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Last Posted November 10, 2019 at 3:09 PM
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#179 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
plunkFuxxI just want the abuse to end.very weird way about going about it

Perhaps my language could be better but my last post should clear everything up. The situation is understandably tense, I'm pretty revolted myself that people had to suffer. What's your opinion on my last post?

posted about 5 years ago
#177 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
HrblsFuxxIf no one speaks up then it logically follows that anyone who's aware of the situation, previous victims included, is partially responsible for any abuses that follow.
Either you are being particularly obtuse or you have an inordinate lack of empathy. Coming forward takes an extraordinary amount of courage and normally lies at the end of a long and hard process of coming to terms with what has happened, especially when the attacker is someone that the victim trusted. I implore you to stop posting, blaming the victim for not speaking out sooner is abhorrent and actively discourages others who have remained quiet from coming forward.

For those who have been victims of sexual violence there are charities and support networks for you to speak about your experiences in a safe space.

I am not blaming any victim, nor was it ever my intention. Rather, I am pointing out a rather trivial logical conclusion. We must comprehend that if we can identify a bad guy then this ability should be used. The conundrum is when the victim refuses to identify the bad guy. All I'm saying is that in the process of supporting the victim you ought to encourage them to speak. If they are not speaking then you must, with extreme sympathy, figure out the reasons why and think of a way to solve that in a manner that respects the victim. This is in contrast to the idea that no efforts should be undertaken to try and get an identification. Do you agree with me on this?

posted about 5 years ago
#173 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Console-FuxxThat's precisely why we need to respect and support anyone who comes out to their fullest extent and give a good old asskicking to anyone who doesn't. Judging from the horrified and sympathetic reactions that the community undertakes every time this sort of thing comes up it's not unfeasible to think that we're that far away from that point, is it? You ought to defend the victim, that's the bloody fucking point. Now you want to keep quiet and allow more abuse to happen? I'm terribly sorry that in your mother's case this wasn't possible, it's inhumanly revolting that any criminal gets to go unpunished and worse: that the victim is reduced. But it is precisely because it is that inhumanly revolting that these abusers ought to be dealt with one way or another. Ideally by the police, through evidence, through the instruments of a nation's Law. Turns out that there's a history going on here, you have a literal rapist in your midst, or had until relatively recently. Console having the courage to speak up did more than anything else, because now the bastard's gone for good, hopefully. That you can't deny.The point being made is not that it is good for people to stay quiet
the point being made is staying quiet out of fear is an understandable thing, especially given the circumstances.

before I talked to anyone about this, I genuinely feared for my life that the only career I have ever considered as worth putting time into, esports and I genuinely loved was going to crash down, especially knowing how many people I was manipulated to believe that trusted dashner over uberchain. I feared so much that all it would take was one peep out of me and with their influences in FACEIT, Blast Pro Series, and Waveform, that I would never work in esports again.

I only came out after reaching out to uberchain directly, sharing my experiences, and being encouraged that i would be helped and supported.

When you are victimized, especially in a serialized manner,you fear every possibility after you have been strung along for so long. Assuming that it is as easy as just talking about it, even ignoring the immense emotional pain that's haunted me the past few weeks, you are doing nothing but harming already traumatized victims as Geel pointed out.

Console, you are a heroic person for having the courage to do what you did. You ought to be admired. It takes considerable amount of strength to do what you did and at the end of the day it still poses a risk. Sympathy, compassion, all of these are things that I've always defended and will continue to defend. Not once have I claimed that it was easy or free of its consequences. Your courage should serve as an example to all others.

My issue is that there are a series of problems that extend beyond an abuser being abusive. It is unquestionable that if the atmosphere is one that tries to stigmatize the victim then this atmosphere needs to be cleansed at once. If the atmosphere punishes the victim then the victims won't speak out. If the victims do not speak out then the abuse remains and bad guys go unpunished. It is not that the victims should be forced to speak against their will, but rather given the support necessary to do so. Speaking up is important, but it cannot happen if the atmosphere does not allow for it.

At a deeper level you ought to understand that the correct thing to do - and precisely that is the path you chose to take - is to speak up.

