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Last Posted May 13, 2020 at 10:05 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ⋅⋅ 108
#126 Got scammed tf2 items in TF2 General Discussion
crumpetTechnoblademoronic bullshit
-This isn't theft. There was nothing stolen. An open transaction like this is nothing bu t a verbal contract of "you give me this then I'll give you that", which has no legal authority and isn't even remotely close to the act of theft.

it's either theft or fraud. there is likely a chat log on SOMETHING that details an agreement of monetary compensation for the virtual item.
In either instance, it's a crime. ;)

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion
juraculeAlso if anything it's easier to land a bodyshot with the amby than the revolver due to its smaller spread (at all times) than the revolver. This would make it more reliable than the revolver.

I don't believe bullet spread applies to the revolver in comp. It DOES apply to the ambi iirc

posted about 11 years ago
#28 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion
The ambassador is a fine weapon but for my purposes it does not help me "reliably" when a scout or pyro are up close and on me. The point of dr spycicle revolver is to be able to do damage fast, give information on the enemy uber percentage/sniper location, and also survive. A good example would be finding out the enemy medic has 90 percent uber, calling it out, and then engaging on the medic. Notice there is no time to line up my shot in this scenario, rather my goal is to shoot the med a few times, bring the heavies attention onto me and allow a jumper to have a better shot at dropping the med. The revolver is much better in fast paced situations where you make a call and you go with it while the ambassador is better for situations where you get the headshot and then you tell your team to push.

I mentioned survival as well and the revolver when running away from a pyro or scout does not need to kill those individuals to be effective. For instance putting one or two shots long range on a scout as he is pursuing you will deter him from rushing in giving you enough time to perhaps charge your dead ringer or find cover where you can keep him at distance, poking your head out to put out one of those damaging 40- 60 damage shots on the scout. It is much easier to land a bodyshot with a faster and more damaging item then the ambassador so the revolver deters better leading to better survivability, allowing you to be involved a greater percentage of the time in team fights where the revolver shines as a clean-up item. In addition if the pursuing enemies overextend because they think you are weak as a spy, you can take down a pyro or scout before the team fight and give your team an excellent advantage where as an ambassador would have less of a chance of doing this.

That's a good point. Hadn't really considered the disadvantage of the ambassador in that regard.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnEdycapnfapnPlease don't laugh... but I think pyro has some ~hidden potential~

reflect rocket jumping is pretty underutilized. I think its the most underrated skills for pyro tbh. Yesterday I was playing in tf2mix and I went pyro to mid, reflect rocket jumped across the point and airblasted the team through choke and kept them out. I think that highlander is going to get more aggressive and pyros will have to play more aggressive and be more mobile to keep up.

1)It's tf2mix, tf2mix is really bad.
2)The soldier needs to feed you a rocket, which isn't going to happen (smart soldiers anyway) unless hes bombing/shooting one of your important classes (med/demo/sniper?)
3)It's tf2mix..

And lets say you do pull off a reflect rocket jump on mid. Some of the high level snipers in ugc can get a midair headshot on this pyro. The pyro could also get called out more then easily and shot by the heavy/scout/minisentry/pretty much anything that could look up into the sky.

In that case you'll die and the enemy soldier/scout/spy has a chance to get your med or demo in this mid fight. Something like that will never work unless the enemy team has autism.

1) HL is UGC, the majority of UGC is really bad.
2)I get fed rockets all the time when I play pyro in highlander.
3)Its ugc...

Yeah some of the good snipers can headshot you in midair but thats not very likely even for the best of them. You are right about getting destroyed by the heavy and minisentry. I still think that there are many situations where it can be effective as a surprise tactic.

