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Last Posted February 12, 2019 at 10:05 PM
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#16 Killsound suggestions in Customization

I can upload these if anyone wants them:


posted about 7 years ago
#45 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
sageFatherBrandonsagethe times i saw people in the underground area it was just the part thats right next to the capture point
maybe adding more entrances to the underground area would fix it? idk it just seems like a wierd area that only in pubs would be useful, for engineers with sentry nests
also the way being in the capture point blocks your view so much is a bit of a hassle, like an even tinier coldfront mid with more walls blocking the way

In regard to the capture point, can you please elaborate? Do you mean the way into the underground area from the point blocks your view? Or is this an issue separate from the underground and you'd like to see the cover around the capture point opened up a bit?
nono, just the walls of the capture point while you are capping
the house ruins makes capping very claustrophobic since you barely see whats coming
just try standing on that CP for 10 seconds and trying to grasp whats going on in your surroundings


i would like to see most of the house walls removed or maybe change the house theme around the capture point with something else ?

I'll see what I can do. Thanks for elaborating on it!

posted about 7 years ago
#43 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
sagethe times i saw people in the underground area it was just the part thats right next to the capture point
maybe adding more entrances to the underground area would fix it? idk it just seems like a wierd area that only in pubs would be useful, for engineers with sentry nests
also the way being in the capture point blocks your view so much is a bit of a hassle, like an even tinier coldfront mid with more walls blocking the way

In regard to the capture point, can you please elaborate? Do you mean the way into the underground area from the point blocks your view? Or is this an issue separate from the underground and you'd like to see the cover around the capture point opened up a bit?

posted about 7 years ago
#41 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion
sagethe stairs eat the splash from rockets
this is usually fixed by making the collision mesh just a ramp like it was done in badlands last stairs

the whole underground area is huge and a little pointless but interesting

Thanks for pointing that out. The stairs are an easy fix but the underground area...

I have considered removing the underground area and the tunnel under the point entirely but I would like some input/suggestions (even if the input is reassuring that removing the underground area would be for the best) for it. Would the map become too simple without the underground area?

posted about 7 years ago
#29 Uncle Dane reviews the built-in comp mode in Videos
z3tasageIn the other hand, payload artificially slows the game down for everyone even if the disparity in skill between the two teams are quite high, since you have to constantly push that cart. Besides, most payload map have huge open spaces and were clearly not designed for low population servers.even tapline doesn't fix this

Heya man, I'm looking for as much feedback as possible for the latest version of the map. If you have any suggestions you'd like to make, please let me know in this thread: http://www.teamfortress.tv/39474/pl-tapline

posted about 7 years ago
#104 Mapchamp by Champ.gg in TF2 General Discussion

If people are down for it, I would appreciate pl_tapline_b1 being tested when possible.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
KingorcocFatherBrandonNOW B1 with a new name (pl_tapline)!

Yes my name suggestion won

Thanks for the suggestion, it was good one.
posted about 7 years ago
#45 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
HyceLooks pretty good; my only immediate thought is that the one way door for red is maybe not the best solution. Now there is no flank at all between A and B - whether or not teams can crack defense at B (which looks much more defendable) might get interesting. It could work, but I'm not 100% sure on it. Plus, there's a bit after B where blue could get wrapped or more easily spawncamped by red team utilizing the door.

Perhaps you could place a flank route on the other side or re-route the current one that's been blocked by making it not dump out staring straight at last; or make it less direct or more choke-y to hinder blue players from just +forwarding into last.

I definitely like those ideas and I do have some concerns for that one-way door. I would like a few games to be played on this version if possible before I make further changes.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 New Map Cup Data in TF2 General Discussion

I really appreciate the Map Cup and the feedback it brought along with it. I have dumped enough time into A/D maps and I don't think I will be working on them again anytime soon. If I ever do make an A/D map again it will be through vigorous testing from the very start with you guys hopefully.

