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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#10 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
DavidTheWinAn album would be nice so I don't have to open 14 separate links

Good idea: http://imgur.com/a/hWAkE

posted about 8 years ago
#8 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion

I thought it would be fun to show the super alpha version of this map I hastily cobbled together while away from my main PC in late August before I could lay any brushes in Hammer:



posted about 8 years ago
#7 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
burkoA couple really small places don't really look like they fit in with the art style that much, like the Russian-esque rug in Blu spawn. Some people might have different opinions about it idk. The map looks really cool overall though, i'll definitely be messing around in it.

I just learned how to make custom textures near the end of completing this map. For the next update to the map I will try to make some custom Japanese themed overlays and get some tatami mats in there. I'm glad to hear the look is enjoyable overall currently.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
Mojo_da_KiddI think u should remove those busses. The map overall looks really pretty and fun to play


The busses were added were added to block line of sight and provide some additional cover. You could see directly into the hallway under blu's second spawn from the cobblestone dojo balcony without the red bus being there.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
sage78very pretty !
edit: could you post a direct download independent from the workshop ?


Tf2maps.net download has been updated:


posted about 8 years ago
#1 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion

Notice (Feb. 20th, 2017): cp_daytrip_rc4 has been released!

Heya all,

I've been working hard on creating a new map after I finished koth_avalanchev3 (I will be going back to this one soon in order to do some major updates).

The map is attack/defense and based in a quaint neighborhood within Japan.

The first release candidate is complete and can be found on the workshop here:


TF2maps link now works: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/cp_daytrip.2739/update?update=8131 (rc4)

The map is attack/defense and based in a quaint neighbourhood on the outskirts of a city within Japan. Blu has taken a day trip into a Red neighborhood and is planning to take over their territory.

Screenshots below:


Overview: http://i.imgur.com/GdTLnui.jpg

posted about 8 years ago
#32 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
saamYeah the death pit on the side mostly just feels gimmicky.

As for the tunnel under the point, it's basically an insanely long flank route that is entirely countered by one person spotting the left side of point, so attackers would never go down there because it just makes your push harder and defenders would never go down there (more than peeking in) because it takes them out of the fight. I would scrap it entirely but if you're set on keeping it you need to add some sort of positional advantage to using the space.

Also just noticing now but it would be nice if the roof over spawn house wasn't clipped so weird and you could stand on it easier.

Thanks for elaborating!

I am thinking of moving the spawn up to exit into this room as it would make the roll-out much faster and the map quite a bit smaller:


My only concern would be that demo roll-outs would then be super insanely fast.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
saamWe didn’t actually play this map because just from walking around we could tell that it was unfit for 6s. It is way too big, the entire area between the first and 2nd lobbies could be cut out because as it is right now there is no reason for it to be there.

The entire area under point is basically pointless, no one will ever really have any reason to go down there.

The are off the map that you can fall off is sorta dumb, no 6s maps have areas you can fall off and die. Also the tress you can jump to are sorta weird too.

Thanks for the feedback! Highlander hasn't been tested on it which could be interesting I think.

1. I admit to being a n00b for mapping for comp. I am curious though, why do people dislike areas that you can fall off and die? There are no tricky pits, just a cliff-side on one side of the map. Is it the threat of a potential accidental death?

2. Regarding the tunnel under the point: Would no one go there due to the time spent to get there or due to lack of health or ammo incentive?

posted about 8 years ago
#28 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
saamtried to test it but your download link is to an imgur picture

I've updated the main post now with a dropbox link.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
SkaznikLaininsert snow comment here
the master is triggered

Before I remove the snow, I want to see if the map is even comp playable in regard to layout and size (unless the removal of snow is vital for testing). It takes 2+ hours to compile and casual players seem to like snow.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

I now have a server running only this map for feedback at The horrendous ping is now fixed too!

posted about 8 years ago
#23 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
yukihaha you mapped keledros! cool! Good ol master sword

Holy shit. I expected no one to know what Mastersword was!

posted about 8 years ago
#21 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
kuliUh, such a nice map! Especially this WW2 flair remembers me a lot of good ol' Day Of Defeat.

On a side note: There actually is a Valve map called dod_avalanche released for both DoD and DoD:S. So you'd maybe like to check this - just in case. I have no idea if there might occur any copyright related issues regarding the map name.

After reading koth_avalanche, I really thought there's somehow going to be a avalanche remake for TF2 (which would be amazing, at least imo). One of my favorite maps back then.

Thank! I'm not sure about the situation with the map name either currently. I will change it if necessary but I will wait for now while researching and also see if I am contacted.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

Did anyone manage to play this in the weekend pug?

posted about 8 years ago
#17 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
ConsoleCan someone link me to a direct map download? I'm having trouble with all of my steam workshop subscriptions and would like to take a look at the map

Here! Hopefully this works. Enjoy the PUG:


posted about 8 years ago
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