It works in pubs because people don't react properly. If you think for a moment that pyro can do SHIT with jumps other than reposition/escape, you're vastly over-rating the class.

posted about 11 years ago
#17 THS Presents: TryHard Tactics HighlanderSpringOpen in TF2 General Discussion
vanillaDrPloxoOverall, the white list is terrible. Why can't you sword and board like Solid Snake? No Dead Ringer, sure is neutering spy. No sandvich or FoS in HL ? no thank you. No jag or southern hospitality, like they make THAT much of a difference.
It seems like most of the choices were made not because of their actual strength or balance, but because somebody is butt frustrated about them. I'd like to see the defense of the bans on most of the weapons, but I'm sure the defense will be absolutely inane.

I think a big part of it was to try and speed up the overall game, and take out weapons that didn't contribute to the entertainment for the viewers.

The escape plan speeds up rollouts considerably. As does the whip. Cloak and dagger makes spy LESS interactive, and thus CAN slow down the game. They may have thought it would speed it up, but it's more of a half assed-half considered list.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnPlease don't laugh... but I think pyro has some ~hidden potential~

reflect rocket jumping is pretty underutilized. I think its the most underrated skills for pyro tbh. Yesterday I was playing in tf2mix and I went pyro to mid, reflect rocket jumped across the point and airblasted the team through choke and kept them out. I think that highlander is going to get more aggressive and pyros will have to play more aggressive and be more mobile to keep up.

But that requires getting fed a rocket in order to move quickly.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion
SneakyPolarBearSpy goes for picks 24/7. A less common but viable style is what Evan did last season on bpm. Running around with the DR and spycicle and revolvering people to death. This in conjunction with a bombing soldier or scout running in makes for some very easy cleanup of anyone who gets singled out.

And it was destructive from what I noticed. He could have ran Ambassador and been more effective. But it's irrelevant to the topic. I'm sure the meta COULD use some rare turn about in some rare situations, and finding it is going to be very difficult and uncommon. I'm simply curious if any team has experimented with unique tactics and had success.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion

Well like, scout and heavy can be a fairly solid flank. The distraction of the heavy's high health and damage with a fluttering scout seems like it'd be a pain to combat. This leaves a spot for a solid pocket solly to hang out with the demo near the med. It just seems like there are a lot of ways to open up the combinations of classes in the format.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 THS Presents: TryHard Tactics HighlanderSpringOpen in TF2 General Discussion

Overall, the white list is terrible. Why can't you sword and board like Solid Snake? No Dead Ringer, sure is neutering spy. No sandvich or FoS in HL ? no thank you. No jag or southern hospitality, like they make THAT much of a difference.
It seems like most of the choices were made not because of their actual strength or balance, but because somebody is butt frustrated about them. I'd like to see the defense of the bans on most of the weapons, but I'm sure the defense will be absolutely inane.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Is it possible to innovate the HL meta? in TF2 General Discussion

I've always been curious about the viability of this format in terms of innovation. Roaming heavies, pocket sollies, flank demos and things of that ilk. Are there specific reasons power classes are where they are? Heavy specifically seems like it has some potential on the flank with a demo providing support. Pocket solly works well in 6's, but why isn't it utilized in HL?
I'm curious if these strats have solid logic behind them, or if it's just "how it works." Have high level teams had success employing unique metagame choices to take a their competition to the next level?

What could be tested? What just WON'T work (pocket spy and engie (sans widowmaker))? What have you successfully pulled off?

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Getting Into Competitive TF2 in Q/A Help

Where are those articles Sigma wrote?
Those are a good baseline for 6's and what you need to know.

Shame there isn't one for HL.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 What's your dream job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

I know I'm shit, though.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 stultus in Off Topic
brownymasterWho is this directed to? Because this applies to both ukm and hooli.

Not pointing it out does more.

posted about 11 years ago
#69 stultus in Off Topic

So basically, you condescended in response to a genuine criticism?


UGC Dirt level discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#47 BSG Spring 2013 LAN, 240 people, April 13:14, MI in LAN Discussion

and the tf2 event is when?

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 ⋅⋅ 108