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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#14 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
SUSAltdFirstly the console is very angry at me.

I'm no map expert, but I feel like the map as a whole is extremely big. It almost feels like a jump map. There is an absurd amount of ground to cover to get from spawn to the point, making it in general difficult to rotate as a team. The maze-like nature of the mansion and the several dropdowns exacerbate this.

And the area around the point is massive, yielding sightlines such as these ones from the roof thing. Also backing up from the point, there is only one easy exit if you're not explosive jumping. Scouts can reach the top-left part but that requires them to get past a jumping puzzle in the form of crates. The right-side snowbank is deceivingly difficult to climb up, which means the roof is only a real escape route if you're already on the snowbank.

Also there's that entire underground rocket area, not sure what to say about that. The sign that says "<= ROCKET" probably means there's a rocket in that vault, but honestly it just confused me for a few seconds as I turned left and ran into a wall. I'd prefer a sign that directs me to the control point -- maybe I'm just stupid but the first time I navigated the underground area I ended up in the other team's base and had no clue where the point was.

Other miscellaneous things:
Not sure how I feel about being able to jump over this
I can imagine these things becoming a nuisance

Thank you for the feedback. I'll have to think about how and what to cut to make the map smaller if the size is an issue. Can anyone else confirm that their console is displaying the same message constantly?

The underground passageways were supposed to be another way to the point and to the tunnel directly under the point. You can also escape through it if you're directly on the point.

I'll have to think about an easier way to escape from the point or perhaps changing the snow banks so you don't have to go around the thin house with the team logo on it to get onto it.

I've had another person comment on the lack of signage that leads to the point so I will be adding more for sure.

I'll have to get more tested on the sight line, but I understand what you mean. If you're on the slanted roof in front of the sniper fence I thought that would make it hard to avoid spam (especially rockets since the slope acts to make it really hard to not get hit by splash damage.

On the misc issues:

You don't like being able to jump over the railing? It's another route if you want it to be by landing on the snow at the top of the cliff.

I will find a way to make those nubs not solid.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
ZestyWould be cool to see some more swamp and egypt themed maps in 6s imo.
I kind of hope the snow theme stays as well as long as there's no framerate issues resulting from it.

I would like to see a good Egypt 6s map too. Perhaps my next project after this one is all wrapped up. I also hope snow themes stay as I find the lighting at day and night looks really good with them.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
TsarbucksFatherBrandonStorm_WarningThis is nice and all, but I think it would be better without all the snow
The snow textures or the snow particles? I have 9 snow spawning entities currently in the map. I didn't know snow would cause this much of a problem or I wouldn't have included them in the compile.


Particles. So I am the same Tsarbucks from reddit. Would you like this to be included in this weekend's pugs.

Heya again! I am glad to hear it's just the particles as those will be easy to remove. I am away from my main PC until the 25th so I can't get any changes done until then.

Yes I would love to have my map included in the weekend pug. I won't be able to join but I welcome the feedback from the play!

posted about 8 years ago
#6 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
Storm_WarningThis is nice and all, but I think it would be better without all the snow

The snow textures or the snow particles? I have 9 snow spawning entities currently in the map. I didn't know snow would cause this much of a problem or I wouldn't have included them in the compile.


posted about 8 years ago
#1 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

New experimental release: koth_avalanche_pro4 (April1st, 2017)

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y3ia9383m5jwcgd/koth_avalanche_pro4.bsp.bz2?dl=0

Image album of changes including some descriptions:



Heya all!

I was directed to this site from the Truetf2 Reddit for map comp testing and exposure. (Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/truetf2/comments/4yhpag/best_way_to_have_a_map_tested_for_comp_play/)

I am an ancient mapper (used to map for, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom 2, Quake, and Quake II. A shoutout to anyone who remembers the Qoole editor).

The other game I used to map for is HL 1 as well as some of its game modifications such as Vampire Slayer, Action Half-Life, Mastersword and Pirates, Vikings and Knights.

I haven't touched Worldcraft/Valve Hammer since HL 2 was released and my desire to create maps dropped off after heading out into the adult world of careers.

Recently I have had more time to myself and I also stumbled upon the Youtube channel for UEAKCrash and my desire for mapping started again (seeing the Frontline themed community update information helped too).

My original tf2maps.net thread for the map: https://tf2maps.net/threads/koth_avalanche.29779/

The Workshop link to the map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=747296123 (all the latest screenshots available here).

tf2maps.net download: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/koth_avalanche.2505/ (RC7)

posted about 8 years ago
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