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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#98 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
MouldcorsaPeople are still thinking the way maps are designed isn't one of the reasons stalemates occur....

There is no point on any map where the map maker thought how long it takes a team to rotate from one choke to another, and if they did, it's not designed that well. On top of that, half the maps have ONLY chokes to push through (gullywash, badlands, etc).

There are more reasons why tf2 is stalematey, but I'm 100% confident that if somebody made a map with these things in mind, each team would be able to take more risks without a high chance of failing. Take granary 2nd (holding yard, pushing 2nd) and snakewater (holding mid, pushing 2nd). Which is easier fail?

The answer's obvious. The map does play at least a small role in being able to take risks.

One of the main reasons we aren't building maps in that way is because people are so used to being defensive that if you create an easier push people aren't necessarily happy with that. Its actually hard to make maps that aren't small variations of map design that already exists, not only because the design space is actually very small, but people also don't even want to take the time to practice new maps. In EU at least, nobody ever scrims new maps in the pool until their week.
Its not necessarily worth the risk because if you experiment too much you can lose your audience immediately. It takes a lot of mapping talent to be able to create a map good enough for competitive and general play, and even with a good understanding of tf2 (I'm nowhere near prem granted, but I can comfortably play solid high) I was still unable to create an idea that worked.
This really isn't simple stuff and requires way more from the community if we want people to make these innovative maps. Mapchamp was about half way there, but top players have to get involved. A+ effort from banny who worked with phi on cardinal and stark who worked with me on my map, other than that I can't think of much tbh.


At any rate, I have managed to get my housemates to watch some tftv and the main complaint I get is always that the maps are too similar, because to someone who barely or doesn't play at all, the difference between a stalemate on gullywash and a stalemate on granary is almost nothing at all. We need koth in the map pool so things are changed up and frankly we could do with a decent ad map as well, but that's a while off.

you're right people are way too disapproving when it comes to new maps, but that is an absolute terrible reason for this--to not make a good map--because if done right, it's not a risk, since it isn't really that much different; it's just making a good map, rather than a bad map. so actually, i would think fewer people would complain about how they don't want to play a new map "because it's aids" or specifically "because pushing x point is way too hard" or "there's no interesting props/geometry in x transition"

now, to make it good, that takes a lot of talent, as you said, and we do have the map makers to do that, with people like phi, hyce, and others who are actively making new maps. b4nny is making a map with phi, for example, and it is a good map, with the exception that it still has the problems of every other map, because they obviously didn't think of the ideas i mentioned. and again, we do have the community to give feedback on maps, because they already give feedback on good maps as well as maps that were originally very bad.

what i'm trying to say is it's really not as complicated as it sounds. you just need to keep these things in mind when making a map.

posted about 7 years ago
#93 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion

People are still thinking the way maps are designed isn't one of the reasons stalemates occur....

There is no point on any map where the map maker thought how long it takes a team to rotate from one choke to another, and if they did, it's not designed that well. On top of that, half the maps have ONLY chokes to push through (gullywash, badlands, etc).

There are more reasons why tf2 is stalematey, but I'm 100% confident that if somebody made a map with these things in mind, each team would be able to take more risks without a high chance of failing. Take granary 2nd (holding yard, pushing 2nd) and snakewater (holding mid, pushing 2nd). Which is easier fail?

The answer's obvious. The map does play at least a small role in being able to take risks.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Stalemates in TF2 General Discussion
sendnerf xbow
nerf scattergun knockback or make the spread larger
shorter round timer

while that isn't the worst idea, scouts are one of the least impactful classes when it comes to defending, despite its ability to shut down players aggressing. demo (and also the ubercharge mechanic) is one big reason dry pushing is terrible on most maps, but i want to point out that i say most maps. maps that don't have a large area to dry push, such as grass/lower on snakewater (mid to 2nd), are honestly really bad maps in regard to the flow of the game. it's honestly way more effective than people think to do things like trading ubers and repushing an easier entrance to dry push, but most points on most maps don't allow this because of their terrible design. in that very specific snakewater example, it's not that easy to trade ubers without having a significantly worse uber (but still possible). having a significantly worse uber, however, wouldn't matter as much if the defending team's rotation wasn't as easy as a 1 second walk or jump. as much as people say it's the 5cp gamemode that is at fault (which obviously inherently is as a result of demos and ubers), there can still be maps that are designed to have a mix of well designed small chokes as well as large chokes that have an open area easy to take exciting team fights, while also having good rotation timings between each choke from each team's position.

