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Signed Up December 28, 2012
Last Posted April 29, 2024 at 8:47 AM
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#28 heavy to mid in TF2 General Discussion

Back in 2013 (i think) there was a cup in EU with no unlock bans. On Gullywash Broder ran Jukebox on sniper, and Zebbosai on heavy to mid, and it was effective. They were both in big door. Jukebox was clicking every head, while Zebbosai protected Jukebox from bombs. I think this might be the most effective way to play heavy to mid.

TLDR: Heavy protect GOAT sniper

posted 9 months ago
#2 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion

I think we should also accept clips of jumpbugs to avoid fall damage.

posted 10 months ago
#64 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion

Would it be possible for different leagues to share anti cheat teams or have cooperating teams. Based on post #57 the RGL AC team also deals with things like scrimming with banned players, so if different leagues have different rules it is useful for the people in the AC team to only be familiar with one set of rules. However the demo review part of the AC work i would guess have the same standard for what is considered cheating in every league. Would having a central intercontinental AC team make education of new members easier? People from one region could help out other regions in their off season when i would guess the number of reports go down, but the AC team deserves a break every now and then aswell.

posted 10 months ago
#32 Most influential/pioneering TF2 player in TF2 General Discussion

Before EU gimmicks there was Greg spots.
Jukebox and Mackey was the first roamers i remember to be the main offclasser for a team.
Mirelin was the first medic i saw who would be able to play way to risky and get out too often.
Don't remember if Byte was early in EU to swap to xbow, or Mirelin and F2 was slow.
Salamancer for paying most of the money for 2 NA teams to go to i46.

posted 11 months ago
#6 Best season possible in TF2 General Discussion

I don't remember what season it was, but the season before i46 i think was the best season of NA 6vs6. The top four teams after the regular season was LG(the team that went to i46, with Dave_AC instead of mackey), Classic mixup, Srsly Br0 and FLOW. Every team could take maps and best of 3s of each others. The stakes for ESEA lan was high as this was the last NA lan before I46. I can't remember another season where all teams in playoffs had a good chance of winning.

posted about a year ago
#20 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

Moose played on classic mixup, so i think hippo will have problems in an !add 4

posted about a year ago
#68 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion
VeccWiethoofdDarn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkREHOewda8
i wonder what hes up to these days, i hope hes doing good :]

He uploaded some videos to youtube that he later deleted, and also streamed a bit during winter beetween 1 or 3 years ago. Back then he was still doing disc golf during the summer.

posted about 2 years ago
#22 wats yr fav old-school tf2 vid? in TF2 General Discussion

My favorite would be "Prem by Cube". however as it is mentioned earlier ill add to the conversation

Ggglygy ranting on damage numbers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQoOqN32Vw0
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE_AC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCYPW4D_42o
Mirelin showing off 2009 skillstick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRSQUBJa9ls

posted about 2 years ago
#29 All time best player per role in the world? in TF2 General Discussion

Sniper: Jukebox

posted about 2 years ago
#28 RCADIA FORTRESS HAMBURG: Feedback Thread! in LAN Discussion

I did not catch most of the LAN on the stream. Feedback:
Make the date of the event clearer. In this article https://www.teamfortress.tv/62310/rcadia-fortress-tf2-community-lan the date is first mentioned in the 4th paragraph. I think it should be in the first paragraph.
I saw an interview with 2 swedes. The volume difference between the host and the swedes was massive. Should probably do a sound check before interviews.

posted about 2 years ago
#77 i69: Day 3 - Finals in Events

I think most people here are too fast to a conclution. The statement "An agressive strategy is more effective at winning than a passive strategy, because Froyo beat WG" is not sound. Lets say WG executed their passive strategy with a 90% efficiency, and Froyo executed their agressive strategy with 97% efficiency. This can mean that when perfected a passive strategy is better. And the main reason Froyo won is due to that they were better at executing their strategy, not because the strategy it self is better. Froyo is a well established team where multiple members have LAN experience and they have played together for years. Even with the roster mixup they got players who are experienced playing with B4nny and habib. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect Froyo to execute their strategy better than WG.

The idea stated in an earlier post "WG will change their playstyle if they keep loosing" is also a bit questionable in my opinion. In theory it makes sense, however if there is no changes of the value B on a scale from 1 to 10 WG will not lose until next i-series and not change their playstyle. For this to happen WG needs to lose multiple times, losing once a year might not be enough. Between i46 and i49 this happened. We saw the huge ass changes Darn predicted. EU started using gunboats and soldier play started getting more agressive. NA started using quick fix and their playstyle slowed down. I don't think losing i69 will have the same effect on EU tf2 as losing i46 did. I have no idea if WG will think "We lost because we did not execute our gameplan good enough" or "We lost because our gameplan was bad". This will not be an easy question to answer because the dataset is small.

It is really hard to balance the game to make the most effective gameplan the most fun to watch. Maps have to be designed so the team setting up a push can force the defending team to make an opening. However if its to easy its boring. The pushes have to have a success rate high enough for the team to be able to use openings that are given. However the defender also needs to be able to have a successful hold. Failing a push has to be punishing enough for the defendinwever if it isg team to go agressive and gain map control. Ho too punishing teams will wait longer for a better opening before pushing. There are so many elements that have to be balanced. Considering we play a game the developers don't update, and when they do they do not focus on 6vs6, it is hard to make it so that the most effective way to play is the most fun to watch.

posted about 2 years ago
#3 TF2 Competitive Trivia Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Multiplay wanted the i49 grand final to be on their twitch stream, considering they were the main sponsor for the event. The stream did not run at all and most of the first map got casted on twitter. The rest of the LAN was casted on vanilla tv without much technical problems. Arguably one of the worst PR atempts in TF2.

posted about 2 years ago
#42 iron bombe nerf for etf2l season 41 in TF2 General Discussion
Cool video, thanks for sharing. Learned something new.
So thats the reason everybody has been playing with this weapon instead of stock lately.

Also. I feel like the projectiles fly faster/in a more straight line versus stock, is that true?

Short answer: Yes'nt

Long answer:

Source engine simulates aerodynamic drag on demoman primary weapons. All pipes have the same mass. The size of the loose cannon ball gives it a lot of drag and makes it the slowest ignoring higher projectile speed. For the iron bomber drag is calculated as if the projectile is a stock pipe. The loch-n-load flies like an arrow and have less drag than iron bomber ignoring higher projectile speed.


Edited response to be factually correct

posted about 3 years ago
#58 NA Invite Top 100: #5-#1 in News
YeeHaw I can't think of many good players who couldn't go to LAN at least once anyway.

Adamracek is the first one i can think off.

posted about 3 years ago
#46 NA Invite Top 100: #5-#1 in News

Good job writing all this, it has been fun looking back at the names from the past. Would be cool to have a bit more clips from multiple players. I would rather have most players with one clip linked than some people with four and the rest with nothing. The argument that clockwork and b4nny have comparable stats on scout i think should favor clockwork more than b4nny. Considering the amount of healing and ubers b4nny takes i think it is even more impressive that clockwork was able to keep up with b4nnys stats. Good job to beater for the legacy videos.

Writing a similar list for other continets i think would be more difficult. Froyo can be used as a reference for all other teams for the past 7(?) years, while in ETF2L winning teams tend to fold or have core players reitre more often making it harder to compare over time.

posted about 3 years ago
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