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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted June 20, 2014 at 8:30 AM
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#15 Fully Charged Episode 2 -- Wed 9/26 @ 8est/5pst in TF2 General Discussion

Not to be mean but can we have people use better mics. Hein was really hard for me to understand with the laptop mic. I'm pretty sure most of these guys have headsets.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 This is why you shouldn't get organic foods in Off Topic
brownymasterPoint taken. Don't know much about banana bread.

Also, the spider might be venomous, although I'm no expert (looked up banana spider and this one looks the closest to it):

Yes, the Brazilian wander or walking spider is the most poisonous spider around.

There's nothing wrong with spotted bananas. They are sweeter then green/yellow bananas. Green bananas are only good for frying.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 LG vs nNn Preview by Neko in TF2 General Discussion

Nice article. You do repeat yourself in the last paragraph and it would be nice if you listed the teamfortress.tv link to Pyyyour's channel to get this site a little more traffic.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Weekly Match Schedule: Sept 23-29 in News

Thank you for all your hard work on making this look good.

posted about 12 years ago
#45 Push to talk key in Q/A Help
obe_I'm an idiot and I've had it bound to F for the past two years. I really want to unlearn it and try a less stupid key (one that doesn't mitigate my movement while I talk, like MOUSE4 or MOUSE5) but I can't get used to anything else.

It will probably take you a couple of weeks to really adjust. House of pain style is the only way you're going to relearn muscle memory.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 ESEA Map Selection Process in Map Discussion

It would be awesome to see some scrims on cp_voltage for beta testing.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Introducing: The greatest custom scoreboard ever in Customization

It would be better if it had some sort of background to make the letters easier to read.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Push to talk key in Q/A Help

Mouse4 or just use voice activated control. If I'm going to not be talking to my team I have a key, F9, bound to mute me in mumble.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 eXtv UGC Platinum Cast: GR vs ProN in TF2 General Discussion

It would be nice to post the link to teamfortress.tv as well. I know it's a little thing but the expand feature really sells me to this site rather then twitch. That and I can easily see other people streaming if I want to check out what others are doing. :)

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Holy Shit Cinq in TF2 General Discussion

Perhaps a better thread title would get you further? Do you not have sounds enabled on irc? There's usually an alert for those messages.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 demoman jumping in Off Topic

That was amazing. Your sense of timing and placement is superb.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 ATTN Plat HL teams: STV DEMOS in TF2 General Discussion
Hildrethm4risadoes this mean we can keep all our matches on monday
On Monday at the default time I bet 90% of matches are played. The 200-250 or so North American teams that play Highlander (that is over 2000 players) can't tune into the cast because they're playing, if even 10% of those people tune into watch the game eXtv would double their viewer count on the night. However I am willing to bet more would be interested in watching the top teams play and if we can arrange games outside default dates/times you would be increasing the exposure of the game.

So if mTs play Bonus or -ts- play Gorgeous Gamers or whoever, make an effort to schedule it on Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday

Pleas pleas please!

posted about 12 years ago
#34 s12 lan in Rhode Island... in TF2 General Discussion
AbstrActivitiesPlane tickets suck no matter where you go but they suck less the less distance you have to travel. I just pricelined a random date (round trip on the 27th back on the 30th for both searches), and got $250 for a flight from LAX to DFW, and back, vs $460 for a flight from LAX to PVD, and back. that being said, if a team has 3 players on the west coast, that's a difference of $630 in airfare.

You could also go to Boston and drive, or take a train, an hour south to Providence. This sometimes saves a lot of money. I just priced tickets and it was 462 to BOS and 426 to DFW from LAX. Ticket prices change by the day and sometimes hour.

I'd probably recommend that people go to Boston as it's a significantly larger hub and should be a lot cheaper.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Weekly Matches in Site Discussion

That's great! I didn't think about the match being spoiled but that's a good call. I usually download the demo from ESEA when I don't catch a match casted, which has the score right there.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Weekly Matches in Site Discussion

I really like how the matches for the weeks are being listed. Is there anyway to have a tab on top next to IRC CHAT?

It would also be nice to have the matches that are casted to be listed with the results with a link to the VOD. Sometimes I'm just not around to catch them and I can't tell if they were casted or not without rummaging through people's videos on twitch.

posted about 12 years ago
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