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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#37 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
MenachemAlright, unfortunately there wasn't a lot of feedback on this map last week despite all the people I met who hated it so I'm making a late post based on the single real game I got. I also decided it'd be easier to make a shitty video instead of trying to screenshot the specific things I think are problems.

I appreciate the video. Gives me a lot of material to work with for the next version which will kick off the beta for the map.


I am curious, has any scouts tried off-classing to Engineer on RED to try to temporarily cut off a flank? If so, what sort of results did it yield?

posted about 8 years ago
#35 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

A12 release with small change for the Map Cup.

I was playing around with some bots and realized that both teams could open the small BLU forward door once 'B' was capped as the filter name was incorrect.

A12 download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f2fwbahdrabyi8z/pl_tfcl_a12.bsp?dl=0

I also thought it might be good to add a second to the max respawn wave time for RED once 'B' was capped (as the respawn time for RED was lowered significantly as of A11) so that's included in A12 as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#83 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion

Download beta 2 here!

- Added full 3dsky (still a couple things to edit/polish up but it's there!)
- Lit map as a whole better
- Clipped various problem spots
- Edited displacements throughout the map
- I forgot to fix the lamppost. Rest assured that's coming in the next version.

Generally, this update is heavily visual, for players and casters alike. Gameplay changes will come after the New Map Cup and various tests for beta 3. If there are any problems with clipping, any missing content/textures, or any unintended exploits, let me know ASAP.

Looking forward to seeing this played in the New Map Cup!


Very beautiful. Can't wait to see it in the Map Cup and beyond!

posted about 8 years ago
#34 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
KingorcocFatherBrandonKingorcocWhat about pl_softwood idk. Badwater doesn't have water so why would softwood need trees also the name isn't taken from the what I can find
I'll make a strawpoll before I change the name (when the map moves to beta from alpha) with some options to choose. Thanks for the name suggestion but I don't think I will use 'adjective-wood' to name the map in order to avoid a ton of obvious jokes.

I just realised that that name was a innuendo oops how about tapline as it is a tap to push map

I do like that name.

saamplease consider pl_dumpstermeth

A true contender for best map name. I felt like taking dumpstermeth when figuring out how to setup the entities for the cart system.

Mouldgood changes, hope to see it again this weekend

Thanks man!

posted about 8 years ago
#30 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
Menachempl_outcast or reprobate or something; everyone hates it right off the bat for being payload in almost every game i play on it

Interesting idea. It's unfortunate to hear about the hatred for it based on the game mode before playing, the goal is to make Payload more playable and that will require a ton of tweaks from a lot testing. It also makes me appreciate the well thought-out feedback I receive here a lot more.

posted about 8 years ago
#28 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
KingorcocWhat about pl_softwood idk. Badwater doesn't have water so why would softwood need trees also the name isn't taken from the what I can find

I'll make a strawpoll before I change the name (when the map moves to beta from alpha) with some options to choose. Thanks for the name suggestion but I don't think I will use 'adjective-wood' to name the map in order to avoid a ton of obvious jokes.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
Rhettrowill rc4 be used in the map cup?

Unless I need to make emergency last-minute changes and release rc5, it will be the version used. : )

posted about 8 years ago
#32 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion

RC 4 has now been released!

Map name is now cp_daytrip_rc4 to reflect version (finally).


- Widened the small room on the outside of RED dojo.
- Moved dump truck and added some crate cargo to block a deep line of sight into the bathhouse from RED dojo.
- Increased the height of the ceiling inside of the main bathhouse room.
- Widened the doorway into the restaurant alley from the bathhouse.
- Clipped off a lot more of the map to prevent getting onto certain areas.
- Removed props next to point 'A' that stickies could be hid in.
- Made the decorative beam model that juts out from roof awnings to be non-solid to prevent getting caught when jumping around.
- You can no longer shoot into the bathhouse changing room through the windows.
- Removed a bench at the bus-stop near BLU second spawn to help with mobility.
- Added some fence models to the top of some buildings near 'A' to help show that you can not get onto them.

