Nakedape49. Look, I got it you don't like the wrangler. You can keep the snark, and you'll actually come out with a better argument.
I guess I asked for this when I answered sdoggs hypothetical question.
While I'm at it. I find little argument when such hard counters to the wrangler exist: spy sapper, spy backstab, sniper rifle, soldier direct hit, and demo stickeys. All require minimal effort to strategize and employ as a team.
And those aren't all hard counters to a slowly moving heavy as well? Minigun has bullet spread and fall off, rocket launcher has fall off, FoS heavy does not heal 348 hp every .65 seconds, Revved heavy moves a tiny bit faster than a sentry gun. Of course you are able to work through it, because you only encounter wrangled sentries while attacking, and it is inevitable that eventually a pick class will be able to make enough of a change that you can push because no one is perfect. Making a class way more important and way harder to kill without adding any level of skill is not a good idea. The only reason why it is not extremely OP is that you can't push with a wrangled level 3 and you are limited to 1 engie per team. It is game changing, but it isn't possible for it to be OP because there are a few ways to take it down, even though they all rely on mistakes by the other team, not your own skill.