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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#56 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

After using feedback from a test at TF2maps.net b2 is now available:

Changelog for pl_tapline_b2:

- The nightmare one-way flank door now closes and locks after 'A' is capped.
- The map is about 10% larger overall.
- Farther distance between the cart start and 'A'.
- Farther distance between 'A' and 'B'.
- Closed up the back of the bridge and moved the entrance to the area under the 'B' sign to the right.
- New third initial spawn exit for BLU.
- Added a flank route on the bottom floor next to 'B' that leads behind the tall rocks closer to 'C'.
- Added a new ramp room that allows easier access to the bridge top for attackers.
- Removed the sniper fence that was making 'A' seem more like a hallway CP.
- The small bottom entrance to 'C' is now positioned differently and gives slightly more space for defenders.
- Added a raised area to the far left-side (from the defenders perspective) of the bridge to make it harder to reign over BLU forward spawn doors.
- Raised the height of the small forward BLU spawn door.
- The area that was once the farthest initial forward BLU spawn exit is now an area accessible by both teams.

Album showing general overview and some changes with descriptions:


pl_tapline_b2 download:


posted about 7 years ago
#6 ob_akhatren_a4 (scout obstacle course map) in Map Discussion
gemmp short map but fun

i just spent like half an hour trying to skip the first saw climb jump and did it once and i'll never do it again. seems kinda fun to speedrun, there's definitely a faster route than the obvious one but it's dependent on good cycles on the last stage

Cool to hear that you found it fun. I also didn't know you could skip the first saw climb jump, but I like people finding potential shortcuts in these types of maps. If you're into speed running and you give it a try, let me know your time.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 ob_akhatren_a4 (scout obstacle course map) in Map Discussion
planckI really liked the map. Some really nice strafing jumps, good design, and cool aesthetic. I've now uploaded it onto serveme as well

Awesome! Very nice to hear that it's being enjoyed.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ob_akhatren_a4 (scout obstacle course map) in Map Discussion

I had completed the map (reusing some haddou structures) quite a while back and this was to be a scout obstacle course map for a TFCL event. I am not sure if the event is going to happen or even if this map will be used; however, have fun and don't (or do) cheat with boston basher/winger jumps.

Album: https://imgur.com/a/a7WNC

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jw9ydgrecxu6uf/ob_akhraten_a4.bsp?dl=0

posted about 7 years ago
#55 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

Heya guys.

pl_tapline is going to be included in Season 3 of TFCL 6s. I would be happy to address any feedback between now and December for pl_tapline_b1 so I can get the best possible version setup.





posted about 7 years ago
#54 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

It's been a while and I have mostly moved onto other gaming projects, but I had a blast working on this map with all of your feedback. I am starting to miss working on TF2 maps and am looking for an excuse to work on this one again in particular.

In conclusion:


posted about 7 years ago
#53 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
RespectAPAI see, so right now it's not possible to have a cart that is both tap-to-push and can also be pushed at faster rates? [like if it would be x1 if it was only tapped, but could also be x2, x3, etc. if there were more people on it]

That is correct unfortunately. Perhaps there is a way around that, but I have not found it yet.

posted about 7 years ago
#51 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
RespectAPAIs the cart being capped at x1 max speed a side effect of how the tap-to-push was programmed, or an actual design philosophy? If not, are you trying to work on having the functionality of faster push speeds as well?

It can be changed to whatever speed desired in the entity settings of the cart. It felt like a good pace at 1x speed.

If after testing it seems to be too slow, it can always be altered for a future release.

posted about 7 years ago
#49 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
VulcanSorry for bump but is this map being used anywhere? and how do people like it

I actually appreciate the bump.

This map is still in stasis. Not enough feedback for the latest version to go ahead and refine it yet.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion

Thanks! The changes that will come eventually should address these issues. Perhaps not the sniper being useless issue, that will need some more testing after the changes.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion
HyceYeah I know, it'd be a pain in the ass. For what it's worth I played it today and it didn't seem to be a big deal.

My biggest takeaways from the game I played was that the mid -> spawn isn't that great; I'm not certain why. You can double sticky jump from spawn to spawn, which, while hilarious, is broken.

