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Signed Up August 15, 2020
Last Posted December 17, 2024 at 9:44 PM
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#173 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
kooturtleMain Today is worse than S6 Open, What has this game become


dis u?

posted 8 months ago
#4 darty LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 8 months ago
#215 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
J0hNFree Bobby Shmurda fr

so true 4dolf

posted 8 months ago
#1437 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

Probably a better way to do this. At minimum you press the key only twice. When you press and hold the bind it will auto join as spy, and on release it will disguise as enemy medic and switch to slot2, and then just hit the key again to show medigun on the 3d playermodel. Just tried it on a serveme and it seems to work.

bind "X" "+toggleState"
alias +toggleState "join_class spy; cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel 1; r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias -toggleState "disguise 5 -1; slot2; lastdisguise"

There is a weird bug with the bind where "lastdisguise" will sometimes be sent to the server before "disguise 5 - 1". idk what causes it but if you want it to be fool proof just press b for lastdisguise and just remove the command from the alias. Disguising has a big delay anyways so pressing b shouldn't be that big of a deal.

posted 8 months ago
#58 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
RhythmI really have no comment on whether either player is cheating or not but UGC just dropped a ban for sampha.


Pretty sure RGL does cheating mirror bans from other leagues.
case closed(?)

posted 8 months ago
#27 Map design in TF2 General Discussion

I've thought of an idea of how to fix resup binds being op, and I think the best way to do it would be to have the area that makes the shutter open be unable to resup. That way leagues don't have to outright ban the bind because you can sorta circumvent it by just changing classes. This way it would be way more consistent and prevent people living by the skin of their teeth or times where people resup when they're outside the shutter (lol).

Example pic of how I'd imagine it look like. The area has to be a little wider than the shutter cuz you can open shutters from the corner


posted 8 months ago
#131 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Weekly Monthly update when?

posted 9 months ago
#112 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

also highest elo captain should always get 2nd pick, not first.

posted 9 months ago
#111 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

needs option to pre-ready up for non-captains so u don't end up missing out b/c u left for a sec

posted 9 months ago
#105 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

needs c restrict

posted 10 months ago
#100 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

needs to be a cooldown on pugs after 1 of them ends. I've seen so many people miss a pug because the one they were in just ended and 1 insta started, giving no time for people to add up.

posted 10 months ago
#9 Divine :3 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


scout only can't play soldier in adv ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

posted 10 months ago
#13 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
RahmedWhy can't the admins report it then

I'm just the messenger idk lol. It's also possible that someone has made a report but it's low priority. I'm not sure how it works since I'm not an admin

posted 10 months ago
#11 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
mmrarkteTholeI think banning people for cheating should be a higher priority than banning players for smurfing tbhNot to defend rgl in any way but the people that ban you for telling people to kill themselves are not the same people that ban you for cheating (which iirc is still only 1 person)

No, it's the same people. RGL AC is responsible for every ban on the site, from actually cheating to the person who said the n-word in an amateur scrim. Pretty sure RGL admins aren't even allowed to ban people on their own - it HAS to go through AC.

Part of why people like cukei or cray haven't been banned yet. Some of the admins have seen the videos and they are aware that they're cheating, yet they are powerless because no one has made a report for it.

posted 10 months ago
#5 OBS Game Capture not working with TF2 in Videos


if u turn this option on in RTSS game capture should work as normal

posted 11 months ago
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