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Signed Up March 6, 2013
Last Posted April 14, 2015 at 3:12 PM
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#111 ESEA Map Poll in TF2 General Discussion
JackyLegsedit: totally slipped my mind, seeing that a bunch of people want gpit back, wanted to add that cp_edifice is also being worked on and will be updating to rc1 soon, so maybe a try for a new A/D 3cp map?

Is this true? Please let this be true.

posted about 9 years ago
#144 Favorite Album? in Off Topic

Panopticon by ISIS

posted about 10 years ago
#70 Maps w/ your favorite Mids, seconds and lasts? in Map Discussion

God help me I was too curious. I can upload the speadsheet somewhere if anyone wants to see the raw data/make pretty pie charts.

Mids: 72 Votes
Process 19 26.4%
Badlands 12 16.7%
Snakewater 11 15.3%
Gully 10 13.9%
Granary 5 6.9%
Viaduct 5 6.9%
Metalworks 5 6.9%
Warm(er)Front 2 2.8%
Freight 2 2.8%
Sunshine 1 1.4%

Seconds: 64 votes
Badlands 22 34.4%
Process 16 25.0%
Gully 6 9.4%
Snakewater 6 9.4%
Granary 5 7.8%
Metalworks 4 6.3%
Logjam 2 3.1%
Yukon 1 1.6%
Sunshine 1 1.6%
None 1 1.6%

Lasts: 67 votes
Gully 18 26.9%
Process 14 20.9%
Granary 8 11.9%
Snakewater 8 11.9%
Badlands 7 10.4%
Metalworks 4 6.0%
None 3 4.5%
Yukon 1 1.5%
Follower 1 1.5%
Logjam 1 1.5%
Sunshine 1 1.5%
Well 1 1.5%

posted about 10 years ago
#40 Sticky Explosion Particle in Q/A Help

I noticed it earlier, but with regards to stickies I only see it on airburst ones, not ones on the ground. Maybe by making the damage radius more obvious valve are laying the groundwork for a radius ramp-up sticky nerf that you can actually see?

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Bladehud in Customization

Vote Panel seems to be working now, although it tends to disappear after you vote. Still can't see the "marked for death" symbol though :(

posted about 10 years ago
#16 What was the best fragmovie you ever watched? in Videos

The Source Filmaker parts during frags is really smooth and original, and the music is awesome

posted about 10 years ago
#11 Bladehud in Customization

Thanks for updating this, you are my hero.

For some reason, I don't have any "marked by death" icon when I'm holding the Escape Plan/GRU/whatever. Is that something you could remedy?

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Instrumentals in Off Topic
red sparowes
russian circles
this will destroy you
boards of canada

You have great taste.

I also recommend God is an Astronaut, Asbestoscape, Explosions in the Sky, Pale Sketcher, Portico Quartet, Serphonic and so on and so forth. I love post rock.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Show your most creepy screenshot, ever. in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#2 @keekerdc on the Highlander Lobby Announcement in News

Great article, but aren't the new time/scoring rules you propose basically the same as the European ones? I.E. 30 minute games, whoever has the most caps at the end wins, with win difference 5 acting as the "mercy" rule. You're proposing longer games (20 minute halves) which is neither here nor there. Are half times really necessary? Switching sides doesn't really matter since the differences on maps are so small (and they should really be removed from maps), and it adds to the confusion of having to manually keep tabs on the score. We also play 2 maps in a match, although the score isn't cumulative like you suggest.

I agree that "first to five" rules can cut tense matches unsatisfyingly short, but Euro rules have often been dismissed for encouraging passive play to run down the clock ("parking the bus"). I guess having a longer match might partially mitigate that, by having more time for the team behind to catch up, but I'm not sure that's all that's needed.

posted about 11 years ago