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Signed Up February 21, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 6:42 PM
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#23 welcome to the tf2 after party in TF2 General Discussion

so any fps games I can play that are good but also not funding the interests of the chinese government?

posted about 5 years ago
#76 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridContraDarkNecridalso the whole range limit one wouldn't feel good to actually play because it'd be pretty difficult to determine that while actively trying to line up headshots unless you congested the game space (e.g. with symbols near people in range or w/e).
if it still minicrits past the headshot range, the player still receives positive feedback for their accuracy.

yes, it would require feeling out what ranges are and aren't headshot range over time, but it's also a damn sight better than your shots just randomly missing or you being forced to cradle your ambassador for a little longer until it's ready to do acceptable damage again.

n/o tho

o ye if it minicrit past the headshot range that would be fine i didn't see that i'm at like 6 spots at once so i might've speedread past stuff. that'd be solid!

so we're in agreement as to the best solution? range limit for headshot damage with minicrits past that so accuracy is still rewarded?

posted about 7 years ago
#74 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
DarkNecridalso the whole range limit one wouldn't feel good to actually play because it'd be pretty difficult to determine that while actively trying to line up headshots unless you congested the game space (e.g. with symbols near people in range or w/e).

if it still minicrits past the headshot range, the player still receives positive feedback for their accuracy.

yes, it would require feeling out what ranges are and aren't headshot range over time, but it's also a damn sight better than your shots just randomly missing or you being forced to cradle your ambassador for a little longer until it's ready to do acceptable damage again.

posted about 7 years ago
#65 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion
vJillOn the Ambassador change - Keep in mind that revolvers in general already have a pretty tight cone. We found that having a 50% reduced spread on your first shot still results in nearly perfect accuracy at short-to-medium ranges (But, as mentioned, these changes are not set in stone)

What is the maximum acceptable range of effectiveness for the Ambassador, and why isn't a simple range limit to headshots the better option?

Because the way I see it, Spies are going to be denied out of perfectly-good headshots that they should have hit. Hitting long-distance headshots without a scope is one of the hardest pure aim feats you can pull off in this game, and now it's become completely RNG.

Look at these two scenarios for long-distance headshots after this is implemented:
The Spy should've hit it, but he misses instead.
Or, the Spy misses and he miraculously hits it instead.

The first isn't fair to the Spy and the second isn't fair to the dumb schmuck who got RNG'd for 102 damage across the map.

Not wanting Spy to hit 102 damage across the map- I get it. That's probably not what ya'll intended when you designed the weapon, but it is a skill that players have spent literal years developing. And it sucks a lot for the people who got good enough to do it for all that time and practice to disappear.

Instead of RNG, can you just decide what range you think it's OK for the Spy to headshot at and set the limit to that? And to keep positive feedback for players who are able to hit it at that range, maybe consider making it a mini-crit instead. It certainly won't oneshot anyone but it will still reward accuracy in some way and, most importantly, ensure that the player is getting positive feedback for their skill development.

As this change stands now, it comes off as unfairly frustrating to anyone that's put time into developing skill with this weapon.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Input Lag, Windowed Borderless and FPS in TF2 General Discussion

What about the Steam Overlay? Will that cause any problems?

Thank you both for the detailed explanations, though! I'm gonna start playing in fullscreen and see if I see a boost in aim consistency.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Input Lag, Windowed Borderless and FPS in TF2 General Discussion

I've heard a lot of rumors about that playing TF2 in Windowed Borderless mode (esp in Windows 8+) results in mouse input lag. I've been playing TF2 in Windowed Borderless for most of my TF2 career, and I haven't really noticed this, but then this just could be because I'm used to it.

Due to how used to it I am, I also don't feel like I could come to a reliable conclusion on my own by switching to Fullscreen for a few games, because even if my aim increased in consistency, my overall aim consistency always seems to be fluctuating.

May also be worth mentioning that I typically run the game at 100+ FPS, well above my monitor's 75hz refresh rate. I've heard that FPS in Source games can also play a role in input latency, but this is another one of those statements I've yet to see backed up with test results.

So I'm asking you guys: are there any definitive tests out there that have been done to confirm or deny these rumors? Have you guys tested this out on your own and noticed any real differences between Windowed Borderless and Fullscreen? Or input latency changes at different framerates?

posted about 7 years ago
#4 What's your favorite pokemon game? in Other Games

crystal and emerald are the best of the gb/gba gens

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Online demo playback at in Projects
IcewindContrait takes a long time for every player to spawn and have their icons shown on the map. this is a problem because it doesn't allow one to see, say, medic positioning, in this demo until very late in the proceedings.
Have not seen that issue before, I'll see if I can fix the problem.

Fortunately, once players spawn, they don't seem to despawn- the second round in the viewer here seems to be completely accurate.

Thank you for looking into this, and thank you again for such a great tool!

Once further developed, this is going to be a really great, convenient way for teams to look over what's going on in their games and iron out issues with pushes and positioning.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Online demo playback at in Projects

I'm viewing this demo of a Highlander scrim in the player- why doesn't it show all players at once?

it takes a long time for every player to spawn and have their icons shown on the map. this is a problem because it doesn't allow one to see, say, medic positioning, in this demo until very late in the proceedings.

That being said, though, this is an amazing tool you've created for the Comp community. I can't wait to see how it develops!!

posted about 8 years ago
#43 TF2 update for 2/14/17 in TF2 General Discussion
Antaresmaxc232should be 2 on pyro scout and soldier, one on everything else
you really want 2 of these fuckers out at the same time?

no, but it's better than an arbitrary specialists/generalists split

simply implementing the 2-1-1 class limits for offense-defense-support would make it really clear to any new player that they need to focus on attacking above all

posted about 8 years ago
#98 Would you play an MGE Tournament with a prizepool? in TF2 General Discussion

my thread did nothing to deserve this

posted about 8 years ago
#94 Would you play an MGE Tournament with a prizepool? in TF2 General Discussion
joshuawnfuck round-robin dittos
let me only play scout
i will gladly fight any class as a scout

who said anything about a round-robin? the bracket is gonna be double-elim, not round-robin.

also, pick a scout ditto when the class selection is in your hands or use scout when free-choice is enabled. worst-case, you'll only be forced to play not-scout for a single round, due to how the picking works.

posted about 8 years ago
#92 Would you play an MGE Tournament with a prizepool? in TF2 General Discussion
VulcanWhat are you going to be doing about counterjumping and passive stratting?

counterjumping is fine, play to win.

passive stratting- assuming you mean playing as passively as possible to prolong the game/cheap camping- is discouraged by a fairly short time limit of 5 minutes per round, 3 minutes for the tiebreaker round if that's reached.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Your idea of game format in The Dumpster

6v6 as it is is easily the best for a spectating experience due to its faster pacing and more DM-oriented style. I'm more of an HL guy myself, but god knows that format is too slow and cluttered for a spectator eSport. I wouldn't mind it getting its own queue in Competitive Mode one day in the far-off future, but that can't happen until we have a scene that's big enough for something like that, and currently we do not.

The TF Team needs to embrace and properly integrate 6s. If they want to make changes, whatever, but those changes should be after testing out what we've done, not throwing away the entire wheel in favor of a shit competitive-in-name-only Competitive Mode.

posted about 8 years ago
#89 Would you play an MGE Tournament with a prizepool? in TF2 General Discussion
jake_over the edge!

and there's the tourney name

thanks jake

posted about 8 years ago
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