MouldI don't know or particularly care whether it's art or not, I don't see why I should be impressed if it takes no real talent.
making a lovely sculpture is a talent, drawing a nice picture is a talent, and painting a lovely landscape is a talent
putting a blob of yellow is not a talent, it's something even I could do, and then saying some dumb shit that gives it a non-meaning is something I could do too
and inevitably some smarmy mongoloid (always with rich parents) says 'but you didn't' and I always think that's a stupid response. So what? I've also never hit myself in the face with a brick and that doesn't impress me either.
Did you know that many of the old masters (from around 1420 onwards iirc) made use of lenses and light projection to help them make their paintings? The artifacts of those early lenses - things going out of focus, vanishing points changing as the lense was moved around, distortions of light and scale, flattened overall perspective from many small projections - are painted into the works themselves. It's interesting to re-evalutate your opinion of them based on knowing that many of them "cheated".