chambsI'm interested in this. The wiki states that .dem files store raw packets to recreate a game. It's weird because I'd expect a .dem file to be a history array indexed by tick or frame from the server's perspective. I've never written a plugin, and I don't know which SourceMod plugins you're referring to. If you link them I can take a look to see how they could be implemented / recreated. You could probably just write a .dem parser to avoid working with a plugin.
Either way, my idea is to iterate over every tick, and at each tick loop through every player storing a traceray from their view angles in a history buffer. Bots are either going to target various bones ( 3d point ) or the center of a hitbox ( also a 3d point ). You can do various checks like seeing if a player sent an IN_ATTACK command as soon as their view angle pointed at the center of an enemy's head / torso. For ESP you could run two tracers; one which ignores walls and one which doesn't.
I can also help test how accurate the plugin / parser is :P
Hopefully we can all still be m8s. I'm a nice guy :P
SMAC is no longer on AlliedModders page due to someone sending a DMCA (what a dick) But the one linked is just as good.
SMAC can still be found on various sites