flippersDave_First off, ignore what people say about capping your fps; most of the time it doesn't make your game run any better and sometimes it runs a lot worse. No FPS cap will fix your stuttering. Caps of 66, 121, 132, 240, 241, 300, etc don't do anything. Unless you're having issues with mouse lag due to fps drops, you should never cap your fps (especially if you have crossfire/sli; it causes really bad microstuttering on my crossfire setup). That being said, I suggest you go into your Nvidia control panel and change the max pre-rendered frames to something besides 3 for TF2. I'd suggest setting it to 0, 1, or 4 frames. Also, you can set your negative LOD bias to clamp, which helps performance on my brother's 9800m GTS 1GB with TF2.
dave i cant find max-prerendered frames and i cant find negative LOD
It's old but I suggest you try reading this: http://www.tweakguides.com/NVFORCE_6.html