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Country United States
Signed Up August 17, 2012
Last Posted January 21, 2014 at 9:58 PM
Posts 187 (0 per day)
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Headphones HD 681
Monitor Samsung
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#56 wrangler in highlander in TF2 General Discussion
Nakedape49. Look, I got it you don't like the wrangler. You can keep the snark, and you'll actually come out with a better argument.

I guess I asked for this when I answered sdoggs hypothetical question.

While I'm at it. I find little argument when such hard counters to the wrangler exist: spy sapper, spy backstab, sniper rifle, soldier direct hit, and demo stickeys. All require minimal effort to strategize and employ as a team.

And those aren't all hard counters to a slowly moving heavy as well? Minigun has bullet spread and fall off, rocket launcher has fall off, FoS heavy does not heal 348 hp every .65 seconds, Revved heavy moves a tiny bit faster than a sentry gun. Of course you are able to work through it, because you only encounter wrangled sentries while attacking, and it is inevitable that eventually a pick class will be able to make enough of a change that you can push because no one is perfect. Making a class way more important and way harder to kill without adding any level of skill is not a good idea. The only reason why it is not extremely OP is that you can't push with a wrangled level 3 and you are limited to 1 engie per team. It is game changing, but it isn't possible for it to be OP because there are a few ways to take it down, even though they all rely on mistakes by the other team, not your own skill.

posted about 12 years ago
#53 wrangler in highlander in TF2 General Discussion
heinsdogg2mYeah, I do and your boy Hein essentially pussed out.

I asked him if we locked him down would he ban it. He said no. Demonstrated to me I was wasting my time.

What? LOL I told you I'd face you on any map with any setup you have and you backed down when you found out what team I was on and also that I wanted to get it casted by extv. Get your shit straight friend.

I undid the +frag you gave yourself.

posted about 12 years ago
#47 wrangler in highlander in TF2 General Discussion
NakedapeThe buffed heavy with fos can take 630 dmg.

But does the heavy have a rocket launcher, minigun, and aim assist when he's holding the FoS?

posted about 12 years ago
#22 what's yo inches/360 in Off Topic


Scout and Demoman.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 I can plus frag myself in Site Discussion
ndlzbecause there are probably lots of people that bandwagon, so giving yourself a plus frag may artificially inflate the "frag value" of your post

If I +frag myself, I usually get way more overall +frags than if I don't do anything, and I get -fragged a lot more if I -frag myself.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 i will probably die alone in Off Topic
doggles#22 i try to shield myself in sarcasm and irony because i am uncomfortable with who i am as a person

Then go to a local community college and realize that many of the students there are even more hopeless than you.

posted about 12 years ago
#23 i will probably die alone in Off Topic
klananaYou should get a cat

I agree, get a good pussy.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 i will probably die alone in Off Topic

Take a trip to a national park and just try to find beauty worth admiring. If you're not picky, ugly chicks can be found for a dime-a-dozen everywhere.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 i will probably die alone in Off Topic

If you're not ugly you have hope. Sorry if you're ugly, there is probably no hope.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 i need help in TF2 General Discussion
nick15xthe thing is im so used to being really good but now i feel handicapped because i have to play on notebook since i moved into my dorm. when ever i die to someone i know i would have killed them if i was on my home pc. i try and tell myself "dont worry nick if u were at home you would have won that fight" but it still gets me worked up

Don't try to make yourself feel better. For all you know they were on a notebook as well. You'll get better with time.

enigmai'd say better hardware enables you to get better faster, but it won't necessarily push the ceiling on how good of a player you can become

Good advice from enigma in another thread. You just need to work through it or get a better set up. If you want it bad enough, you'll get it.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 TLR could learn a thing or two... in TF2 General Discussion

And shrugger could learn from this guy

posted about 12 years ago
#26 USA in TF2 General Discussion
Euros would have won if they had banned the Crossbow.

The fuck kind of candy ass excuse is this?

posted about 12 years ago
#5 LF demoman mentor in Mentoring
TurinIn all honesty, I don't want a huge commitment from a mentor, just someone to ask for tips and review a demo or two. Add me if you want to help. You don't need to put in much effort, at my level improvement will come pretty quickly.

Get the demos first, then ask for help with examples of specific situations so it only takes 30 minutes of their time, and you may just find some IM/Invite players helping you out.

Imagine you were a skilled painter. Would you rather help someone who says "I'm bad plz halp" or "I am having trouble picking colors for the sky in this piece, how would you figure out what colors would fit in well?" Option 1 gives you nothing to work with, while option 2 shows that they have already put in some effort and want to know the thought process that goes along with the actions and want to get better.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Classic Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
m4risaharbleu i love you so much ♥

Guys, if this was Ruwin's wife posting you wouldn't be -fragging. M4risa may be a shitlordqueen, but that doesn't mean everything she says is a troll.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 USA in TF2 General Discussion
To be honest I think congratulations are in order to EU…takes a lot of selflessness to purposefully let NA into the final so they can pay back Sal with their winnings

The euros are just buttmad, nothing new here.

posted about 12 years ago
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