Account Details
SteamID64 76561198033306404
SteamID3 [U:1:73040676]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:36520338
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up February 11, 2013
Last Posted September 1, 2017 at 6:39 AM
Posts 1565 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.25
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Ninox Aurora
Keyboard Corsair K70 Black (red switches)
Mousepad Razer Goliathus Alpha Speed (34x44cm)
Headphones AKG K712 Pro
Monitor Acer XB280HK
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#21 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches
RhettroWhat the fuck why did my ring not show up for everyone in game
Like wtf did they censor it
I didn't see any rules about that I didn't even say dick

We have these turned off normally because the sound and notification is usually irrelevant.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

My upload speed is shit today so this one won't be streamed live. The VOD will be up on youtube though.

posted about 9 years ago
#69 Gamers Assembly LAN confirmed, signups open in News
DarkdwarfSideshowWithout the venue providing rental PCs or having a sponsorship for them, teams found it very difficult to transport themselves and desktops to the middle of France. Might still get one team there, but it's unlikely.
With that in mind, I guess that the planned coverage from tftv is cancelled too?

We might not have a stream from the event itself but we are planning on having a stream covering the games regardless.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

Sideshow, Nuze and Sim


posted about 9 years ago
#10 OLED 120Hz in Hardware
HyceDavidTheWinComangliaViper4K 120Hz. OLED is great and all, but the question still remains: what GPU on Earth could support that with at least semi-playable frame rates?
Most GPUs for TF2 and CSGO on low settings B)

I can run AAA games at close to maxed settings at 60fps with 2 980s, I'd bet I could run some of them close to 120fps at lower settings and Pascal/Polaris should make that even easier.

980TI here, GTA V ultra is ~70 and BF4 is ~100. TF2 ranges from ~160 to ~280 with no cfg... this all on 1080p.

You'd need a beast... or triple SLI 980TI's for 120 FPS 4K.

I don't own GTA V or BF4 but I've benchmarked my TF2 at 4k at over 100fps and I just tested Metro Last Light on lowest settings and had 180fps at parts, though averaging about 150 with dips to 90ish and maxed (no SSAA) I had about 60-80 fps. It's definitely do-able.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 OLED 120Hz in Hardware
ComangliaViper4K 120Hz. OLED is great and all, but the question still remains: what GPU on Earth could support that with at least semi-playable frame rates?
Most GPUs for TF2 and CSGO on low settings B)

I can run AAA games at close to maxed settings at 60fps with 2 980s, I'd bet I could run some of them close to 120fps at lower settings and Pascal/Polaris should make that even easier.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 ETF2L S23 W6: Foreskings vs. Perilous Gaming in Matches
WARHURYEAHI can merc you disorganised plebs.

ur casting m80

posted about 9 years ago
#2 OLED 120Hz in Hardware

The monitor market has moved so quickly the past year or two. Even my 4k 60hz gsync monitor feels outdated now. I'll be interested to see how it changes if pascal/polaris live up to the hype and can do 4k on a single gpu.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Changes for MatchMaking in TF2 General Discussion

Having a 2 winlimit for now is actually probably helpful when stress testing because the quicker turnaround means more people queueing at the same time on average. It also helps them get more end to end tests of the queuing to playing to ending sequence meaning they're statistically more likely to catch bugs in those processes. Given how much new work has to go into the queueing and ending sequences it makes sense to prioritise finding bugs there than in the playing itself. Any problems with the gameplay can be fixed by a simple config update and they could copy 90% of an existing league config for that. It's just not the highest priority right now, so long as the game is playable they can get the information they need about things that are more likely to break. This is a beta to find technical issues, not a beta to fine tune gameplay.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ETF2L S23 W6: Publiclir vs. Team Infused in Matches

CommanderX, WAR and myself

posted about 9 years ago
#8 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches
nopeDavidTheWin_KermitDue to a lack of cameramen or casters? I can cast again if need be.
A lack of twitch channels
is it that hard to register a new one?

Need a new email, new twitch channel, setting all the bio/pictures etc, adding it to a couple of lists on tftv, creating a new NodeCG dashboard. It's a fair amount of work for a channel that might only be used once. On top of that we're still short 2 streamers and I still don't know if we could get 8 casters on a day when none of the players can cast.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches
_KermitDue to a lack of cameramen or casters? I can cast again if need be.

A lack of twitch channels

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ETF2L S23 W6: Planet Express vs. nerdRage.tf2 in Matches

Won't be casted

posted about 9 years ago
#6 ETF2L S23 W6: dd + 5 abs vs. LEGO in Matches

Actually this will be casted

Admirable, TurboTabs and Suyo

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Good 144hz w/ gsync? in Hardware

Gsync is well worth the extra money if you can afford it

posted about 9 years ago
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