Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198052457187 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:92191459] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:46095729 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | August 17, 2012 |
Last Posted | January 21, 2014 at 9:58 PM |
Posts | 187 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.3 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6 |
Raw Input | 1 |
800 |
Resolution |
1050p |
Refresh Rate |
120hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | g303 |
Keyboard | V60 Gateron Reds |
Mousepad | Puretrak Talent |
Headphones | HD 681 |
Monitor | Samsung |
Easily the best play this LAN.
milehighmilitiawe havent won yet.
Its called confidence.
downpouram I the only one feeling that ruwin is kind of underperforming this lan?
enigma cyzer and clockwork however, holy crap
Ruwin is playing pretty average, where as he usually steps it up for big games. He's not underperforming, even if his performance is underwhelming compared to what you're used to as a spectator during large events (more points than PYYYOUR).
KoobadoobsThey have both already occured. Mix^ won upper, Epsilon won lower. The only matches left are LG vs Epsilon and the winner goes to the Grand Finals vs Mix^.
Assuming LG goes onto the finals, that means the consolation final will be another TCM v Epsilon match right?
hookyshadeoohhhjjjyyaaahhhh donttrip. We let Mix up win so that we could take care of Epsilon for them in the lower bracket since they were having trouble with them. All part of the master USA plan no worries. Just uploaded like 14 videos about to start another 15 or so in the next few minutes.Good job, you told the whole world about it. Including Epsilon.
Does the reason why they lost in any way affect how epsilon or LG will play in the lower bracket?
WhatisausernameWho is this guy and why does he make so many bad posts on this site so often?
I am Douglas and I am definitely not an invite player's alt account.
I suppose the euRIPs getting their egos deflated was worth it, but we already knew NA was the best at TF2.
You will wonder why we paid $21k to watch Classic Mixup and Leviathan Gaming play ESEA Season 11 LAN for a second time.
Rekusointerview mackey
interview him after you lose your last match after being ahead 4-0. Ask him if shittalking caused the loss.
Have you ever considered making a porno?
SolidSpeerlaiyeHello everybody :)
PS: Why does it say that I'm from the states? I chose a different country but meh...
Did you try to select United kingdom, but then mis-click because of your mousemat?
OT: I think enigma uses g400+puretrack talent.