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Signed Up August 27, 2014
Last Posted February 17, 2025 at 10:37 PM
Posts 1463 (0.4 per day)
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Headphones HyperX Cloud
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1 ⋅⋅ 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ⋅⋅ 96
#12 shit show in 35 mins (presidential debate) in World Events
THEBILLDOZERfahrenheit"im NOT saying the holocaust didnt happen, im just saying 6 million is a little too high for only four years"
cant believe trump actually said that
i hope this is a joke

is it bad if you cant tell anymore

posted about 8 years ago
#5 shit show in 35 mins (presidential debate) in World Events

"im NOT saying the holocaust didnt happen, im just saying 6 million is a little too high for only four years"
cant believe trump actually said that

they asked hillary to respond and her eyes rolled back in her head and she started speaking backwards

posted about 8 years ago
#77 Made a list of all OP weapons I can think of in TF2 General Discussion

The xbow is pretty much fine, you can argue nerfs but ultimately his alternatives are what blows.

Make the Overdose's speed boost passive and boom now it can contend with the xbow

posted about 8 years ago
#23 kink thread in The Dumpster

youre gonna point out that over diapers and ddlg?

i would say having someone dress up like a bulbous head gray alien and fucking you is a little weirder yes

posted about 8 years ago
#21 kink thread in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#4 ? in The Dumpster
goldfishhe was shotgun denying me on adderall and laughing lol

his anime avatar was all i needed to see

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events

Breaking News

Clinton Confirmed HIDING ALIENS

"Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space."


posted about 8 years ago
#16 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events

i do enjoy watching prolific trump supporters on twitter try to be like BBBBBUT MUH WIKILEAKS

at this point everyone who supports trump is always going to support him
everyone who supports hillary is always going to support hillary, in their eyes their candidate can do no wrong

trump could go down into the crowd at one of his rallies and start beating one of his supporters' in the face and the supporter's only response would be "please sir may i have another"

posted about 8 years ago
#29 your go to songs for concentrating/studying? in Music, Movies, TV

An Empty Bliss Beyond This World by The Caretaker <--- Personal favorite for studying
Everywhere at the end of time - The Caretaker (NEW ALBUM)
Music for Airports by Brian Eno <--- Personal favorite for studying
Selected Ambient Works Vol 2 by Aphex Twin
Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin
Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
F#A#Infinity by Godspeed You! Black Emperor


Website you can use to toggle different sounds for focus like: rain, wind, leaves rustling, even simulate the droning noise of a fan.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Looking for keyboard recommendation in Hardware

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Nursey quits for this season. in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny was right

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Hot TF2 Moms in The Dumpster
corsacozen's mom ^_^
posted about 8 years ago
#13 Pentagon paid PR firm $540mn to make fake terroris in World Events

Sounds like the Russian government's version of Al Jazeera

edit: that bureau of investigative journalism tho is a different story

posted about 8 years ago
#86 awful clothing choices in Off Topic
pascalA guy I knew in high school did the trench-coat-suit-and-tie-fedora thing every day. In college he graduated to wearing handmade (by himself) yukatas every day, complete with two inch Japaense wooden sandals.

He basically looked like this:

Funny story... one time I saw him with a bloody scraped up arm and I asked what happened. He said that he was running after the bus (full Japanese outfit on including those sandals) and slipped on the ice and fell. That's right folks, he even wore that outfit in the the Michigan winter (but with a thermal underneath and socks). Not sure what his preferences are now though, it was a few years ago since I last saw him.

too weird to live, too rare to die

posted about 8 years ago
#1509 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
TsarbucksNot my type of music, but it started to grow on me. I have that fucking song from ShaDowBurn's legacy video stuck in my head.

Not really into hard rock/nu metal, just couldnt manage it

posted about 8 years ago
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