Shoutouts to:
poison for showing up to lan after being my teammate and friend for like a year and a half
my team (juulin' with jert: jert (duh), RoL, poison, ScrewB, aquila, me) for all being super awesome people I'd definitely play with again and for playing well even with our bad luck in the groups and bracket
Watermelon Dog for a crazy close match
Azion's team, Yari's team, Watermelon Dog, and whoever Fireborn was playing with for being awesome neighbors
Console for running production, talking on the ride down and back, and generally hanging out a bunch
TheFragile for running all the tournament stuff as always
Mega shoutouts to all the people I talked to over the course of lan - too many to try and list. In particular, I'll shoutout Murkscribe for being amazing as always <3, Azion for being just as awesome irl as he is online (also for getting to meet him after knowing him since I started comp), Kami for being even more chill and fun to hang with than I remembered and pounding even tho he hadn't played in like a month, ScrewB for some good advice on medic and improving, Yari for many good conversations and being a friend, Munky for being my brother(literally) but also an awesome friend and lan-goer, and all the people that came over for late night pancakes and T-poses (Lorgon, Azion, Console, Tokeegee, Munky).
LAN PICS! (also team pics of The Machine and Juulin' with Jert):
RGB has been one of my favorite experiences. I love playing the game, and lan play is even more exciting than most, but it pales in comparison to how much fun I have with all of you <3
I'll be uploading the demos from the pugs on my lan server tomorrow or Wednesday and posting a link to the main thread.