I haven't seen a proper feedback thread yet, and I want to write down my thoughts before I forget everything...
Good LAN
- Truktruk's casting was really good.
- The analysis of Kaidus/Showstopper was phenomenal. This aspect of the big TF2 lans just keep getting better.
- Low downtime on the stream.
- The games between Froyo and Se7en was enjoyable.
- From what I saw of the eXtine-interviews, they were a lot better than at i58. Better flow between the questions, etc.
- EVL stepping up to challenge Se7en.
- The sound mixing on the analyst desk. Getawhale was a lot louder than the other analysts, most notably Kaidus/Showstopper. Some discrepancy is fine, but now and then it was so big that I adjusted the volume of the stream depending on who spoke.
- On that same note, Getawhale interrupted the other analysts too often, instead of letting them finish their thoughts.
- Slin's bias against Se7en was too noticable.
- The observing was slightly off towards the end of the lan.
- That weird sliding between spectated players that was used sometimes was... weird? Idk, it didn't really add something for me. Perhaps it's a thing that you have to get used to.
- The transitions from casters to analysts were too drawn out sometimes. Imo they should happen more or less immediately after the game.