At a deeper level you ought to understand that if you are afraid to speak up then burden is on the community to impose an atmosphere of respect and support.

If this doesn't happen, abuse persists. Do not massacre me out in public for speaking the truth, rather massacre your peers for contributing to the toxicity that imposes an atmosphere of fear. You cannot possibly disagree with this, to do so is to misguide frustration that should rightfully fall on the mechanisms which allowed for this to happen. The moral conclusions are clear: expose abusers, support the victims. If you disagree then this only further confirms my point: victims don't feel enough at ease.

I just want the abuse to end.

posted about 5 years ago
#169 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

That's precisely why we need to respect and support anyone who comes out to their fullest extent and give a good old asskicking to anyone who doesn't. Judging from the horrified and sympathetic reactions that the community undertakes every time this sort of thing comes up it's not unfeasible to think that we're that far away from that point, is it? You ought to defend the victim, that's the bloody fucking point. Now you want to keep quiet and allow more abuse to happen? I'm terribly sorry that in your mother's case this wasn't possible, it's inhumanly revolting that any criminal gets to go unpunished and worse: that the victim is attacked. But it is precisely because it is that inhumanly revolting that these abusers ought to be dealt with one way or another. Ideally by the police, through evidence, through the instruments of a nation's Law. Turns out that there's a history going on here, you have a literal rapist in your midst, or had until relatively recently. Console having the courage to speak up did more than anything else, because now the bastard's gone for good, hopefully. That you can't deny.

posted about 5 years ago
#17 is it only me? in TF2 General Discussion

People wasted hundreds of dollars to an event that was cancelled because of sex offender scandals and because of organizers that circlejerk with these sex offenders. Despite this, there are no calls for a mass top-to-bottom purge.

Yeah I'm pretty fucking confused as well.

posted about 5 years ago
#166 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Starkieit's incredibly easy to take this standpoint when it's not you or your friends who'll be affected by information coming out

it takes a lot of trust to tell anyone about this sort of thing. breaking promises you make to someone about something so personal and going public is a great way to make sure no one ever speaks up

yes you have a moral duty to make sure more people don't get hurt but you also have a moral duty to not hurt your friend already in a fragile state. it's up to the victim to speak up

If the victim does not speak up then you risk more people becoming victims. Support the victim in full, but they could help others by speaking up. If no one speaks up then it logically follows that anyone who's aware of the situation, previous victims included, is partially responsible for any abuses that follow. This is called enabling and should not be tolerated. To argue otherwise, no matter how compassionate it might seem to the victims, is to enable further abuse to new victims. It just so happens that this is exactly the case, we've gone past hypotheticals. Didn't work, try something else.

posted about 5 years ago
#155 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
MouldFuxxPerhaps the apparent insensibility is why this is getting downfragged but tbh this is likely the truth. People turn blind eyes to shit all the time to "avoid drama", sometimes even going as far as covering up for them. There are different degrees of severity, but it's unquestionable that all of these are bad moves. Inaction is not a virtue, quite the contrary. People are getting abused, it's time to hold your peers to higher standards. If you don't then you're a fucking coward.
the thing is it's harder than that because these situations can be so different.

you can make the argument either way but frankly if you're told something in confidence then if it comes out then that's a serious breach of trust and what you're doing may later save a victim, or it may not - but you're causing direct harm to the current victim, who may be dealing with it in their own way. Outing them as a victim can be really highly damaging because when this kind of thing happens your sense of self can be really knocked, and having everyone know can be further trauma. It's not the same for everyone but taking the reigns from the victim is highly disrespectful in my opinion.

then on the flip side you have that if it's a rumour of who the aggressor was, but you don't have it from the horses mouth, that's just hearsay and the rumours can often be completely different to whats happened, especially in a case where someone may have more influence and may be spreading a completely different version. in real life I knew someone who was spiked and assaulted and a popular person spread that some guy had been seen in the room, and it was a long time before anyone discovered the reality was that it was one of the popular persons friends all along and some innocent person took the flak for years.

inaction might not be a virtue, but is it a virtue to bring something to attention and cause new kinds of damages and potentially not even help in any way? The problem is these situations are really complex and there is no one flowchart or set of rules that you can follow in order to act in the right way.

what we can all do with 100% certainty is be as supportive as we can and make sure our minds are open when someone actually does come out with this kind of thing. the rumour mill has something going on, as tob wrote about, and it's heartbreaking and gross that it's being/been brushed away due to a lack of support.

