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Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
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#4 Let's unify the ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
TwiiKuu...Copenhagen Games (and any other tournament)...

It's an ESU tournament

posted about 6 years ago
#589 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects
kr4tosis fantasy tf2 still a thing?

Currently planned for ETF2L S29

I can't get an admin for Rewind that will be awake when games are played so that's not looking likely.

posted about 6 years ago
#9 - Hit sounds repository in Customization
FireStarwindividual pages for hitsounds would be nice to have for linking to, to answer "what's your hitsound" with and maybe be a way to edit/delete submissions. Profile pages would be nice to have for seeing all of your submissions. I also suggest a category for killsounds as someones already uploaded a killsound, maybe it could be a tag system so some sounds can be tagged as hitsound and killsound worthy?

I've added a basic hitsound detail page. Will get round to some of the other stuff in the future

posted about 6 years ago
#5 - Hit sounds repository in Customization
200holy bananas, thats cool. would be nice to have drag'n'drop support or a default HTML file input so you could drag the file onto the field.

Oh good call, didn't even occur to me

posted about 6 years ago
#1 - Hit sounds repository in Customization

Seeing as seems to be indefinitely down I've knocked up a new site. Here's the deal, you populate the website with hit sounds here

And I will make it look slightly less like the bootstrap default theme. Previews require an HTML5 browser, also preview doesn't work well in mobile browsers to protect data usage. I might figure out a workaround in the future.

There are only a couple of test sounds on there right now. There is also a like button so the cream may rise to the top, login to vote. If you encounter any bugs let me know.

For the hard of thinking the Steam login does not steal your soul or your password

Also I've read the idea of having other TF2 custom stuff in one place, although this wouldn't replace a specialised tool if there are other things you'd like to see aggregated here then let me know.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 Unlock voting project in Projects

Seeing as the whitelist is being discussed again I'll quickly summarise the other major 6v6 classes, although before that it's worth noting that the sandman is now allowed despite being one of the most unwanted scout unlocks above.


This is fairly clear, the Pain Train is universally approved of, the Half Zatoichi also slips into the top bracket of being allowed. The Panic Attack would be in a moderately relaxed whitelist, and the BASE Jumper and Reserve Shooter are banned in anything other than the most insane full unlock zealot's dreams.


In the top band of allowed unlocks we have Gunboats, Original, Escape Plan, Concheror, Black Box, and Equalizer, Buff Banner and Battalion's Backup just sneak in.
At level 2 Righteous Bison, Liberty Launcher, Market Gardener, Direct Hit and oddly Rocket Jumper also get in.
Although it's hard to see on the graph Man Treads slip into level 3 along with Air Strike and the Cow Mangler.
The only soldier unlocks that make level 4's depth of unpopularity are the Beggar's Bazooka and Disciplinary Action.

These are the other question scores for Soldier unlocks

As we can see being OP is largely meaningless for Soldier weapons and even being skillful doesn't mean a huge amount.


Demoman unlocks are actually pretty unpopular with only Iron Bomber making the top level. However they also attracted very low voting totals, it seems a lot of people just don't really care about demo.
At level 2 we have the Loose Cannon, Scottish Resistance, Wee Booties, Sticky Jumper and Caber. There seems to be quite a highlanderish tinge to some of these selections.
Level 3 adds Quickiebomb launcher, Skullcutter, and some other swords
Level 4 contains all the shields and the loch and load. Nobody wants to play against a demo knight.

It's a lacklustre set of scores. Few people seem to think the demo unlocks add much to the class, which is odd and probably partly a function of low voting totals. The voting is going to remain open forever (or while the website lives) so if you want to change these results just head on over.


The Kritzkrieg, Ubersaw and Overdose all make it comfortably into the top level of unlocks
At the 2nd level we have Vita-Saw, Blutsauger and Amputator
The crossbow has slipped into the 3rd level. It seems the nerfs were not enough to save it's reputation
In the 4th level of ban hell is the Solem Vow, Vaccinator and Quick-Fix

In the case of the medic being OP was actually an important banning factor, combined with a very strong feeling they add nothing at all to the game.

When I get the final off-classes processed I'll probably put together some example whitelists for comparison.

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Unlock voting project in Projects

OK fellow nerds, I have been crunching data. Before getting into unlock details I wanted to look at some general analysis, the total voting users is around 130 which is reasonable considering the competitive population, and voting volumes on each unlock varies but will be reflected by looking at confidence scores based on the deviation of scores and the number of them to within 95% confidence.

