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Signed Up February 21, 2015
Last Posted November 9, 2019 at 6:42 PM
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#209 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
DishSoapGuys leave yttrium alone, all he tried to do was help us out by giving us a way to have a bit more of an advantage. He isn't doing something particularly awful, so why treat him as he just majorly fucked up. It's not his fault that your stuck with large viewmodels on your screen, it was Valve's decision.

Valve wants the game to be as close to fair as possible so you have to expect this to happen, but yttrium nor Valve deserve to be attacked like this.

It was an exploit and it got patched, its time to get over it.

(Besides Valve is listening to us a bit, they did give us viewmodel_fov 70 in MM, so it's slightly better. It's a start and we need to appreciate the effort, it's probably our best chance to getting valve to letting us having more freedom in our viewmodels for awhile).

Honestly, try minmode if you haven't. It's way better for visibility than any old viewmodel fov solution was, and it literally never gets in the way of shots you're trying to make. It's the perfect middle-ground between gameplay and immersion, and if we HAVE to have viewmodels on, it works well.

posted about 8 years ago
#204 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumContrathis, by the way, is why graphics mods aren't allowed, because they can also be used for exploits/outright cheats. the precedent was here for you to make a better decision.Graphics mods are a little bit of a bigger cheat than turning off viewmodels which has been supported in the game for half a decade...

until now, when that capability was explicitly disabled.

I don't agree with Valve's decision here, I should mention, but you should've known better. regardless of your intentions, you poisoned the stream for everyone else with your actions.

posted about 8 years ago
#201 yttrium's competitive viewmodels in Customization
yttriumI'm gunna be honest, my intention with this mod was to force Valve's hand into giving us viewmodel customization, on the assumption that they wouldn't want to piss off their entire casual community by removing animations altogether...

Guess I don't know Valve well enough.

they made it extremely clear that they didn't want viewmodels to be changed in this way, but you went and did it anyways

did you honestly believe valve would approach this ant of an issue with anything less than a hammer? you exploited a lane they opened for us, which gave them only one option to stop it.

this, by the way, is why graphics mods aren't allowed, because they can also be used for exploits/outright cheats. the precedent was here for you to make a better decision.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Erotic Map Fiction in Map Discussion
yttriumaroseFrontier is by far the loosest map. Just look at this shit:
Show Content
dude Frontier could even take Nucleus in its final cap

Frontier's pit bothers me because it copies the doomsday device from Nucelus and looks like it could drop down into Nucleus. One's a community map and one's a Valve map, so this is an unlikely connection, but I'm sure everyone's thought about it at least once. Has anything ever been said about that?

also, on-topic, this is beautiful work you've done

it's even better than that thing I wrote about the Engie fucking a Mini Sentry

posted about 8 years ago
#28 cp_cargo in Map Discussion

I think a good idea to reduce concerns of 2nd/last being too easily attackable (while still enabling fast rollouts for all classes) is by simply shutting off certain doors and shutters depending on what points are capped.

For instance, simply keeping everything open while everyone goes to mid is fine, but the fast rollout paths can make holding 2nd really difficult...perhaps closing off the one that's in the dead middle after mid is capped could be a solution?

posted about 8 years ago
#65 Lawena v4.0 is out. in Videos

Through extensive experimentation, I've noticed that Lawena recording doesn't display either wrangler lasers or unusual effects properly...if you use the pldx particles.

The pldx particles bundled in the vpk seem to be identical to the ones given in a download from PLDX, but whether you use his particles on their own or you use them with Lawena, they remove unusual effects and wrangler effects.

I'm under the impression that these particles are quite old, and they both add new particles and overwrite originals.

Is there any way to fix this? The PLDX particles make the game look gorgeous, and I'd love this program if I didn't have to disable those to have all game info displayed.

posted about 9 years ago
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