Download: https://tf2maps.net/downloads/cp_daytrip.2739/update?update=8131 or http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=775688428

posted about 8 years ago
#26 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

A11 is now available and RED has been buffed:


- RED's time spent waiting for spawn has been significantly reduced from a possible 18 seconds to 8 seconds (Please test when able and let me know if this is too fast).
- The exit out of RED to the left of the left last spawn door now has a one-way door (RED activated only) to help prevent spawn camp.
- A third exit from RED spawn has been added to help prevent spawn camp and to give extra exit options.
- New visual indicators have been added to let you know that you can not exit BLU forward spawns before 'B' is captured.
- The hallway to the left of the left last spawn door just outside of RED base has been reworked to prevent a major sightline.
- A second series of spawn points facing the forward exits of BLU spawn are enabled when BLU captures 'B' and the older spawn points are disabled.

Updated overview:


Album of some changes:


A11 Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7q2ws9273ljwbo9/pl_tfcl_a11.bsp?dl=0

posted about 8 years ago
#24 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
HyceReally interesting idea. If there's a way to do 6v6 payload, this is probably it. I dig the cart mechanics.

Few things I noticed:
The first spawn exit isn't great for the blue team. You've got an upper and a lower door, and both can be seen from any decent place for the enemy team to hold/stand - it's hard to get out in some cases.

More on spawns - there's the forwards that should have a second door that's got a stop sign on it to start until you're ready to use that exit. When that exit gets enabled, you should also probably make spawn locations that face that exit and make players spawn in those instead.

There's also the area that we called "the sightline" directly to the left of the of the left last spawn door for defenders - it's a long chokey hallway that a sniper can easily dominate. That and the fact that any attacking team can just rotate up there to destroy defenders at spawn doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe a rework of that area or a one way door out for defenders if you're worried about setup time issues.

We also noted that ubered players couldn't block the cart at last - not sure if this was "the cart was already tipping" or if the cart just didn't recognize ubered players like a regular control point. Not certain how you would fix that but I'd imagine you would want to be able to uber and block the cart's cap.

Anyways. Neat idea, decent layout to start - looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

Awesome feedback. I'm working on going through these as best as I can tonight. If possible, can you please take a screenshot of the area you call 'the sightline' and post it or PM it to me? I was thinking about a 1-way door and I would like to get a better idea of where to place it.

posted about 8 years ago
#31 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
sage78The map is visually pleasing but i dont think it works for 6s
Also theres this tiny room that should probably get a bit bigger or get removed, its just sooo small and uncomfortable
its not the only area, theres many other areas where either the ceiling is too low, or theres just no space to move, for example the sauna flank to capture the first point
theres so much detail in this map, it would be a shame to completely remove some of the alleys just from how tight they are, maybe just widen them or block them but keeping them visible
the last point is in an odd position
there are some huge sightlines too, gonna edit this post with some examples
edit: this is prolly the biggest sightline, all the way from the upper area of the defending team into sauna (flank of the 1st capture point)

I appreciate the feedback! I'm touching up the map right now. I can definitely widen the small room you pointed out without issue. I'll see what I can do regarding the sauna area and at the same time fix up that sightline.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
MouldI feel like it's way too hard to defend in general. I've not played a game so far where the attackers don't roll the cart, it's actually really rare for the cart to ever stop really, you can take so much position in the time it takes the enemies to respawn that the rest of the map ends up just being dead space a lot of the time.

It's a bit of an issue because the majority of the gameplay tends to be around both the spawns. I think the defenders could use a base respawn buff.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone. I will be back at my main pc and will be able to hopefully address all these issues very soon. New release tomorrow.

How many seconds do you feel the red respawn time should be reduced by?

posted about 8 years ago
#41 cp_drudgery - 5CP in Map Discussion

Congratulations on your map being included in the TFTV map cup dude. You've put a lot of work into the map and I look forward to seeing it played.

posted about 8 years ago
#80 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

I really love how the map looks. I am looking forward to seeing it played in the TFTV map cup!

posted about 8 years ago
#36 teamfortress.tv New Map Cup sponsored by marketplace.tf announced in News

I really appreciate the opportunity to have maps tested and potentially enjoyed. Thank you very much!

To hopefully mitigate some potential confusion: pl_tfcl has 2 forward spawn doors that become usable after the 2nd point is capped (indicated by rotating hazard lights that do not activate until the 2nd point is captured). Make sure to check out the overview here or in the thread for the map linked to in the original post.

posted about 8 years ago
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