I did like the point and the geometry around it quite a bit.

I'm glad you liked the point and thanks for the heads up regarding the double sticky jump. The next version probably won't be out for a few weeks or so but expect pretty huge changes.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion
HyceSo, I walked around it a bit- without playing it, the only real feedback I have is:

MIRRORED SYMMETRY FOR SHAME (please use rotational symmetry for fuck sake)
The lower spawn exit doesn't get you anything? It pretty much ends up where the left spawn dumps you out.

Beyond that, it seems when you go out the zeppelin side entrance (BECAUSE YOU USED MIRRORED SYMMETRY YOU MONSTER) that the point is aligned more so the other way; perhaps move it a bit the other way.

Regardless, seems like a legit koth map. Hopefully we can see it in mapchamp for testing soon.

edit: My apologies for any rudeness in this post I was absolutely shitfaced when I wrote it.

Not a problem dude. I just assumed you were passionate about the subject, which is appreciated.

I couldn't find a great place for the lower spawn exit. If it was on the wall facing towards the point there would be an odd line of sight from it to the fountain area. If someone is spawn camping above, maybe it can get you behind them. But I agree, and it may be changed in a future release.

I understand the issue with mirrored symmetry now. Back when I made koth_avalanche last year I did not. Unfortunately I think the map would have to be redone from scratch if I wanted to rotate instead of mirror it.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion

Thank you all so much for the feedback so far (especially Benroads, Sage, and Tmbr).

koth_avalanche_pro5 released (April 7th).

Album: http://imgur.com/a/o8SOL

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sja41yucz7tp4f0/koth_avalanche_pro5.bsp.bz2?dl=0

Changelog for koth_avalanche_pro5:

Show Content
- Removed the major sniper sight-line areas. You can no longer get onto the slanted roofs outside of spawn.
- Created new routes to the main capture point area from the lobby area with the fountain outside of spawn.
- Replaced the fountain models with smaller fountains.
- Expanded the size of the spawn room and added a 3rd exit that leads out onto the bottom floor.
- Removed the back, side spawn area that used to have the shop window.
- Improved clipping.
- Added stairs and sniper fences onto the wooden structures next to the point as well as expanded their size.
- Changed a number of thinner props to non-solid to avoid interference with movement.
- Removed alleyway/flank wooden beams that impeded movement. Removed awnings in the same alley that you could stand on that also impeded movement.
- Smoothed out the vast majority of displacements (included cliff walls alongside the capture point area)
- Added an exit to the flank from the room just outside of spawn.
- Improved bulletblock brushes and added many new ones.
- The majority of lips on roofs are now non-solid to allow for easier explosive jumping.
- Removed the only full ammo kit.
- Moved the door nook in the bottom flank area forward and clipped it off to prevent accidentally getting stuck.
- Reworked displacements for the capture point area.
- Clipped off the tops of the tall thin houses on either side of the point and added a few props to help show this (chimney and corrugated metal thin wall near the top connecting to the cliffside). The area felt too open previously and created uninteresting perches for demos/soldiers to bomb down from.
- Removed trees from play area.
- Added a rock prop to help divide the main area in between the two tanks.
- Lowered the height of the house wall with the window at the capture point as it was too tall a perch.
- Removed wooden support beams that you could stand on directly above the capture point area.
posted about 7 years ago
#26 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion

I'm trying to get everything done before MapChamp this weekend.

Here's a preview of some changes:


posted about 7 years ago
#25 koth_avalanche_pro in Map Discussion

still getting really bad fps, but the changes have been good and the clipping improved a lot

Thank you for screencapping everything you found out and the displacement ground issues, I'll try smoothing those out a bit more.

I will definitely keep a close eye on those sightlines. We'll see if the flank sniper sight line is too powerful once the version is out that does not allow access to the slanted roof outside of spawn.

Also unsure how to have snow look great on top of the cobblestone. I do have snow overlays in place that you can not see since you have all overlays turned off but I do not think they look perfect by any means.

posted about 7 years ago
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