I received great feedback for the pl map and have just released a major new version under a new name (pl_tapline) today for those that want to test:


posted about 7 years ago
#43 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

pl_tapline wins!

Here is pl_tapline_b1 for testing:


posted about 7 years ago
#36 cp_daytrip in Map Discussion
JDawgManiacWe had a lot of fun on this map during the New Map Cup. My team decided it might be better for pubs than for competitive, but it's still a fun map. The aesthetic is very nice and the map isn't too big or confusing.
I really liked all the props you can stand on. The map felt very open. The only problem was the sniper sightline down main. Otherwise, the map was fun to play.

I am glad to hear that you had some fun on it. It was a blast to design. I think that I will withdraw from making A/D for comp, and I am eager to get a 5cp map started at some point.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

A new version of pl_tfcl will be released tomorrow under a new name and the map will be moving from alpha to beta! Thank you all for your effort with the feedback. A huge thanks to Menachem for his video outlining some major issues in the map.

Since you have all helped forge the map I have created a strawpoll for you to vote on a name that the map will be changed to.

Strawpoll: http://www.strawpoll.me/12434047 (on Feb. 28th, I will choose the name based on votes at 5:00 PM PST).

Incoming changelog:

- The map is about 10% larger overall.
- Farther distance between 'A' and 'B'.
- The bridge between 'A' and 'B' is now covered with a sloped roof which you can stand on and access with any class.
- The 'shed' between 'B' and 'C' now is sloped in the opposite direction and has a pathway behind it.
- The side of the map with 'B' and 'C' is now higher than the rest of the map.
- The height of most structures have been raised.
- The flank route with the sniper window and dark room is closed at all entrances until 'A' is capped.
- New third initial spawn exit for BLU.
- There is no longer a height variation in the now old nightmare flank hallway and the doorway to RED spawn is now a one-way door for RED only.
- A new ramp to the left side of the bridge from RED side.
- A new entrance/exit to the far-corner flank route

Album showing some changes with descriptions:


Rough overview image outlining some changes:


posted about 7 years ago
#40 pl_tapline in Map Discussion
TmbrSmall light glitches here and here:
Sticks can be hidden in this light:

I'm glad you got a lot of feedback from the cup. This map is kind of rough right now, but I don't think its an awful concept and I applaud your dedication to it.

Thanks for the additional feedback. I have now removed that light and am almost done a lot of other changes needed to the map.

posted about 7 years ago
#110 teamfortress.tv New Map Cup sponsored by marketplace.tf announced in News
Tmbrthis is exactly why nobody wants to make maps for competitive. so much work and so many hours go into it, and when people like Father Brandon come along, who are very excited to get maps out there and are really willing and open to feedback, its upsetting to see how the community treats them. i get that people don't like the map, but by just leaving in the middle of the game, the mapper doesn't get to see organized play that will help them make it better. maybe if mario party 4 bothered to play or even look at the map before playing, they wouldn't have had such a bad experience.

I appreciate the reaction. No one has treated me anything but fairly in a direct discussion. Perhaps people say the maps suck to each other and I am fine with that. I have been level designing for too long in general (not for TF2) to take every opinion on maps too personally.

I had the oddball maps going into the cup and I already knew how much people were opposed to A/D. I did not expect 2 engineers to be allowed on the Payload map though.

I always listen to feedback and I have learned a lot about what needs to be changed for the PL map from watching a match yesterday (I wasn't around today to watch any matches) combined with feedback from just before the cup. Menachem actually posted a video with super great feedback before the cup and I wish I could have instantly made the needed changes before the cup happened (I ended up working on the map while watching the cup).

Overall I appreciate the feedback I have received very much. Expect the next version of the PL map to be much more playable.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 pl_tapline in Map Discussion

After seeing the map in action in the Map Cup there will be some extensive changes upcoming. It was a great source of feedback!

posted about 7 years ago
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