Removing the side exit from the spawns (removing the back area as well that the side door exited into) and changing the room outside spawn to allow access to the flank like this:
Let me know what your thoughts are on it.
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Removing the side exit from the spawns (removing the back area as well that the side door exited into) and changing the room outside spawn to allow access to the flank like this:
Let me know what your thoughts are on it.
Rough idea of how to fix some of the soldier/demo perches and remove the huge sniper sightline/reduce it to the cafe for highground only:
I am going to make the slanted roof inaccessible. Using a pretty huge stock TF2 prop to help define that you can not get over the roofs.
Lowering the thin houses on either side of the point so scouts can access with ease and made the thin houses a tiny bit fatter.
First thing I noticed is how incredibly cramped the spawn room feels, I can't really imagine having 5+ other players in there as well.
Personally I love the idea of stupid hiding spots but this is a bit much even for me, this already already seems kinda strange since there's next to no benefit of taking this door out of spawn.
Should clip over the inset on the window and remove collision on the door frame since neither really provide anything besides a place to get stuck on when you get bounced. I would also suggest clipping over the entire ceiling to prevent players from getting caught on the support beams.
Would suggest making the props on the wall nonsolid unless you intend to have them as a hiding spot. Right now if you were on those boxes for any reason it'd be very easy to get caught on them.
Unless you plan to have players using the railing to dodge on I would just clip them off to prevent people getting stuck on them since the prop collision is kinda bad.
This area feels really cramped as well and I don't really understand the point of the horizontal bars since they really only seem to get in the way of jumping. Also the roof clipping is frustrating as you'll often get caught on it while jumping. Would also suggest making the displacement ground at the top of the stairs a bit smoother and potentially making it non solid.
I don't think that any of the props in here benefit from being solid unless you want them as (shitty) hiding spots. I would also probably slightly rework the geometry on the right as the area where the manhole cover is doesn't seem to be being used for anything.
Should clip/bulletblock this little lip to prevent splash bugs and probably make the pipes in the corner nonsolid.
If you're going to have one of these be solid you should probably make sure both of them or none of them are solid as having inconsistency with prop solidity is pretty annoying.
I think you should smooth out the upper part of these displacements so they're more consistent for jumping. Right now when I try to rocket off them it seems pretty bad (Combination of awkward geometry with the displacement itself and the clipping)
Examples of the clipping as mentioned above
As mentioned before I would highly recommend changing how you clip off roofs since having hard edges at the top like this makes jumping feel awful.
This sightline is pretty absurd as you can basically look at all 4 ways that you get to mid from one location. Getting rid of this will be pretty difficult and right now I don't really have any suggestions for fixing it.
Personally I don't think that large health or ammo kits should ever be used in a serious map considering how important health and ammo management is in TF2. Besides that you already have 3 medium ammo packs on each side of mid that are incredibly easy to get to. I think removing this and moving the health pack here could be a good option. Also some kind of seam thing on the displacement right next to the blue timer on my hud.
This little nook looks really nice but since I don't imagine it will ever be used for gameplay I would suggest moving it forward slightly and then clipping it off so players don't get stuck on it.
Same deal as before with clipping/bulletblocking the inset area to prevent splash bugs
Right now I see middle as the biggest problem since you don't really have any defined flank routes and the entire area is just super open. There's also a lot of perch spots for soldiers and potentially demos to go stand on and those typically aren't very interesting fights. There's also the big issue of that mega sightline that would also double as a pretty strong area to forward hold as you'll be covering 2/3 spawn doors with height advantage and you could easily have a roamer watch the far side since you'd be forced into a small tunnel anyway. Currently I don't really have suggestions for any of those problems but I think that they're worth bringing up sooner versus later, however I could be totally wrong and it could play out fine.
I appreciate the in-depth feedback! I'll take a look at what I can do to fix the issues pointed out.
_brianJust played pro4 in a mapchamp. The sightlines combined with how big the map is makes it super hard to play. 1 sniper on the roof between spawn and point can see the entire map.
Thanks! Getting similar feedback from Truetf2.
Any suggestions on what you'd like to see? Higher ground for the point?
I have been thinking about removing access (or removing it entirely) to the sloped roof outside of each spawn and forcing people to go under or around the flank/cafe area.
Skipped a version and now koth_avalanche_pro4 is available:
Album of changes:
-reworked the flank areas
-no more environmental deaths
-added more clipping
-centered clock on the wall in the point area
-removed steam coming from sewer grate overlays
The compile is messing up for the latest version. Hopefully not long now until it's ready.
Pro3 in about 10 hours.
I believe I have resolved most of what is pointed out in sage's previous post. You can no longer fall off the map and more clipping has been added as well.
sagetook a quick look at pro2 and noticed some stuff
Awesome feedback. In the next version I will make sure people can not fall to their deaths.
I'll move the clock to the middle. It's kind of broken I guess, chimes 1 PM every 3 minutes despite not showing that time. : P
Trotz21Nice looking map, although I am worried about the snow?
If it comes to it, I can remove the snow texture in favor of grass. I suppose it could be a mudslide instead of avalanche?
J3NGAFatherBrandon removing some all of the unused map completely"some all"
It was late, my apologies.
koth_avalanche_pro2 is now available:
Dropbox link:
Unfortunately I could not reduce the file size with this version.
-removed unused areas of the map completely (underground, tunnels)
-improved clipping
New version coming out in about 10 hours. Making the map file smaller and removing all of the unused map completely (You could see into some of the underground area from the closed off sections in version pro1) so performance should be improved. Also added some additional clipping + a few custom ambient sounds.
TmbrI don't know if I'm the only one, but I am getting pretty substantial fps drops, but besides that, there is a lot of clipping that would just be irritating and is seemingly unnecessary (such as this handle that you can bump your head on and TONS of corners to get stuck in the should have slanted clip brushes on them ( I would've made an album of all of the issues, but there are a lot and its a bit time consuming. Other than that, I really enjoy the aesthetic and like what you're doing with the pro version.
EDIT: Looking at the clipping more, I noticed a bunch of places high up that should be clipped but aren't, and this results in a huge number of hiding spaces and awful positions people shouldn't be in. (You can walk across this like entire rock
Thank you for pointing these out. Time to go on a fixing spree, first for the pro version.
New experimental release: koth_avalanche_pro5 released (April 7th)
I figured this should probably have it's own thread for feedback as it's going to be developed independently of the original koth_avalanche.
I kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me
Will eventually be a memory of a time when
I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter...
New experimental release: koth_avalanche_pro4
Dropbox link:
-blocked off all access to underground areas
-lowered more walls next to the point
-removed unused areas of the map completely (underground, tunnels)
-improved clipping
Image album of changes including some descriptions: