stringer_bellFzeroYou can only contest false or misleading ratings/reports if you pay. It's an extortionate system.visitnigBBB is a pretty bad way of judging small business tbh, it asks companies to pay them money or they list them as unaccredited.
How does that not make sense? Visa, MC, discover all force fees for using them, why would if be different for BBB? They charge 97 a year generally (depends on size) but at the same time, if you're not accredited, like in this case, they will still say the rating that the business has. Just so everyone understands, the "F" rating is not from not being accredited but from user reviews. So I have no clue how it's a true argument.
Same thing with amazon, paypal, all the CC's that I mentioned too. The idea of having to pay money for things like this is to keep scammers at bay. If someone had to pay no money and anyone could write comments, how would it be any different than Ebays shitty systems?
I'm not saying it's perfect but a few hundred a year should really matter to a small business especially since they can/will take that money as complete business expense