People are being abused, it's becoming an issue that warrants higher scrutiny. It's time the community takes a hard look at itself and realizes how shameful this situation is. You have pedophiles and rapists in the higher echelons of the community and if that doesn't scream problematic then maybe you need to re-evaluate your priorities. The solution is exposure, even if the victim would disagree with that. The solution is ostracization. The people doing these things are respected members who others deposit trust into. If these people were robbed from their respect then this problem would be mitigated. It is your view that is flawed, because in your efforts to respect one victim or avoid drama, another person gets victimized. You need the drama, you need the cleanse. Furthermore, Tagg himself admitted that he feels somewhat responsible because he knew what kind of a person Dashner was and instead of taking the moral stand he took the bystander effect. Everyone in that position ought to feel shame for their inaction. It was not they who committed the crime, but they failed to uphold a moral duty. That is telling and I'm sure this will ruffle the feathers of a lot of people, but some uncomfortable truths have to be told. This systematic protectionism is responsible, at least indirectly, for abuse.

posted about 5 years ago
#152 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Doom1LMAO at all you people sitting on your high horses talking about how awful and evil Dashner is when all of you knew what was going on all along. Next time get together and speak up instead of hiding it, jesus, what is wrong with you people. This is exactly why people like these are allowed to thrive.

Perhaps the apparent insensibility is why this is getting downfragged but tbh this is likely the truth. People turn blind eyes to shit all the time to "avoid drama", sometimes even going as far as covering up for them. There are different degrees of severity, but it's unquestionable that all of these are bad moves. Inaction is not a virtue, quite the contrary. People are getting abused, it's time to hold your peers to higher standards. If you don't then you're a fucking coward.

posted about 5 years ago
#141 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I'm gonna lay out an unpopular opinion here. If you know someone has abusive tendencies and fail to warn others about it then you're only enabling the problem. Stop being a bystander.

posted about 5 years ago
#99 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Cannot fully express my hatred for all this situation. This is a situation where name-dropping all abusers is morally necessary. I comprehend the appeal to solve such issues privately, but these sort of people do not deserve protection. Abusers will keep on trying if given the opportunity, that's just how it is. The point isn't lynching (although deserved), it's to alarm others and to hold these people accountable. By letting them continue to pretend to have a clean record you keep their reputation afloat, which in these cases seems to be precisely the tool they use to get access to victims.

I do not wish to provoke witch-hunting hysteria, but this is starting to get out of hand. I had my hopes that TF2 Competitive would turn into a small but warm, niche little community as it aged, but the more situations like these crop up the more I wish for it all to go up in flames. Better to have a dead game than a hive of predators. It's time to take this seriously.

posted about 5 years ago
#56 Harassment in this community: It needs to stop. in TF2 General Discussion

"Harassment in this community"
What's the community got to do with the individual actions of a couple edgelords?

>Getting mad about taunts
rly m8

>Engaging people you dislike instead of blocking them
It's like you want to fight and if the guy's post in first page is true then it seems like it


The only thing worth reading here is the potential harassment and potential death threats, both of which should be reported (and I doubt that's even the case). I really don't see this being much more than a couple of dicks memeing. I don't see why this has to come to the attention of the whole community. What's your aim here? Is there some infective toxic virus in the community that has be addressed and dealt with or are you just using us as leverage for some dumb squabble? I doubt the former and believe the latter.

Christ, I'm not even telling you to grow a thicker skin and neither am I saying that such things aren't hurtful, but there's more mature ways to handle this than farming online virtue signalling points. You don't need us to deal with it on your behalf, do it yourself and move on.

posted about 5 years ago
#47 Are you NORMIE or a CHAd in Off Topic

Which one is that?

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago
#12 What happens after you die in The Dumpster

Death is only the beginning


posted about 5 years ago
#18 Are you NORMIE or a CHAd in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
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