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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#86 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion
erynnWhat maps would people like to try this week? We will be bringing Logjam back to try out the changes. Daytrip is also on the list.

Tentative list:

If you end up using cp_daytrip, please use the version listed here or here (both links lead to the same version). I foolishly never labeled the map version in the name of the bsp file itself when updating and some people may have older versions floating around.

posted about 7 years ago
#73 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion
sweetnesshad a lot of fun today! I'd like to see more logjam and cardinal. bagel was a lot of fun too, but the community seems very behind it so maybe it would be better to try others maps? wasn't a fan of drudgery at all personally. didn't get to try out the rest of the maps.

I would really like to see some a/d maps personally. never got the chance to play jaddou but hopefully next week! i don't really know any other a/d maps, but I would really like to test them out personally, though I don't know what others feel about them.

Self-plug again:

I think my other a/d map, cp_daytrip, is a bit more refined than the newer jaddou. It has been tested before and changes have been made based on feedback. I would be happy to see the latest version tested if people are down for it.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 cp_jaddou_rc5 in Map Discussion
TwiiKuuMap looks nice, there's some clipping issues and spots where you can fire above walls, e.g: https://clips.twitch.tv/saemzi/HelplessTapirSMSkull

I'll fix it up when I get back to my main PC for sure, thanks for pointing it out. This map was the last one of my 'complete entire map before getting it tested' period. Judging from the feedback in the mapchamp thread the map may not be too salvageable but I'll do what I can before I lay it to rest.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
MenachemI still think these sightlines are kinda silly, but the only one I think is totally unacceptable is this one, which forces red to either play the initial defense without heals or just hold insanely passively.

Thanks for pointing those out. I have tried to fix two of those (including the major one you pointed out).

Here's version a10:

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ecifs4be1y0rg1/pl_tfcl_a10.bsp?dl=0

Screenshots of the sightline fixes:


I won't be able to work on the map again until Feb.19th. I hope that these changes help out for testing in the meantime!

Thank you all for the awesome feedback so far.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
yttriumI don't mean to discourage all the work going into this, but if this is going to mainly serve as a test for the new hybrid gamemode, why not just implement it in an already-existing payload map?

Also, one possible idea is to make it so that "slopes" which usually require players to push it or else it rolls back, should temporarily disable the auto-push mechanic until it's all the way at the top, requiring a player to stand by it to push it up the hill before they can leave the cart alone again. It would help stagger the offensive team from fully committing to jumping forward during critical moments.

No problem. This map was originally a hybrid of a capture point map and payload where you had to capture a cp first before the payload activated and could be pushed. I wanted to play around with the idea of a straight up tap-cart mode after the cp/pl hybrid mode failed so I went ahead with this release. I do like the slope idea you have and that may be implemented in coming alpha version to test.

pl_tfcl_a9 is now available!

Check out the map overview screenshot below for more information:


A small album of a9:


Download here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qx7g2e2roplo6vy/pl_tfcl_a9.bsp?dl=0


- minor detailing to hopefully help with call outs.
- added a second forward spawn door for BLU
- moved a doorway facing out of the hallway with the bull skull in it slightly to prevent a larger sniper sightline to both BLU forward spawn doors.
- extended a piece of sniper fence next to point 'A' to allow peeking out of the bull skull hallway slightly more when defending.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
MenachemI think removing it would be bad; I'd lose my mind if we had to keep walking all the way along the tracks to get to the cart with every death. My problem with that forward spawn door is that it's in the view of one of the many long sniper sightlines that can be held with little consequence. I'd prefer that the spawn completely moved, maybe just northwest of the b point in that overhead picture, under the bridge?

Otherwise, consider offering more than one forward spawn door. One forward door isn't an issue in 5cp since if your door is getting camped you just have to wait for the enemy team to cap and then backspawn, but here with the enemy team presumably holding as forward as possible the attackers just have to risk opening the door and dying to stickies. Or they could give up on the forward, waste a shitload of time walking all the way back around along the tracks, and then immediately die to the sniper who spent the time setting up in that area in the bottom right corner.

I am adding a second exit for BLU's forward spawn right now and am also placing some objects to lay out a theme and for callouts. I should have an updated version out later tonight/tomorrow morning.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

Let me know what you guys think about the 2nd exit for BLU once 'B' is capped. Removing that may make the map play a bit slower if that's wanted.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemI couldn't find a tfcl_payload thread so posting here. I really hate some of these sniper sightlines, especially with the lack of flank routes to go fix the sniper problem. Defending first especially, I find myself trying to play heals forward on the tracks and not in the enclosed hallway, and then their team pushes and has a sniper sightline into the hallway and our med is fucked.