edit: by open area/choke, i don't necessarily mean a plain flat area such as grass on snakewater 2nd. while it is a good part of the map and also works effectively as a part of the map to push, as a side suggestion, something more interesting with props could have more potential to bring exciting team fight--sort of like a new mid fight.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 Asking about Soldier in DM in TF2 General Discussion
CrenicusYou mean Ammomod(MGE) or Ammomod, because MGE variation is my favorite thing to play on TF2 already.

i tend to prefer ammomod mge, the one where u have normal hp. badlands mid against scouts is also good.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Asking about Soldier in DM in TF2 General Discussion
ShpeeismeI read in some other thread (I think it was Samski who said it) that the best way to improve aim in DM is to not jump too much but instead waddle around and just try to hit your rockets. This way of playing is frustrating because you won't get as many kills as you could but it does help train aim.

I feel like if you played dm like that (which is fine and still useful) you might as well play ammomod soldier vs soldier/scout. Jumping in dm servers is helpful, as much as people say it's not

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Best Racing Game? in Other Games

I used to play a bunch of racing games before I quit racing. The TOCA series was really good and i'd imagine they're still good. The last one i played was the 2006 release. That game and GTR2 was another one of the more realistic racing games i've played. You probably already have a steering wheel with force feedback, but if not, to make these games actually realistic, you should get one. They're pretty expensive though.

I can't speak on any newer racing games like Assetto Corsa, PCARS, or iRacing, for example, that i heard were good

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Team SVIFT - i61 Announcement/Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

I've never gotten over 100 of tf2. You told me you used to though...back in ur day

posted about 7 years ago
#77 Team SVIFT - i61 Announcement/Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
K1Wait so b4nny streams everyday + plays svift scrims + froyo scrims ? How much tf2 does he play now..

if u add up hours per 2 weeks in tf2 of all 6 players on evl, b4nny alone has more.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Team SVIFT - i61 Announcement/Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

also, do u guys like how banny basically told people to hold off on their donations to gnomercy (so people would have money to donate to his team)


posted about 7 years ago
#13 Team SVIFT - i61 Announcement/Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
MumaAlle is the only human who brings a smile to my face anymore

gl this weekend mumanji ^_^

posted about 7 years ago
#28 gnomercy @ i61 in TF2 General Discussion

nice banny, way to ruin a portion of their financial opportunity before it even starts.

posted about 7 years ago
#50 Se7en welcomes back kaidus and Starkie in News
damneasycorsaHildrethcorsahawkuYou know it's dire when EU's most hopeful team has Raymon as medic.
who r u

Hawku was trolling my Div 1 games before you were out of diapers lad.

Respect your elders

i played this game since it came out too

Nice e-penis

who r u

posted about 7 years ago
#48 Se7en welcomes back kaidus and Starkie in News
HildrethcorsahawkuYou know it's dire when EU's most hopeful team has Raymon as medic.
who r u

Hawku was trolling my Div 1 games before you were out of diapers lad.

Respect your elders

i played this game since it came out too

posted about 7 years ago
#46 Se7en welcomes back kaidus and Starkie in News
hawkuYou know it's dire when EU's most hopeful team has Raymon as medic.

who r u

posted about 7 years ago
#25 how do you play on a team you hate without leaving in The Dumpster
NurseyThat list was a series of lies, I'm sorry. I don't feel committed to TF2 nearly as much as I did a year ago. I wanted to join EVL because I know they would not care about my ability to never be here on time. They are a super amazing team full of people who barely even need to talk about or touch the game (except corsa). If I treated Froyotech like I am currently treating EVL, I obviously would've just gotten the boot anyway. The real reason why I left Froyotech was an extremely selfish reason (much more selfish than just saying I wanna prove I'm good) and unfortunately I put myself in a situation where I genuinely can't enjoy the personalities on my current team. I don't think leaving Froyotech was a mistake, but trying to pursue this game still as a hobby has made myself and the others I play with miserable. Unfortunately I don't have many actions that can remedy what I've done, but I can still try my best.

After thinking over what I've been doing the last two hours and with the little push that this dumb thread gave me, the smartest decision would be for me to step down from a starting position on any team and be happy with a backup spot. I will use any dedication I have left for competitive TF2 towards helping newer players get into the game. I'm sorry for blatantly begging for negative attention in this thread but I thoroughly felt I needed something like this to help me figure how I want to treat TF2. I'm sorry for being autistic, retarded, etc.

I have <20 hours in 2 weeks and am playing the same. fuck u bitch

posted about 7 years ago
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