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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#15 SMH these Open players (PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEME) in TF2 General Discussion

There's some conflicting facts goin on... people say they use discord to find scrims nowadays but they also get cancelled or delayed. If u used discord how it was meant to be used (like irc: when u have 6 in mumble, u lf scrim) those issues would occur pretty rarely. u see there's really no rush to find a scrim before u have 6 in mumble bc if u actually want to get good as a team there's always some talking to do whether it's about a map or internal team things. nevertheless, if everyone did it this way, they wouldn't have to wait more than a few minutes--from personal experience.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Cat Noises pounce into Invite in News

it wasnt directed toward u. i just commented to agree with u...

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Cat Noises pounce into Invite in News
alderhonestly it's bringing shame to the bird noises legacy

they said u guys r posers

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Ascent swaps corsa for paddie in News

that quote is from paddie


posted about 7 years ago
#3 Tinder go to first message in The Dumpster
ProSkeezshow bobs

and vagene

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Tip of the Hats: Day 1 in Events

what the heck is going on in here...

posted about 7 years ago
#52 Arrek Invitational in TF2 General Discussion
Vulcancorsaez 2-0 4 slemnishWho's the fool now corsa!

ya my bad slemnish is terrible LOL

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Arrek Invitational in TF2 General Discussion

Live in 2 days and 2 hours !

Hype !

posted about 7 years ago
#22 Arrek Invitational in TF2 General Discussion

ez 2-0 4 slemnish

posted about 7 years ago
#15 etf2l sunshine replaces granary in TF2 General Discussion
Mouldreplace one map people don't like with another map that people don't really like either

I don't see the point

despite sunshine not being the best map, it's still infinitely better designed than granary

posted about 7 years ago
#878 ESEA-O S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Campymr popo doesn't lose

posted about 7 years ago
#22 How can we improve camerawork during matches? in TF2 General Discussion
I generally agree with what you say, just a few things (and I promise that even though some of them look like leading questions, they are genuine things that I'm thinking about):
  • if you saw the use of split screen to show the product forward hold, what did you think about that? Would you have preferred that as PiP?
  • some related questions: do you think that you might want different things from an observer than a less experienced player would? Since you understand what the whole team is likely to be doing, do you think that makes you want to watch individual players more? I've heard several times that tf2 is confusing to spectate, do you think that spectating/casting single players more in stalemates would make it more or less so?
  • how do you think we should balance PiP and main camera for players behind? I've found that often when I spectate the player behind things like uber exchanges happen offscreen - do you think it's worth it?


1) In this situation, I feel like split screen would be beneficial, but it would still be quite annoying to watch. Personally, I think a really smooth bird's eye person view as a team is setting up that forward hold would look a lot better. The moment the teams are able to exchange damage, then switch to 1st person (probably the attacking soldier or scout)

2) I think my suggestions apply to all observers, so yeah for example let's say it's a stalemate froyo vs ascent on snakewater (this applies to every single team; however, if you have experience you might know who is going to go for plays more than other players). froyo has control of mid on even ubers. It's possible that other players can make a play than blaze or with blaze (there are more thing to do than just suicide blaze), but for this particular map/point, you should probably just keep your eyes on blaze, seeing how he sets up before he actually bombs, not just switching to him the moment he's in the air. say it's same map, even ubers again, but froyo has control of our 2nd and trying to get last. you're going to want to keep your eyes on arekk and/or blaze since it's likely they'll both suicide. knowing whether or not they'll suicide 1 or 2 on last generally depends on the map, the score, how much time is left, the particular position of the teams, etc. but generally on last points, you'll see 2 people suicide. on other points, you'll USUALLY see only 1 (really depends, so it just comes down to experience, knowing what to expect).

3) is PiP the small screen in the bottom left corner? unfortunately i feel like this just comes down to experience, knowing when the action will happen first. however, when a player is behind and teams exchange ubers, you're going to see some interesting stuff from the player behind, so you should probably put him on the full screen and the same team's pocket on the small screen in the corner. so again, if he's too far away to really do any damage, you should leave the player on the small screen in the corner, but then switch to somebody involved in that uber exchange / resulting team fight. if the player (or any player) is backcapping, you should switch to his cam.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 How can we improve camerawork during matches? in TF2 General Discussion

only use split screen for the rollouts, and end it before they shoot their first sticky. with split screen, you can't really look at both perspectives at once, so the goal of that then becomes that the viewer has a choice who to watch, but it's pretty ugly and annoying to watch a half a screen. thus, only use it to show something a viewer would watch with their peripheral vision (only thing I can think of are rollouts). the small cam in the bottom left corner was cool, I'd recommend that as a direct replacement of the times you wanted to split screen.

you should spectate singular players in stalemates for longer periods of times to grasp what a player is trying to initiate, and generally, it should be the attacking team/players to spectate. for the most part, stalemates are only boring to watch because the casters and cameraman sort of miss what the attacking team is working out, and only really notice the actual play.

if a player is behind, spec that player for the entire time unless/until he's so far away from the enemy team that the enemy team can just cap the next point, then once/if he gets closer, spec the player behind again.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 i61: Day 3 in Events


posted about 7 years ago
#34 i61: Day 2 in Events
FuxxI'm curious to see what you would classify as a bad demo map

there aren't really any bad demo maps. you can control the pace of every map as demo if you're very good. some are just not AS good as gullywash. i suppose granary and metalworks are slightly worse (interestingly, the 2 worst and most static maps in esea)

posted about 7 years ago
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