There are a few other crazy sightlines too but the BIG PROBLEM I have is that ubered players can't stop the cart. Some real shenanigans right there, ubering in to stop the cart only to find you've actually just fucked yourself, especially on last.

this thread might be dead but sidular just in case you check it again, put some random objects around the map. i appreciate not wanting to put textures in until the layout is finalized but everything is so bland, callouts are fucking impossible right now

Thanks for the feedback man. Here is a link to the thread I created today for the map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ecifs4be1y0rg1/pl_tfcl_a10.bsp?dl=0 (a10 currently)

a9 allows RED ubered players to stop the cart.

Also a self-plug to let you guys know to try out any of my other maps if desired. I am always looking for feedback and I always try to update maps using your feedback:

http://ofhell.com (redirects to my steam workshop page)

posted about 7 years ago
#4 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
Alexandrosthank you man, we'll update mapchamp with this version

Not a problem. I am hoping for some sweet feedback from mapchamp before I go ahead with an art-pass on the map.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

Now B5

Heya all!

This is an experimental beta of a tap-to-push-cart Payload map that I have had on the back burner for a while.

If any mapper here wants to use the "Tap-To-Push" mechanics for themselves or tweak them however you like; I posted the example file and a brief explanation here: https://tf2maps.net/threads/pl_taplines-tap-to-push-mechanics.35414/

Some notes:

- Any member of the BLU team can activate the cart rolling forward by tapping it.

- The cart speed never goes above '1 person', even if all of BLU are rubbing up against it.

pl_tapline_b5 is now available.

Album showing changes: https://imgur.com/a/cKaCoix


- Changes to last: removed area under far-back walkway, added a new door and extra cover. Opened the roof a bit more.

- Added a balcony (and increased height) to the flank route by the waterfall. Added stairs to the rocky cliff near the waterfall as well to increase route options.

- Changed where the door under the 'B' building (the one with the weathervane) is positioned. Added a boat storage room where the doorway used to be. Added one more sniper fence to the rocky cliff.

- Increased the size of the balcony with the crates on it near the 'B' bridge entrance. Added stairs and moved terrain up so the balcony is easier to access.

- More changes to 'A': Added ramps to higher elevation near cargo crates. made the overall area slightly bigger.

- Opened up curved hallway that leads to 'A'. Changed sniper fence to a steel fence.

- New steel sniper fence near BLU spawn to help get to left-side route.

Download: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/pl_tapline.5456/update?update=14186

posted about 7 years ago
#11 cp_jaddou_rc5 in Map Discussion
YrrThe lobby never started so all I got is detail feedback.

I'd very much recommend eliminating the arabian street feel if you're committing to the mayan theme. All the supposed ruins still feel like lived-in streets and there's lots of arabian props and textures still there.
At the moment it kinda feels like an awkward mishmash of the two.

I'll take a look through the map again soon and see what can be removed and what I can potentially add in place. Thanks for the feedback!

posted about 7 years ago
#9 cp_jaddou_rc5 in Map Discussion
uberchainTextures are much easier on the eyes since when you first started, looks good so far!

Thanks! I'm glad it's easier to see things as that's really important. I have tweaked the overall environment lighting a lot as well to eliminate quite a few of the outdoor shadows.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 cp_jaddou_rc5 in Map Discussion

I see the lobby is finished and am not sure if there were enough players for anything to happen. Anyone who checked it out in the lobby have any suggestions for the map going forward?

posted about 7 years ago
#39 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

Updated version now available! https://tf2maps.net/downloads/koth_avalanche.2505/

Updated screenshots here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=747296123

-Removed the roof over the mid point and added beams to make it more open and less camped.
-Removed the clipping from the tall houses on either side of the mid point that prevented access. Also removed the slope on one side of the roof for both.
-Changed the direction of the light coming through the window on mid point.

Now an official 4s map in the TFCL: https://tfcleague.com/

posted about 7 years ago
#29 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion

Heya again all!

I'm looking to have the latest version tested. The feedback I have received so far has been very helpful in tailoring the map and I'm looking to improve it further for you guys if there is any interest.

posted about 7 years ago
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