Just to inject some objective data into the debate I've compared round counts between this season of ETF2L and Season 19 which took place roughly 2.5 years ago. Season 19 had a few teams drop out so the number of games is different, and the comparison is made with percentages. Season 19 included Suave, etc.
This season average rounds per map are about 1.3 lower (down to 4.9 from 6.2). This season only 2% of maps have had 9 rounds or more, season 19 had 17% of maps with 9 rounds or more. This season had 27% of maps with 3 or less rounds, season 19 had 14% of maps with 3 or less rounds. The most common number of rounds in a map is 5 in both seasons, but this season 7.7% of games were 5-0 whereas in season 19 8.3% were 5-0.
So it looks like both seasons were anchored around a 5 rounds per map common score but in Season 19 the maps that didn't conform to that were skewed upwards and this season they are skewed downwards. Also Season 19 was marginally more likely to produce a 5-0 roll. Maybe season 19 had more uneven results due to teams dropping, that's a possible criticism, and I'm not sure if the map pool or rules stimulated any difference. Maybe I could have picked a better season, ymmv.
This might be interesting for anyone looking at how micro changes have affected the 6v6 meta in the past couple of years, but just as no players are super committed enough to perfecting an aggro style after years of micro buffs to defensive options I can't be bothered to compare every season.