing highlander in console will indicate you want to use UGC 9v9 configs
Typing ugc in console will indicate you want to use UGC 6v6 configs
Typing cevo in console will indicate you want to use CEVO configs

Once your league has been set, changing the level and executing the config is as simple as typing one of the preset map names;


Please note I am lame and don't play all divisions actively so maps will likely be missing. Viewing the file will make it pretty easy to determine how you can add maps yourself, or if you post a mapname I will make a revision to the file for everyone to enjoy.


I would hope it goes without saying but near the top of the file (Rconauth) you should change it to your server's rcon address + password.

Edit: The idea behind this config is for teams that play in multiple leagues to allow for easier management of the configs and easily change maps executing the desired config.

Edit x2: You can specify your 'default league' by putting it's name at the bottom of the config file; eg

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LF Mid Open+ Soldiers (CEVO) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking to acquire mid open+ soldiers (Pocket + Roamer) to play CEVO
Looking to acquire mid open+ pocket soldier. Very strong game sense is a must as well as the ability to main call.

We play at least 5 days a week -- Usually from 9PM EST

Add this kid: for tryout

posted about 11 years ago
#143 iT Servers Shutting Down in TF2 General Discussion

Mirrored maps + plugins:
Jump maps:
Jump plugins:
Surf maps:
Surf plugins:

I have bandwidth to spare. lol.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 TF2 Not Execing cfg/hud in Q/A Help
leakyWhen I launch tf2, it says this in my Console btw, I dont know if it matters or not.

Steam config directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\platform\config

I had similar issues, resolved by renaming C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\platform\cfg to cfg.bak

posted about 11 years ago
#6 What is good casting? in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty sure Lange killed it last night for zowie finals. That man can engage an audience.

posted about 11 years ago
#139 iT Servers Shutting Down in TF2 General Discussion

Can I grab FTP

Looking to create a permanent upload that doesn't require an account to download from.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 So... in TF2 General Discussion

Lange best caster NA

posted about 11 years ago
#8 mix^ wins? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#9 Play style? in TF2 General Discussion

I really hope your trying to get people to download a keylogger or something.

In a demo file?

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Play style? in TF2 General Discussion

idk help

I just want to make sure it's just someone's butthurt, not I'm playing like an asshole

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Play style? in TF2 General Discussion

TL;DR Someone said my play style was annoying.

Can someone please identify where play style was annoying?

posted about 11 years ago
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