Looking at how scores across all unlocks correlate we can draw some interesting conclusions about what makes a good unlock. This table shows the correlation level between the different question scores, "StockBalScore" refers to whether an item is a direct upgrade on stock. Although I look at scout in detail below this table is for all classes

The deeper red shows that something is more strongly correlated. We can see that whether an item adds something to the game is the strongest association with whether an item should be allowed or not. Fun comes next, then whether it requires skill to use well or not. Being overpowered or being a direct upgrade on stock are negatively associated although the relationship is weak. Even so we can see that simply being powerful, being a direct ugprade over stock or even requiring a lot of skill to use aren't the major considerations whether something should be allowed. Essentially "balance" isn't that big a deal as long as an item fulfils other criteria.

Looking first at scout unlocks let's look at voting activity

The FaN has inflated figures because it was on the summary page. Other items attracted more votes on their own merit, the secondaries attracted the most interest, the Shotstop, Winget and Pocket Pistol all attracting over 40 votes. You can cross reference this against the confidence ranges below to see which ones might be broad because of low votes, and which because of voting variation.

Moving onto the "Should this item be allowed" votes

What we're looking at here are confidence ranges. What this means is that there's inherently some uncertainty about what the votes mean, so taking into account the deviation of votes and whether the number is low or high we show the quantifiable variation in sentiment. The further right the bar is the more people want to allow it.

Also added to the graph are 3 vertical blue dashed bars at 2, 3 and 4. These represent possible places you might draw thresholds if you were creating a whitelist based on these possibilities. So 4 or above might be a very restricted whitelist. Where a range straddles a line then you have to make a judgement about how much lies above or below the threshold.

The unlocks fall into the following groups:
Always allow: Boston Basher, Winger, Shortstop
Medium restrictions: Back Scatter, Son-on-a-stick, Fan O'War, Force-A-Nature, Baby Face's Blaster, Candy Cane
Low restrictions: Atomizer
Always ban: Wrap Assassin, Flying Guillotine, Sandman, Soda Popper, Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol, Bonk! Atomic Punch, Crit-a-Cola, Mad Milk

Boston Basher is the only unlock where every vote was the same: allow it.

The following are the scores for other elements of the scout unlock voting. These also have confidence considerations but the graphs to show them would take up a massive amount of space. This is colour coded red for higher scores, more fun, more OP, adds more to the game, takes more skill to use, and upgrades directly over stock.

I'll summarise some of the other classes when time allows

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Eleague Boston Major in CS2 General Discussion
SassyTheSasquatchJust a couple days away now, what are your thoughts on who you thinks going to win?

Simulated tournament results

posted about 6 years ago
#271 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

You can also use confidence intervals to calculate tighter or looser whitelist sets, I'll probably post at least summaries of that data at some point.

posted about 6 years ago
#245 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion will give VALVe actual knowledge to sift through.

If everyone just went here and voted I'd be able to get the confidence scores down far enough to give Valve a ton of completely objective empirical feedback, although "not something people care enough about to vote" is also information of a sort.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 TF2 balance discussion in The Dumpster

Go here and vote on the unlocks

posted about 6 years ago
#241 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
SnackIf TF2 means enjoying yourself then I would suggest boycotting any leagues running whitelists/rulesets you find unfun. All it takes to make a small league between yourselves is a challonge account and a google spreadsheet.

Global whitelist

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Unlock voting project in Projects

So far this is what the allow/ban voting looks like, it is a big image

The stuff right at the top with no bar is stuff I am sure people want in the game on the evidence. The stuff at the bottom is stuff I am currently sure nobody wants in the game on the evidence. Everything else is a range. 3 is the middle point, if more of the bar is above that point then there is more support for allowing it than banning it, if more is below that point then there is support for banning it rather than allowing it.

The wider the bar the less sure I am of how much people want it because there are very few votes or the votes are highly varied and don't form a coherent pattern. The widest are a combination of the two. More votes will help narrow these things down, but I can understand nobody giving a shit about the Neon Annihilator.

Sun on a stick getting big support is the obvious take away here

posted about 6 years ago
#225 December Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion

So who wants ESEA to give EU another shot?

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Unlock voting project in Projects

Don't worry #savetheAWP is working. Currently the 12th most supported unlock

posted about 6 years ago
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