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Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#9 Need help on scout 6s in TF2 General Discussion
NA DM servers are constantly empty. Is MGE better or at least a good substitute?

They usually only have people in the evenings before scrims and sometimes on the weekends I think. I find that dm is just running into people trying to hit every shot, while in mge, for me, it was easier to actually learn and practice how to take fights against certain classes.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 favorite twitch whores thread in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#8 corsa to se7en?! in TF2 General Discussion
Thalashmessage was meant for clockwork not corsa sorry for any confusion


posted about 7 years ago
#3 corsa to se7en?! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
catman1900thanks! :D

High School graduate here excited for the future, any tips for college?

go to ratemyprofessor and pick ur teachers wisely. also, try to start off the beginning of each semester strong bc it's then a lot less stressful.

posted about 7 years ago
#65 Se7en not going to i61??? in TF2 General Discussion
ShooshmarmadukeGRYLLS"Guys i dont want to spend $1k+ to go to lan and still lose money even if we take first"
I'm sorry but why are people so attached to money? Yes fair if that is way too much for you to go or it something you cant do right now even though you want to go. Like the majority of reason in attending LAN is the experience and to meet people you talk with like everyday and have a real life perception of them. Just my idea of it. I'm 100% down for losing £300-400 to attend a LAN play some games and get drunk and talk to people like, for me I just dont understand the view of missing this big event for a game people have adored and played for years, begged multiplay to give a stage too hold the game despite its shortcomings and get hyped for every year, just for the loss of money.
Jesus, hope people enjoy being attached to the money.

The major reason to fly across the entire country to rewind or across the ocean to i61 is most definitely not to meet your friends and get drunk with them, as there are much closer and cheaper lans (for most NA players to do that at, like GXL). At those lans, the biggest reason to fly that far is to play top level tf2 because playing against the very best teams on LAN is simply indescribable. To each his own, however.

posted about 7 years ago
#59 Se7en not going to i61??? in TF2 General Discussion
rocketslayif you don't want to go to lan because froyo isn't going to be there then why are you even bothering to play prem

That is the principle why a lot of top players have been slowly quitting invite/prem--not a lot of top tier competition besides lans, as explained by starkie.

@starkie, you wouldn't have been playing froyo in gf anyway xd

mathemaphysicistCorrect me if I'm wrong but I find this "oh if FROYO isn't going might as well not go because there will be no competition" quite disrespectful. I mean you're technically telling the other teams that they're completely worthless to play against and therefore you shouldn't bother competing because it's a gurateed win? If I was a team leader or something I'd honestly take it as an insult. There are still two months for this so called mix team team to prepare and I'm pretty sure any player competing at LAN is giving their best.

This actually would've been the most competitive and close LAN in a long time honestly, as 7 and evl have an upgraded roster and froyo is always just froyo. as such, it's unfortunate that half of the players or so from froyo and evl can't attend and the rest not feeling like it's worth it, as explained well by clockwork in another thread. Along with what clockwork said, when one of the top teams can't attend, what's the point of going? People play tf2 because they love the game, yes, but they love playing the game against the very best teams.

georgebaiiIf the core players aren't attending they should at least hand the Froyotech/Se7en name/branding to another team just for the event. The idea of one of the main tourneys of the entire LAN not having the best teams in the world is so fucking disappointing.

Why would you want a mediocre team to represent a "prestigious" brand? I'm actually having a hard time thinking of one good reason that could be appropriate.

DollyIn this day and age (More so in eu) I would cut players who wouldn't go to lan, just because it causes more problems long term with roster shuffles, and winning a season means nothing compared to world championships where you can make decent money.

In this day and age? Why would you cut somebody because they can't or don't want to go to the 1-2 small and unprofessional lans that happen per year, especially when there are so few replacement options at the top level of tf2? That day and age past years ago when esea LAN died. I think you have it backwards, in which you should only really be cutting players for not being able to go to LAN if most tournaments were LAN-based like bigger games.

I have no words to describe how dumb it is to think a team should uphold a standard of going to lans in a video game that has 0 money and extremely little competition. You guys are acting like tf2 is a real esport. If a team doesn't want to go, that's enough reason to not go

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Physical punishment in childhood in Off Topic
Vulcaneverybody who's said "look at me I turned out fine and my parents hit me" has always been incredibly spoiled

I think you might have it the complete opposite if anything, but I don't think there's that much of a correlation. both of my parents were disciplined that way, and they were the last thing from spoiled. they were both almost as poor as you can possibly think of. they had to do everything for themselves, including working jobs for their parents and family just so they could get by in their relatively poor countries.

also, beating kids as a way of discipline has no real correlation with the parents being lazy, most of the time. It's usually just a way traditional or old school parents think they should parent

posted about 7 years ago
#28 Poll: What is the most powerful class in MGE? in TF2 General Discussion

if you're playing normal mge where both players actually take the fight against each other, shotgun soldier > scout > demo (demo is the best 1v1 class if u hit all of your shots though)

if you're playing as gay as possible, scout > demo > soldier

posted about 7 years ago
#8 ESEA S25 W3: froyotech vs. Gnomercy in Matches

go cookie my boy

posted about 7 years ago
#73 no froyo @ i61? in TF2 General Discussion
Ninlop"worlds best team" *needs more than 2 months to prepare* lul

to prepare financially, if it's worth spending money/time getting visas, and to ensure it fits their schedules u retard. also, this froyo has not yet proven to be the best team.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Question about Ultiduo Map Logic in Map Discussion

the defaults / numbers you stated are a good start. 12 seconds is probably a bit too long though depending on the map

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Question about Ultiduo Map Logic in Map Discussion

different for every map and really just depends on the size of the map and also how it plays out; copying all the timings of one map would most likely not work.

posted about 7 years ago
#331 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#329 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


is dippidy forever open


posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⋅⋅ 79